1 | MrBayes |
2 | |
4 | MrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across |
5 | a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. MrBayes uses |
6 | Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the posterior |
7 | distribution of model parameters. |
8 | |
9 | The desciptions in this manual where copied from the official |
10 | MrBayes manual at LINK{http://mrbayes.sourceforge.net/manual.php} |
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14 | |
15 | Number of substitution types |
16 | |
17 | Sets the number of substitution types: |
18 | |
19 | - "1" constrains all of the rates to be the same (e.g., a JC69 or F81 model); |
20 | - "2" allows transitions and transversions to have potentially different rates |
21 | (e.g., a K80 or HKY85 model); |
22 | - "6" allows all rates to be different, subject to the constraint of |
23 | time-reversibility (e.g., a GTR model). |
24 | - Finally, 'nst' can be set to 'mixed', which results in the Markov |
25 | chain sampling over the space of all possible reversible |
26 | substitution models, including the GTR model and all models that |
27 | can be derived from it model by grouping the six rates in various |
28 | combinations. This includes all the named models above and a large |
29 | number of others, with or without name. |
30 | |
31 | Model for among-site rate variation |
32 | |
33 | Sets the model for among-site rate variation. |
34 | In general, the rate at a site is considered to be an unknown random |
35 | variable. The valid options are: |
36 | * No rate variation across sites. |
37 | * Gamma-distributed rates across sites. The rate |
38 | at a site is drawn from a gamma distribution. |
39 | The gamma distribution has a single parameter that |
40 | describes how much rates vary. |
41 | * Autocorrelated rates across sites. The marginal rate distribution |
42 | is gamma, but adjacent sites have correlated rates. |
43 | * A proportion of the sites are invariable. |
44 | * Mixed invariable/gamma: A proportion of the sites are invariable while |
45 | the rates for the remaining sites are drawn from a gamma distribution. |
46 | |
47 | Number of rate categories for the gamma distribution |
48 | |
49 | Sets the number of rate categories for the gamma distribution. |
50 | The gamma distribution is continuous. However, it is virtually |
51 | impossible to calculate likelihoods under the continuous gamma |
52 | distribution. Hence, an approximation to the continuous gamma is used; |
53 | the gamma distribution is broken into ncat categories of equal |
54 | weight (1/ncat). The mean rate for each category represents the |
55 | rate for the entire cateogry. This option allows you to specify |
56 | how many rate categories to use when approximating the gamma. |
57 | The approximation is better as ncat is increased. In practice, |
58 | "ncat=4" does a reasonable job of approximating the continuous gamma. |
59 | |
60 | Number of cycles for the MCMC algorithm |
61 | |
62 | This option sets the number of cycles for the MCMC algorithm. |
63 | This should be a big number as you want the chain to first reach |
64 | stationarity, and then remain there for enough time to take lots of samples. |
65 | |
66 | NOTE: the standalone version of MrBayes asks if you want to continue |
67 | the calculation after the number of cycles has been reached. |
68 | This does NOT happen when using the ARB version. If the number |
69 | of cycles has been reached the algorithm will terminate! |
70 | |
71 | Number of chains |
72 | |
73 | How many chains are run for each analysis for the MCMCMC variant. |
74 | The default is 4: 1 cold chain and 3 heated chains. |
75 | If Nchains is set to 1, MrBayes will use regular MCMC sampling, without heating. |
76 | |
77 | Temperature parameter for heating the chains |
78 | |
79 | The temperature parameter for heating the chains. The higher the |
80 | temperature, the more likely the heated chains are to move between |
81 | isolated peaks in the posterior distribution. However, excessive |
82 | heating may lead to very low acceptance rates for swaps between |
83 | different chains. Before changing the default setting, however, |
84 | note that the acceptance rates of swaps tend to fluctuate during |
85 | the burn-in phase of the run. |
86 | |
87 | Markov chain sample frequency |
88 | |
89 | This specifies how often the Markov chain is sampled. You can |
90 | sample the chain every cycle, but this results in very large |
91 | output files. Thinning the chain is a way of making these files |
92 | smaller and making the samples more independent. |
93 | |
94 | Fraction of samples that will be discarded |
95 | |
96 | Determines the fraction of samples that will be discarded when |
97 | convergence diagnostics are calculated. The value of this option |
98 | is only relevant when Relburnin is set to YES. Example: A value |
99 | for this option of 0.25 means that 25% of the samples will be discarded. |
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105 | LICENSE |
107 | Version 2, June 1991 |