1 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1}{Availability}{}% 1 |
2 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.2}{Authors}{}% 2 |
3 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.3}{Overview}{}% 3 |
4 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.4}{Bug report}{}% 4 |
5 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.5}{Installing PhyML}{}% 5 |
6 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.5.1}{Sources and compilation}{section.5}% 6 |
7 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.5.2}{Installing PhyML on UNIX-like systems \(including Mac OS\)}{section.5}% 7 |
8 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.5.3}{Installing PhyML on Microsoft Windows}{section.5}% 8 |
9 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.5.4}{Installing the parallel version of PhyML}{section.5}% 9 |
10 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.6}{Program usage.}{}% 10 |
11 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.6.1}{PHYLIP-like interface}{section.6}% 11 |
12 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.6.1.1}{Input Data sub-menu}{subsection.6.1}% 12 |
13 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.6.1.2}{Substitution model sub-menu}{subsection.6.1}% 13 |
14 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.6.1.3}{Tree searching sub-menu}{subsection.6.1}% 14 |
15 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.6.1.4}{Branch support sub-menu}{subsection.6.1}% 15 |
16 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.6.2}{Command-line interface}{section.6}% 16 |
17 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.6.3}{XML interface}{section.6}% 17 |
18 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.6.4}{Parallel bootstrap}{section.6}% 18 |
19 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.7}{Inputs \046 outputs for command-line and PHYLIP interface }{}% 19 |
20 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.1}{Sequence formats}{section.7}% 20 |
21 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.7.1.1}{Gaps and ambiguous characters}{subsection.7.1}% 21 |
22 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.7.1.2}{Specifying outgroup sequences}{subsection.7.1}% 22 |
23 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.2}{Tree format}{section.7}% 23 |
24 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.3}{Multiple alignments and trees}{section.7}% 24 |
25 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.4}{Custom amino-acid rate model}{section.7}% 25 |
26 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.5}{Topological constraint file}{section.7}% 26 |
27 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.6}{Output files}{section.7}% 27 |
28 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.7.7}{Treatment of invariable sites with fixed branch lengths}{section.7}% 28 |
29 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.8}{Inputs \046 outputs for the XML interface }{}% 29 |
30 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.1}{Mixture models in PhyML}{section.8}% 30 |
31 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.2}{Partitions}{section.8}% 31 |
32 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.3}{Combining mixture and partitions in PhyML: the theory}{section.8}% 32 |
33 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.4}{The XML format and its use in PhyML}{section.8}% 33 |
34 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.5}{Setting up mixture and partition models in PhyML: the basics}{section.8}% 34 |
35 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.6}{XML options}{section.8}% 35 |
36 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.1}{phyml component}{subsection.8.6}% 36 |
37 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.2}{topology component}{subsection.8.6}% 37 |
38 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.3}{ratematrices component}{subsection.8.6}% 38 |
39 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.4}{equfreqs component}{subsection.8.6}% 39 |
40 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.5}{branchlengths component}{subsection.8.6}% 40 |
41 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.6}{siterates component}{subsection.8.6}% 41 |
42 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.8.6.7}{partitionelem and mixtureelem components}{subsection.8.6}% 42 |
43 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.7}{A simple example: GTR + 4 + I}{section.8}% 43 |
44 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.8}{A second example: LG4X}{section.8}% 44 |
45 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.9}{An example with multiple partition elements}{section.8}% 45 |
46 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.8.10}{Branch lengths with invariants and partionned data}{section.8}% 46 |
47 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.9}{Citing PhyML}{}% 47 |
48 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.10}{Other programs in the PhyML package}{}% 48 |
49 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.10.1}{PhyTime}{section.10}% 49 |
50 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.1}{Installing PhyTime}{subsection.10.1}% 50 |
51 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.2}{Running PhyTime}{subsection.10.1}% 51 |
52 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.3}{Upper bounds of model parameters}{subsection.10.1}% 52 |
53 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.4}{PhyTime specific options}{subsection.10.1}% 53 |
54 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.5}{PhyTime output}{subsection.10.1}% 54 |
55 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.6}{ClockRate vs. EvolRate}{subsection.10.1}% 55 |
56 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.7}{Effective sample size}{subsection.10.1}% 56 |
57 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.8}{Prior distributions of model parameters}{subsection.10.1}% 57 |
58 | \BOOKMARK [3][-]{subsubsection.10.1.9}{Citing PhyTime}{subsection.10.1}% 58 |
59 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.11}{Recommendations on program usage}{}% 59 |
60 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.11.1}{PhyML}{section.11}% 60 |
61 | \BOOKMARK [2][-]{subsection.11.2}{PhyTime}{section.11}% 61 |
62 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.12}{Frequently asked questions}{}% 62 |
63 | \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.13}{Acknowledgements}{}% 63 |