Custom Query (264 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 264)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#804 replace using regular expressions refuses to replace "nothing" new devel defect critical
#812 synchronizing IDs may ressurrect zombies in trees assigned westram defect critical
#850 merge tool sometimes does not merge sequence data new devel defect critical
#32 Sequences with protection level >0 can be deleted in Search and Query new westram defect major
#39 Generating new name when importing sequences - additional fields ignored? new devel defect major
#59 crash when merging DBs with concatenated alignments new devel defect major
#86 undo after "destroy group" does not recover the group name; ARB crashes after a subsequent try to rename the group new devel defect major
#100 Sec_Edit shows no structure when alignment was expanded new westram defect major
#130 Add possibily to display tree horizontally flipped new devel enhancement major wishlist
#143 Database versioning new devel enhancement major
#159 Sec edit crashes when saving secondary structure new westram defect major
#162 ARB crashes when transferring species or SAIs if the amount of alignemnt position is extended new devel defect major
#164 No connection to name server possible if this has been started by someone else new devel enhancement major
#169 Feature Request: More Information in Message Boxes when problems with conflicting field types pop up new devel enhancement major
#186 Mess with Protection levels new westram defect major
#192 Nameserver not multiuser-capable new devel defect major
#217 Fix error handling in ARB new devel task major
#227 AISC cant handle strings longer than 1024 new devel task major
#235 replace Motif assigned epruesse task major
#253 inconsistent distance matrix export formats in ARB new devel enhancement major arb7.x
#258 Rewrite CSV import new devel enhancement major wishlist
#322 undefined pt server breaks assert (crash in DEBUG) new devel defect major
#352 Editing alignments extremely slow with large DB/tree new devel enhancement major
#412 Increase EDIT4 sequence search mismatch limit new devel defect major arb7.x
#414 Editor crash on right click into sequence area new devel defect major
#444 Topology comparison via tree display assigned westram umbrella major wishlist
#451 'Move groups..' changes root new devel defect major wishlist
#452 'remove species from tree' is broken new devel defect major
#480 undo "delete tree" crashes arb new devel defect major
#512 Optimize 'Move groups' for speed new devel optimization major wishlist
#554 provoking ARB fatal error does not cause termination new devel defect major arb7.x
#566 Add mark scripts via GDE assigned westram enhancement major arb7.x
#585 optimize database sequence compression new devel optimization major
#601 Adding Short Sequences to SILVA_NR_119 does not have reliable placement in tree assigned westram misbehavior major
#621 arb_export_rates crashes new devel defect major arb7.x
#622 raxml 'rapid bootstrap analysis' does not import bootstrap values new devel defect major arb7.x
#664 Problem DIsplay RNA3d new devel defect major
#675 message are not processed in reasonable time new devel defect major arb7.x
#706 Condensed tree view new devel enhancement major wishlist
#722 merge tool: shall warn about mismatch in alignment length assigned westram misbehavior major
#734 add high level function to update (new) tree from existing tree new devel enhancement major wishlist
#737 some unittest macros behave wrong (double eval fix) new westram defect major
#745 optionally word-wrap group names in tree display new enhancement major
#748 jump to species broken in IRS tree (again) new defect major
#749 species field 'group_name' breaks group/species identification new defect major
#755 probe match shall support more types of "weak matches" new devel enhancement major wishlist
#763 ACI-, SRT- and REG-expressions shall get precompiled assigned westram optimization major
#767 tree importer fails to handle numeric group-names new devel defect major
#774 allow custom node-IDs during tree-import _started westram enhancement major wishlist
#776 arb crashes after import of (specific) trees new devel defect major
#785 Tree modifications have uncontrolled impact on groups assigned westram defect major
#786 synchronizing IDs fails after importing the attached file assigned westram defect major
#787 tree export/import cannot handle node-comment which are no bootstraps new devel defect major
#792 Move "marked groups only" selects wrong groups new devel defect major
#795 secedit crashes on startup (OSX only) new devel defect major
#809 drop support for 32-bit-version new devel optimization major
#816 cleanup preinstalled import/export filters new devel task major
#817 add memory buttons to search & query new devel enhancement major
#821 embed clustal omega new devel task major wishlist
#822 arb_launcher fails to terminate w/o error state new devel issue major
#832 emphasize group name conventions _started westram task major
#844 ARB freezes upon using keyboard accepted westram defect major
#845 newick tree exporter shall allow to export 100% bootstraps _started westram misbehavior major
#857 Rejection of numeric groupnames aborts probably expensive calculations accepted westram defect major
#865 support "fuzzy match" to identify species when importing from calc sheet _started westram enhancement major
#12 PT server admin new westram defect normal
#29 probe match/design parameters new devel defect normal
#43 Deleting columns causes extra calculation. Why? new westram defect normal
#56 Layout changes new westram task normal
#61 Concatenated alignments new devel enhancement normal
#74 Remove menu poit Tools -> Network new devel enhancement normal
#83 Add information who add created/updated the PT-server new devel enhancement normal arb7.x
#97 Ctrl-cursor positions false new devel defect normal
#109 Crashes sometimes when selecting with right mouse new devel defect normal
#113 Allow to rename DB field new devel enhancement normal arb7.x
#120 Treenames used as keys new devel enhancement normal
#126 add faster checksum algorithm new devel enhancement normal
#128 Add PhyML bootstrap option to the ARB menu new devel enhancement normal
#170 Feature request: Missing compression button in ARB Neighbour Joining new devel enhancement normal arb7.x
#173 field conversion in merge tool new devel enhancement normal
#188 remove hardcoded limit in ACI new devel defect normal
#191 Some files in genbank format introduce multiple entries in DB field "nuc_nr" when imported with filter "genbank_silva.ift" new devel defect normal
#205 enhance multiprobing interface new devel enhancement normal
#206 multi selection boxes new devel enhancement normal
#207 bootstrap transfer new devel enhancement normal
#208 Filter RAxML output new devel defect normal
#210 auto-sense submenus assigned epruesse enhancement normal
#212 Feature request: Search next relatives of Listed Species new devel enhancement normal arb7.x
#229 sequence import number not reset new devel defect normal
#240 redesign query and dbScanner new westram enhancement normal
#245 ARB Genbank export for nucleotides new devel defect normal
#250 import/export for secondary structures new devel task normal
#252 Create species from consensus fails under certain conditions new devel defect normal
#254 fold/unfold all groups in edit4 new devel enhancement normal arb7.x
#255 PHYML bootstrap value bug new devel defect normal
#256 Fix multiple tree view new devel misbehavior normal arb7.x
#257 Horizontal Split-View in ED4 new devel enhancement normal
#260 built PT server from marked new devel enhancement normal
#262 Simplify resolving field-type conflicts new devel enhancement normal
#265 Enforce alignment adaption in merge tool new westram enhancement normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.