Opened 18 years ago
Last modified 15 years ago
#59 new defect
crash when merging DBs with concatenated alignments
Reported by: | westram | Owned by: | devel |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | |
Component: | ARB_NTREE | Version: | SVN |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description (last modified by westram)
.. konkatenierte Datenbanken abzugleichen.
Beim merge versuch von
- pop:/pop1/wl/prot/core_genes_final.arb und
- pop:/pop1/wl/prot/core_sc_wl.arb
kommts zu Absturz (s. u.). Liegt wohl an den konkatenierten acc- Einträgen (TOO LONG). Ist nicht dringend, hab das Problem durch Kürzen der Einträge gelöst. Seltsam erscheint mir nur, dass 'generate new names' mit den einzelnen Datenbanken ohne Fehlermeldung durchläuft…
wl/prot> arb Using ARBHOME='/usr/arb' Please wait while the program ARB is starting ..... wl/prot> ARB: Loading '.arb_prop/ntree.arb' ARB: Loading '/usrdat/wl/ludwig/.arb_prop/ntree.arb' done Font size 16 not found, using larger 17 point ARB: Loading '/pop1/wl/prot/core_genes_final.arb' ARB: no FastLoad File '/pop1/wl/prot/core_genes_final.ARM' found: loading entire database ARB: Loading '/pop1/wl/prot/core_genes_final.arb' done ARB: Loading '/pop1/wl/prot/core_sc_wl.arb' ARB: no FastLoad File '/pop1/wl/prot/core_sc_wl.ARM' found: loading entire database ARB: Loading '/pop1/wl/prot/core_sc_wl.arb' done No changes to ARB_name_server data. AISC_SET_ERROR: ARG 8: STRING '{HbcS2092} {HbcS2076} ARB_GENE_B3B1E28D {HbcS2084} ARB_GENE_3E380EF3 {HbcS2087} ARB_GENE_1D5595FE {HbcS2089} ARB_GENE_14EB7263 {HbcS2081} ARB_GENE_A02CDEED {HbcS2082} ARB_GENE_FF378486 {HbcS2079} ARB_GENE_49299F89 {HbcS2080} ARB_GENE_FBCF682F {HbcS2091} ARB_GENE_6F4460B0 {HbcS2078} ARB_GENE_13E7090 {HbcS2088} ARB_GENE_2B9F2F92 {HbcSal15} ARB_GENE_3F211381 {HbcS2086} ARB_GENE_8B7BC3D {HbcS2085} ARB_GENE_B10A341D {HbcS2090} ARB_GENE_3127F007 {HbcS2077} ARB_GENE_A7AF972C {HbcS2094} ARB_GENE_6CF4BA06 {HbcS2095} {HbcS2092} {HbcS2076} ARB_GENE_B3B1E28D {HbcS2084} ARB_GENE_3E380EF3 {HbcS2087} ARB_GENE_1D5595FE {HbcS2089} ARB_GENE_14EB7263 {HbcS2081} ARB_GENE_A02CDEED {HbcS2082} ARB_GENE_FF378486 {HbcS2079} ARB_GENE_49299F89 {HbcS2080} ARB_GENE_FBCF682F {HbcS2091} ARB_GENE_6F4460B0 {HbcS2078} ARB_GENE_13E7090 {HbcS2088} ARB_GENE_2B9F2F92 {HbcSal15} ARB_GENE_3F211381 {HbcS2086} ARB_GENE_8B7BC3D {HbcS2085} ARB_GENE_B10A341D {HbcS2090} ARB_GENE_3127F007 {HbcS2077} ARB_GENE_A7AF972C {HbcS2093} ARB_GENE_1D54E494 {HbcS2093} ARB_GENE_1D54E494' TOO LONG No changes to ARB_name_server data. /usr/arb/bin/arb: line 138: 10250 Segmentation fault arb_ntree $args ARB done
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