source: branches/alilink/GDE/PHYML20130708/phyml/src/rates.h

Last change on this file was 10307, checked in by aboeckma, 12 years ago

added most recent version of phyml

File size: 10.3 KB
3PhyML:  a program that  computes maximum likelihood phylogenies from
4DNA or AA homologous sequences.
6Copyright (C) Stephane Guindon. Oct 2003 onward.
8All parts of the source except where indicated are distributed under
9the GNU public licence. See for details.
13#include <config.h>
15#ifndef RATES_H
16#define RATES_H
18#include "utilities.h"
19#include "spr.h"
20#include "lk.h"
21#include "optimiz.h"
22#include "bionj.h"
23#include "models.h"
24#include "free.h"
25#include "help.h"
26#include "simu.h"
27#include "eigen.h"
28#include "pars.h"
29#include "alrt.h"
30#include "time.h"
31#include "m4.h"
32#include "draw.h"
33#include "mcmc.h"
34#include "stats.h"
36void RATES_Monte_Carlo_Mean_Rates(t_tree *tree);
37void RATES_Monte_Carlo_Mean_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, phydbl curr_rate, t_tree *tree);
38void RATES_Print_Rates(t_tree *tree);
39void RATES_Print_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
40t_rate *RATES_Make_Rate_Struct(int n_otu);
41void RATES_Init_Rate_Struct(t_rate *rates, t_rate *existing_rates, int n_otu);
42void RATES_Classify_Branches(t_tree *tree);
43void RATES_Adjust_Rates(t_tree *tree);
44void RATES_Adjust_Rates_Local_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
45void RATES_Adjust_Rates_Local(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b1, t_tree *tree);
46void RATES_Record_T(t_tree *tree);
47void RATES_Restore_T(t_tree *tree);
48void RATES_Monte_Carlo_Mean_Rates_Core(phydbl t_lim_sup, phydbl t_lim_inf, phydbl *curr_rate, phydbl *mean_rate, phydbl lexp, phydbl alpha);
49phydbl RATES_Lk_Rates(t_tree *tree);
50void RATES_Lk_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
51void RATES_Fill_Node_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, phydbl *node_r, t_tree *tree);
52void RATES_Fill_Node_Rates(phydbl *node_r, t_tree *tree);
53void RATES_Optimize_Node_Times_Serie_Fixed_Br_Len(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_tree *tree);
54void RATES_Optimize_Lexp(t_tree *tree);
55void RATES_Round_Optimize(t_tree *tree);
56void RATES_Optimize_Lexp(t_tree *tree);
57void RATES_Optimize_Alpha(t_tree *tree);
58phydbl RATES_Dmu(phydbl mu, int n_jumps, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp, int min_n, int jps_dens);
59phydbl RATES_Dr_X_Dx(phydbl r, phydbl mu, phydbl y, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
60phydbl RATES_Dmu_Given_Y_Trpzd(phydbl mu, phydbl y, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp, 
61                               int nsteps, phydbl beg, phydbl end, phydbl prevs);
62phydbl RATES_Dmu_Given_Y_Std(phydbl mu, phydbl y, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
63phydbl RATES_Dmu_Given_Y_Romb(phydbl mu, phydbl y, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
64phydbl RATES_Dmu_Given_Y(phydbl mu, phydbl y, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
65phydbl RATES_Dy_Given_Mu(phydbl mu, phydbl y, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
66phydbl RATES_Dmu2_Given_Y_X_Dy_Given_Mu1(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl y, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
67phydbl RATES_Dmu2_Given_Mu1_Trpz(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp,
68                                 int nsteps, phydbl beg, phydbl end, phydbl prevs);
69phydbl RATES_Dmu2_And_Mu1(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
70phydbl RATES_Dmu2_Given_Mu1(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
71phydbl RATES_Dmu2_Given_Mu1_Romb(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
72void RATES_Random_Branch_Lengths(t_tree *tree);
73void RATES_Bracket_N_Jumps(int *up, int *down, phydbl param);
74void RATES_Set_Node_Times(t_tree *tree);
75void RATES_Set_Node_Times_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_tree *tree);
76void RATES_Optimize_Node_Times(t_tree *tree);
77phydbl RATES_Exp_Y(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl lexp);
78phydbl RATES_Dmu2_Given_Mu1_Bis(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl alpha, phydbl beta, phydbl lexp);
79void RATES_Replace_Br_Lengths_By_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
80void RATES_Replace_Br_Lengths_By_Rates(t_tree *tree);
82void RATES_Get_Mean_Rates(t_tree *tree);
83void RATES_Get_Mean_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, phydbl r_a, t_tree *tree);
84void RATES_Expect_Number_Subst(phydbl t_beg, phydbl t_end, phydbl r_beg,  int *n_jumps, phydbl *mean_r, phydbl *r_end, t_rate *rates, t_tree *tree);
85void RATES_Optimize_Clock_Rate(t_tree *tree);
86phydbl RATES_Dmu1_Given_Lbda_And_Mu2(phydbl lbda, phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl alpha, phydbl beta);
87phydbl RATES_Dmu1_And_Mu2_One_Jump_Trpz(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl a, phydbl b,
88                                          int nsteps, phydbl beg, phydbl end, phydbl prevs);
89phydbl RATES_Dmu1_And_Mu2_One_Jump_One_Interval(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl a, phydbl b);
90phydbl RATES_Dmu1_And_Mu2_One_Jump_Two_Intervals(phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl a, phydbl b);
92phydbl RATES_Dmu1_And_Mu2_One_Jump_Old(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl a, phydbl b);
94phydbl RATES_Dmu2_And_Min_N_Given_Mu1(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, int n_min, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
95phydbl RATES_Dmu2_And_Mu1_Given_N(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, int n, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
96phydbl RATES_Lk_Rates_Core(phydbl br_r_a, phydbl br_r_d, phydbl nd_r_a, phydbl nd_r_d, int n_a, int n_d, phydbl dt_a, phydbl dt_d, t_tree *tree);
97void RATES_Init_Triplets(t_tree *tree);
98phydbl RATES_Lk_Change_One_Time(t_node *n, phydbl new_t, t_tree *tree);
99void RATES_Update_Triplet(t_node *n, t_tree *tree);
100void RATES_Print_Triplets(t_tree *tree);
101phydbl RATES_Lk_Change_One_Rate(t_node *d, phydbl new_rate, t_tree *tree);
102phydbl RATES_Dmu2_And_Mu1_Given_Min_N(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, int n_min, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
103phydbl RATES_Dmu2_And_Mu1_Given_N_Normal(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, int n, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
104phydbl RATES_Coeff_Corr(phydbl alpha, phydbl beta, int n1, int n2);
105phydbl RATES_Dmu2_And_Mu1_Given_N_Full(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, int n, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
106phydbl RATES_Dmu1_Given_V_And_N(phydbl mu1, phydbl v, int n, phydbl dt1, phydbl a, phydbl b);
107phydbl RATES_Yule(t_tree *tree);
108phydbl RATES_Check_Mean_Rates(t_tree *tree);
109void RATES_Check_Mean_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, phydbl *sum, t_tree *tree);
110void RATES_Discretize_Rates(t_tree *tree);
111void RATES_Discretize_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
112phydbl RATES_Dmu_Given_V_And_MinN(phydbl mu, phydbl dt, phydbl v, int minn, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
113phydbl RATES_Dmu_One(phydbl mu, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp);
114phydbl RATES_Compound_Core(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, int n1, int n2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl alpha, phydbl beta, phydbl lexp, phydbl eps, int approx);
115void RATES_Record_Rates(t_tree *tree);
116void RATES_Reset_Rates(t_tree *tree);
117void RATES_Record_Times(t_tree *tree);
118void RATES_Reset_Times(t_tree *tree);
119void RATES_Update_T_Rates_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_tree *tree);
120void RATES_Update_T_Rates(t_tree *tree);
121void RATES_Get_Rates_From_Bl(t_tree *tree);
122phydbl RATES_Compound_Core_Joint(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, int n1, int n2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, 
123                                 phydbl alpha, phydbl beta, phydbl lexp, phydbl eps, int approx);
124phydbl RATES_Dmu_Joint(phydbl mu, int n, phydbl dt, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl lexp, int min_n);
125phydbl RATES_Compound_Core_Marginal(phydbl mu1, phydbl mu2, phydbl dt1, phydbl dt2, phydbl alpha, 
126                                    phydbl beta, phydbl lexp, phydbl eps, int approx);
127phydbl RATES_Lk_Jumps(t_tree *tree);
128void RATES_Posterior_Rates(t_tree *tree);
129void RATES_Posterior_One_Rate(t_node *a, t_node *d, int traversal, t_tree *tree);
130void RATES_Free_Rates(t_rate *rates);
131void RATES_Initialize_True_Rates(t_tree *tree);
132void RATES_Posterior_Times(t_tree *tree);
133void RATES_Posterior_One_Time(t_node *a, t_node *d, int traversal, t_tree *tree);
134void RATES_Update_Cur_Bl(t_tree *tree);
135void RATES_Update_Cur_Bl_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
136void RATES_Get_Cov_Matrix_Rooted(phydbl *unroot_cov, t_tree *tree);
137void RATES_Get_Cov_Matrix_Rooted_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, phydbl *cov, t_tree *tree);
138void RATES_Bl_To_Ml(t_tree *tree);
139void RATES_Bl_To_Ml_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
140int RATES_Check_Node_Times(t_tree *tree);
141void RATES_Check_Node_Times_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, int *err, t_tree *tree);
142void RATES_Covariance_Mu(t_tree *tree);
143void RATES_Variance_Mu_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_tree *tree);
144void RATES_Fill_Lca_Table(t_tree *tree);
145void RATES_Posterior_Clock_Rate(t_tree *tree);
146void RATES_Get_Conditional_Variances(t_tree *tree);
147void RATES_Get_All_Reg_Coeff(t_tree *tree);
148void RATES_Posterior_Time_Root(t_tree *tree);
149void RATES_Get_Trip_Conditional_Variances(t_tree *tree);
150void RATES_Get_All_Trip_Reg_Coeff(t_tree *tree);
151void RATES_Check_Lk_Rates(t_tree *tree, int *err);
152phydbl RATES_Expected_Tree_Length(t_tree *tree);
153void RATES_Expected_Tree_Length_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, phydbl eranc, phydbl *mean, int *n, t_tree *tree);
154void RATES_Normalise_Rates(t_tree *tree);
155phydbl RATES_Check_Mean_Rates_True(t_tree *tree);
156phydbl RATES_Find_Min_Dt_Bisec(phydbl r0, phydbl r1, phydbl t0, phydbl t1, phydbl nu, phydbl threshp, int inf);
157phydbl RATES_Find_Max_Dt_Bisec(phydbl r0, phydbl r1, phydbl t0, phydbl t1, phydbl nu, phydbl threshp, int inf);
158void RATES_Min_Max_Interval(phydbl u0, phydbl u1, phydbl u2, phydbl u3, phydbl t0, phydbl t2, phydbl t3, 
159                            phydbl *t_min, phydbl *t_max, phydbl nu, phydbl p_thresh, t_tree *tree);
162phydbl RATES_Get_Correction_Factor(phydbl mode, phydbl sd, int *err, t_tree *tree);
163phydbl RATES_Average_Substitution_Rate(t_tree *tree);
164void RATES_Update_Norm_Fact(t_tree *tree);
165void RATES_Update_Mean_Br_Len(int iter, t_tree *tree);
166void RATES_Update_Cov_Br_Len(int iter, t_tree *tree);
167void RATES_Set_Mean_L(t_tree *tree);
168void RATES_Fill_All_Param(t_rate *rate, t_tree *tree);
169void RATES_Record_Rates(t_tree *tree);
170void RATES_Reset_Rates(t_tree *tree);
171phydbl RATES_Average_Rate(t_tree *tree);
172void RATES_Set_Clock_And_Nu_Max(t_tree *tree);
173void RATES_Write_Mean_R_On_Edge_Label(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
174phydbl RATES_Lk_Linreg(t_tree *tree);
175phydbl RATES_Get_Mean_Rate_In_Subtree(t_node *root, t_tree *tree);
176void RATES_Get_Mean_Rate_In_Subtree_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, phydbl *sum, int *n, t_tree *tree);
177char *RATES_Get_Model_Name(int model);
178void RATES_Get_Survival_Ranks(t_tree *tree);
179void RATES_Bl_To_Bl(t_tree *tree);
180void RATES_Bl_To_Bl_Pre(t_node *a, t_node *d, t_edge *b, t_tree *tree);
181void RATES_Set_Birth_Rate_Boundaries(t_tree *tree);
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