1 | #!/usr/bin/perl |
2 | # =============================================================== # |
3 | # # |
4 | # File : raxml2arb.pl # |
5 | # Purpose : Import XX best of YY calculated raxml trees into # |
6 | # ARB and generate comment containing likelihood # |
7 | # and content of info file # |
8 | # # |
9 | # Coded by Ralf Westram (coder@reallysoft.de) in March 2008 # |
10 | # Institute of Microbiology (Technical University Munich) # |
11 | # http://www.arb-home.de/ # |
12 | # # |
13 | # =============================================================== # |
14 | |
15 | use strict; |
16 | use warnings; |
17 | |
18 | my $MODE_NORMAL = 0; |
19 | my $MODE_BOOTSTRAPPED = 1; |
20 | my $MODE_OPTIMIZED = 2; |
21 | |
22 | sub arb_message($) { |
23 | my ($msg) = @_; |
24 | print "Message: $msg\n"; |
25 | system("arb_message \"$msg\""); |
26 | } |
27 | |
28 | sub error($) { |
29 | my ($msg) = @_; |
30 | if ($msg =~ /at.*\.pl/o) { |
31 | my ($pe,$loc) = ($`,$&.$'); |
32 | chomp $loc; |
33 | $msg = $pe."\n(".$loc.")\nPlease check console for additional error reasons"; |
34 | } |
35 | arb_message($msg); |
36 | die $msg; |
37 | } |
38 | |
39 | my $loaded_log = undef; |
40 | my @log = (); |
41 | |
42 | sub loadLog($) { |
43 | my ($log) = @_; |
44 | if (defined $loaded_log) { |
45 | if ($log ne $loaded_log) { |
46 | $loaded_log = undef; |
47 | @log = (); |
48 | } |
49 | } |
50 | if (not defined $loaded_log) { |
51 | open(LOG,'<'.$log) || die "can't load '$log' (Reason: $!)"; |
52 | my $line; |
53 | while (defined($line=<LOG>)) { |
54 | chomp($line); |
55 | push @log, $line; |
56 | } |
57 | close(LOG); |
58 | } |
59 | } |
60 | |
61 | sub firstLogLineMatching($$) { |
62 | my ($log,$regexp) = @_; |
63 | loadLog($log); |
64 | foreach my $line (@log) { |
65 | if ($line =~ $regexp) { return ($line,$1); } |
66 | } |
67 | return (undef,undef); |
68 | } |
69 | |
70 | sub raxml_filename($$$) { |
71 | my ($type,$name,$run) = @_; |
72 | my $fname = 'RAxML_'.$type.'.'.$name; |
73 | if (defined $run) { $fname .= '.RUN.'.$run; } |
74 | return $fname; |
75 | } |
76 | |
77 | sub someWhat($$) { |
78 | my ($count,$what) = @_; |
79 | if ($count==1) { return '1 '.$what; } |
80 | return $count.' '.$what.'s'; |
81 | } |
82 | |
83 | my @splitted_trees = (); |
84 | |
85 | sub split_treefile($$$) { |
86 | my ($in,$out,$treesExpected) = @_; |
87 | @splitted_trees = (); |
88 | my $outcount = 0; |
89 | open(IN,'<'.$in) || die "can't read '$in' (Reason: $!)"; |
90 | my $line; |
91 | while (defined($line=<IN>)) { |
92 | if ($line =~ /\(/o) { |
93 | my $outname = "$out.$outcount"; $outcount++; |
94 | open(OUT,'>'.$outname) || die "can't write '$outname' (Reason: $!)"; |
95 | print OUT $line; |
96 | close(OUT); |
97 | push @splitted_trees, $outname; |
98 | } |
99 | else { |
100 | print "Unexpected line in '$in':\n"; |
101 | print $line; |
102 | } |
103 | } |
104 | close(IN); |
105 | my $treesFound = scalar(@splitted_trees); |
106 | if ($treesFound!=$treesExpected) { |
107 | die "Failed to split '$in' into single treefiles\n". |
108 | "(expected to find $treesExpected trees, found $treesFound)"; |
109 | } |
110 | } |
111 | |
112 | sub treeInfo_normal($$) { |
113 | my ($name,$run) = @_; |
114 | |
115 | my $result = raxml_filename('result',$name,$run); |
116 | my $bipartitions = raxml_filename('bipartitions',$name,$run); |
117 | my $parsimony = raxml_filename('parsimonyTree',$name,$run); |
118 | my $log = raxml_filename('log',$name,$run); |
119 | |
120 | if (not -f $result) { # no result tree, try bipartitions or parsimonyTree |
121 | if (-f $bipartitions) { return ($bipartitions,'unknown'); } |
122 | if (-f $parsimony) { return ($parsimony,'unknown'); } |
123 | } |
124 | |
125 | my ($line) = firstLogLineMatching($log,qr/./); # first non-empty line |
126 | if (not $line =~ / (.*)$/o) { |
127 | die "can't parse likelihood from '$log'"; |
128 | } |
129 | |
130 | my $likelihood = $1; |
131 | return ($result,$likelihood); |
132 | } |
133 | |
134 | sub treeInfo_bootstrapped($$) { |
135 | my ($name,$run) = @_; |
136 | |
137 | my $info = raxml_filename('info',$name,undef); |
138 | if (defined $run) { |
139 | my $treeCount = scalar(@splitted_trees); |
140 | if ($run>=$treeCount) { |
141 | die "Invalid run number $run - has to be in [0 .. ".($treeCount-1)."]"; |
142 | } |
143 | my ($line,$likelihood) = firstLogLineMatching($info,qr/^Bootstrap\[$run\]:\s.*\slikelihood\s+([^\s,]+),/); |
144 | if (not defined $likelihood) { |
145 | die "Failed to parse likelihood for 'Bootstrap[$run]' from '$info'"; |
146 | } |
147 | return ($splitted_trees[$run],$likelihood); |
148 | } |
149 | else { |
150 | my $bestTree = raxml_filename('bipartitions',$name,undef); |
151 | my ($line,$likelihood) = firstLogLineMatching($info,qr/^Final ML Optimization Likelihood:\s+(.*)$/); |
152 | if (not defined $likelihood) { |
153 | arb_message("Failed to extract final likelihood from '$info'"); |
154 | $likelihood = 'unknown'; |
155 | } |
156 | return ($bestTree,$likelihood); |
157 | } |
158 | } |
159 | |
160 | |
161 | |
162 | sub treeInfo($$$) { |
163 | my ($mode,$name,$run) = @_; |
164 | |
165 | if ($mode==$MODE_BOOTSTRAPPED) { return treeInfo_bootstrapped($name,$run); } |
166 | if ($mode==$MODE_NORMAL or $mode==$MODE_OPTIMIZED) { return treeInfo_normal($name,$run); } |
167 | |
168 | die "Unhandled mode '$mode'"; |
169 | } |
170 | |
171 | sub findTrees($$$$\%) { |
172 | my ($name,$mode,$runs,$take,$likelihood_r) = @_; |
173 | |
174 | %$likelihood_r = (); |
175 | |
176 | my $singleTree = 0; |
177 | if ($mode==$MODE_NORMAL) { if ($runs==1) { $singleTree = 1; } } |
178 | elsif ($mode==$MODE_BOOTSTRAPPED) { |
179 | if ($take==1) { $singleTree = 1; } |
180 | else { arb_message("Note: to import raxml bootstrap tree, set 'Select ## best trees' to '1'"); } |
181 | } |
182 | elsif ($mode==$MODE_OPTIMIZED) { $singleTree = 1; } |
183 | else { die; } |
184 | |
185 | if ($singleTree==1) { |
186 | my ($tree,$likely) = treeInfo($mode,$name,undef); |
187 | $$likelihood_r{$tree} = $likely; |
188 | } |
189 | else { |
190 | if ($mode==$MODE_BOOTSTRAPPED) { |
191 | my $raxml_out = raxml_filename('bootstrap',$name,undef); |
192 | split_treefile($raxml_out, 'raxml2arb.tree',$runs); |
193 | print "Splitted '$raxml_out' into ".scalar(@splitted_trees)." treefiles\n"; |
194 | } |
195 | for (my $r = 0; $r<$runs; $r++) { |
196 | my ($tree,$likely) = treeInfo($mode,$name,$r); |
197 | $$likelihood_r{$tree} = $likely; |
198 | } |
199 | } |
200 | } |
201 | |
202 | sub main() { |
203 | eval { |
204 | my $args = scalar(@ARGV); |
205 | |
206 | if ($args != 6) { |
207 | die "Usage: raxml2arb.pl RUNNAME NUMBEROFRUNS [normal|bootstrapped|optimized] TAKETREES [import|consense] \"COMMENT\"\n". |
208 | " import: Import the best TAKETREES trees of NUMBEROFRUNS generated trees into ARB\n". |
209 | " consense: Create and import consensus tree of best TAKETREES trees of NUMBEROFRUNS generated trees\n"; |
210 | } |
211 | |
213 | |
214 | if ($NUMBEROFRUNS<1) { die "NUMBEROFRUNS has to be 1 or higher (NUMBEROFRUNS=$NUMBEROFRUNS)"; } |
215 | |
216 | my %likelihood = (); # key=treefile, value=likelihood |
217 | my @treesToTake = (); # treefiles |
218 | |
219 | my $mode = $MODE_NORMAL; |
220 | if ($MODE eq 'bootstrapped') { $mode = $MODE_BOOTSTRAPPED; } |
221 | elsif ($MODE eq 'optimized') { $mode = $MODE_OPTIMIZED; } |
222 | elsif ($MODE ne 'normal') { die "Unexpected mode '$MODE' (accepted: 'normal', 'bootstrapped', 'optimized')"; } |
223 | |
224 | my $calc_consense = 0; |
225 | if ($CONSENSE eq 'consense') { $calc_consense = 1; } |
226 | elsif ($CONSENSE ne 'import') { die "Unknown value '$CONSENSE' (expected 'import' or 'consense')"; } |
227 | |
228 | findTrees($RUNNAME,$mode,$NUMBEROFRUNS,$TAKETREES,%likelihood); |
229 | |
230 | my $createdTrees = scalar(keys %likelihood); |
231 | print "Found ".someWhat($createdTrees,'tree').":\n"; |
232 | |
233 | if ($TAKETREES > $createdTrees) { |
234 | arb_message("Cant take more trees (=$TAKETREES) than calculated (=$createdTrees) .. using all"); |
235 | $TAKETREES = $createdTrees; |
236 | } |
237 | |
238 | my @sortedTrees = sort { $likelihood{$b} <=> $likelihood{$a}; } keys %likelihood; |
239 | foreach (@sortedTrees) { print " $_ = ".$likelihood{$_}."\n"; } |
240 | |
241 | @treesToTake = splice(@sortedTrees,0,$TAKETREES); |
242 | |
243 | my $treesToTake = scalar(@treesToTake); |
244 | if ($treesToTake==0) { die "failed to detect RAxML output trees"; } |
245 | |
246 | if ($calc_consense and $treesToTake<2) { |
247 | arb_message("Need to take at least 2 trees to create a consensus tree - importing.."); |
248 | $calc_consense = 0; |
249 | } |
250 | |
251 | my $treename = 'tree_RAxML_'.$$; |
252 | my $infofile = 'RAxML_info.'.$RUNNAME; |
253 | |
254 | if ($calc_consense==0) { |
255 | print 'Importing '.someWhat($treesToTake,'tree').":\n"; |
256 | my $count = undef; |
257 | if ($treesToTake>1) { $count = 1; } |
258 | |
259 | foreach (@treesToTake) { |
260 | print " $_ = ".$likelihood{$_}."\n"; |
261 | my $currTreename = $treename; |
262 | if (defined $count) { |
263 | $currTreename .= '_'.$count; |
264 | $count++; |
265 | } |
266 | my $command = 'arb_read_tree '.$currTreename.' '.$_.' "'.$COMMENT."\n".'likelihood='.$likelihood{$_}.'"'; |
267 | if (-f $infofile) { $command .= ' -commentFromFile '.$infofile; } |
268 | |
269 | system($command)==0 || die "can't execute '$command' (Reason: $?)"; |
270 | } |
271 | } |
272 | else { # calc consense tree |
273 | my $minLH = undef; |
274 | my $maxLH = undef; |
275 | my $meanLH = 0; |
276 | |
277 | print 'Consensing '.someWhat($treesToTake,'tree').":\n"; |
278 | open(INTREE,'>intree') || die "can't write 'intree' (Reason: $!)"; |
279 | foreach (@treesToTake) { |
280 | my $LH = $likelihood{$_}; |
281 | print " $_ = $LH\n"; |
282 | if (not defined $minLH) { |
283 | $minLH = $maxLH = $LH; |
284 | } |
285 | else { |
286 | if ($LH < $minLH) { $minLH = $LH; } |
287 | if ($LH > $maxLH) { $maxLH = $LH; } |
288 | } |
289 | $meanLH += $LH; |
290 | |
291 | open(RAXMLTREE,'<'.$_) || die "can't read '$_' (Reason: $!)"; |
292 | foreach (<RAXMLTREE>) { |
293 | print INTREE $_; |
294 | } |
295 | close(RAXMLTREE); |
296 | print INTREE "\n"; |
297 | } |
298 | close(INTREE); |
299 | |
300 | $meanLH /= $treesToTake; |
301 | |
302 | my $command = 'arb_echo y | consense'; |
303 | system($command)==0 || die "can't execute '$command' (Reason: $?)"; |
304 | |
305 | if (not -f 'outtree') { |
306 | die "Consense failed (no 'outtree' generated)"; |
307 | } |
308 | |
309 | my $comment = "$COMMENT\nConsensus tree of $treesToTake trees\nLikelihood: min=$minLH mean=$meanLH max=$maxLH"; |
310 | $command = 'arb_read_tree -consense '.$treesToTake.' '.$treename.' outtree "'.$comment.'"'; |
311 | if (-f $infofile) { $command .= ' -commentFromFile '.$infofile; } |
312 | system($command)==0 || die "can't execute '$command' (Reason: $?)"; |
313 | } |
314 | }; |
315 | if ($@) { error($@); } |
316 | } |
317 | main(); |