1 | #!/usr/bin/perl |
2 | |
3 | use strict; |
4 | use warnings; |
5 | |
6 | my $ARBHOME = $ENV{ARBHOME}; |
7 | die "ARBHOME has to be defined" if not defined $ARBHOME; |
8 | die "ARBHOME has specify a directory (ARBHOME='$ARBHOME')" if not -d $ARBHOME; |
9 | |
10 | my %svn_info = (); |
11 | |
12 | sub retrieve_svn_info() { |
13 | %svn_info = (); |
14 | my $cmd = "(cd '$ARBHOME'; svn info)"; |
15 | open(INFO,$cmd.'|') || die "failed to fork '$cmd' (Reason: $!)"; |
16 | foreach (<INFO>) { |
17 | chomp; |
18 | if (/^Repository\sRoot:\s+/o) { $svn_info{ROOT} = $'; } |
19 | elsif (/^Revision:\s+/o) { $svn_info{REVISION} = $'; } |
20 | elsif (/^URL:\s+/o) { $svn_info{URL} = $'; } |
21 | # else { print "info='$_'\n"; } |
22 | } |
23 | close(INFO) || die "failed to execute '$cmd' (Reason: $!)"; |
24 | |
25 | if (not defined $svn_info{ROOT}) { die "Failed to detect SVN root"; } |
26 | |
27 | { |
28 | my $rootlen = length($svn_info{ROOT}); |
29 | my $prefix = substr($svn_info{URL},0,$rootlen); |
30 | my $suffix = substr($svn_info{URL},$rootlen+1); |
31 | if ($prefix ne $svn_info{ROOT}) { |
32 | die "prefix!=ROOT ('$prefix' != '".$svn_info{ROOT}."')"; |
33 | } |
34 | $svn_info{SUB} = $suffix; |
35 | } |
36 | |
37 | print "-------------------- [WC info]\n"; |
38 | foreach (sort keys %svn_info) { print "$_='".$svn_info{$_}."'\n"; } |
39 | print "--------------------\n"; |
40 | } |
41 | |
42 | sub getArbVersion() { |
43 | my ($tag,$version) = (undef,undef); |
44 | eval { |
45 | my $arb_build = $ARBHOME.'/TEMPLATES/arb_build.h'; |
46 | my $version_info = $ARBHOME.'/SOURCE_TOOLS/version_info'; |
47 | |
48 | die "missing expected file '$arb_build'" if not -f $arb_build; |
49 | die "missing expected file '$version_info'" if not -f $version_info; |
50 | |
51 | open(BUILD,'<'.$arb_build) || die "can't read '$arb_build' (Reason: $!)"; |
52 | foreach (<BUILD>) { |
53 | if (/define\s+ARB_VERSION\s+"(.*)"/o) { $tag = $1; } |
54 | } |
55 | close(BUILD); |
56 | |
57 | { |
58 | my ($minor,$major) = (undef,undef); |
59 | open(VERSION,'<'.$version_info) || die "can't read '$version_info' (Reason: $!)"; |
60 | foreach (<VERSION>) { |
61 | if (/^MINOR=([0-9]+)$/o) { $minor = $1; } |
62 | if (/^MAJOR=([0-9]+)$/o) { $major = $1; } |
63 | } |
64 | close(VERSION); |
65 | if (not defined $minor) { die "Failed to retrieve MINOR from $version_info"; } |
66 | if (not defined $major) { die "Failed to retrieve MAJOR from $version_info"; } |
67 | $version = "$major.$minor"; |
68 | } |
69 | |
70 | if (not defined $tag) { die "Failed to retrieve ARB_VERSION from $arb_build"; } |
71 | defined $version || die; |
72 | }; |
73 | if ($@) { |
74 | die "Note: maybe you forgot to 'make all'?\n". |
75 | "Error while retrieving ARB version: $@"; |
76 | } |
77 | return ($tag,$version); |
78 | } |
79 | |
80 | sub getExisting($) { |
81 | my ($baseUrl) = @_; |
82 | |
83 | my @existing = (); |
84 | my $cmd = "svn list '$baseUrl'"; |
85 | open(LIST,$cmd.'|') || die "failed to fork '$cmd' (Reason: $!)"; |
86 | foreach (<LIST>) { |
87 | chomp; |
88 | if (/\/$/o) { push @existing, $`; } |
89 | else { die "Unexpected content '$_' (received from '$cmd')"; } |
90 | } |
91 | close(LIST) || die "failed to execute '$cmd' (Reason: $!)"; |
92 | return @existing; |
93 | } |
94 | |
95 | my %known_branches = (); |
96 | my %known_tags = (); |
97 | |
98 | sub branch_exists($) { |
99 | my ($branch) = @_; |
100 | if (not %known_branches) { |
101 | %known_branches = map { $_ => 1; } getExisting($svn_info{ROOT}.'/branches'); |
102 | } |
103 | return exists $known_branches{$branch}; |
104 | } |
105 | sub tag_exists($) { |
106 | my ($tag) = @_; |
107 | if (not %known_tags) { |
108 | %known_tags = map { $_ => 1; } getExisting($svn_info{ROOT}.'/tags'); |
109 | } |
110 | return exists $known_tags{$tag}; |
111 | } |
112 | |
113 | sub trunkURL() { return $svn_info{ROOT}.'/trunk'; } |
114 | sub currentURL() { return $svn_info{ROOT}.'/'.$svn_info{SUB}; } |
115 | sub branchURL($) { my ($branch) = @_; return $svn_info{ROOT}.'/branches/'.$branch; } |
116 | sub tagURL($) { my ($tag) = @_; return $svn_info{ROOT}.'/tags/'.$tag; } |
117 | |
118 | sub expectSUB($) { |
119 | my ($expected) = @_; |
120 | my $got = $svn_info{SUB}; |
121 | defined $got || die "SUB undefined"; |
122 | |
123 | if ($got ne $expected) { |
124 | die "Error: this is only possible in '$expected' (you are in '$got')"; |
125 | } |
126 | } |
127 | |
128 | sub denySUB($) { |
129 | my ($expected) = @_; |
130 | my $got = $svn_info{SUB}; |
131 | defined $got || die "SUB undefined"; |
132 | |
133 | if ($got eq $expected) { |
134 | die "Error: this is NOT possible in '$expected'"; |
135 | } |
136 | } |
137 | |
138 | |
139 | sub expectTrunk() { expectSUB('trunk'); } |
140 | sub expectBranch($) { my ($branch) = @_; expectSUB('branches/'.$branch); } |
141 | sub denyBranch($) { my ($branch) = @_; denySUB ('branches/'.$branch); } |
142 | |
143 | sub tag_remove_command($$) { |
144 | my ($tag,$action) = @_; |
145 | return "svn delete '".tagURL($tag)."' -m \"[$action] delete tag '$tag'\""; |
146 | } |
147 | sub branch_remove_command($$) { |
148 | my ($branch,$action) = @_; |
149 | return "svn delete '".branchURL($branch)."' -m \"[$action] delete branch '$branch'\""; |
150 | } |
151 | sub die_due_to_tag($$) { |
152 | my ($tag,$desc) = @_; |
153 | my $remove_cmd = tag_remove_command($tag,$desc); |
154 | die "tag '$tag' already exists.\nTo remove that tag use\n$remove_cmd\n "; |
155 | } |
156 | |
157 | sub get_branches() { branch_exists('xxx'); return sort keys %known_branches; } |
158 | sub get_tags() { tag_exists('xxx'); return sort keys %known_tags; } |
159 | |
160 | sub perform($$) { |
161 | my ($action,$arg) = @_; |
162 | retrieve_svn_info(); |
163 | |
164 | my @commands = (); |
165 | |
166 | my ($tag,$version) = getArbVersion(); |
167 | |
168 | if ($action eq 'branch_rc1') { |
169 | expectTrunk(); |
170 | push @commands, "# check version and changelog in trunk are set correctly; see SOURCE_TOOLS/release/HOWTO.release"; |
171 | if (branch_exists('rc')) { |
172 | push @commands, branch_remove_command('rc', $action); |
173 | } |
174 | push @commands, "svn copy '".trunkURL().'@'.$svn_info{REVISION}."' '".branchURL('rc')."' -m \"[$action] create rc1 for arb $version\""; |
175 | push @commands, "# increment version in trunk; see SOURCE_TOOLS/release/HOWTO.release"; |
176 | push @commands, "# let jenkins build job 'ARB-rc' (check if job is enabled)"; |
177 | push @commands, "svn switch '".branchURL('rc')."'"; |
178 | push @commands, "make show_version"; |
179 | push @commands, "SOURCE_TOOLS/release/release_tool.pl tag_rc"; |
180 | } |
181 | elsif ($action eq 'branch_stable') { |
182 | expectBranch('rc'); |
183 | if (branch_exists('stable')) { |
184 | push @commands, branch_remove_command('stable', $action); |
185 | } |
186 | push @commands, "svn copy '".branchURL('rc').'@'.$svn_info{REVISION}."' '".branchURL('stable')."' -m \"[$action] arb $version\""; |
187 | push @commands, "# let jenkins build job 'ARB-stable'"; |
188 | push @commands, "svn switch '".branchURL('stable')."'"; |
189 | push @commands, "make show_version"; |
190 | push @commands, "SOURCE_TOOLS/release/release_tool.pl tag_stable"; |
191 | } |
192 | elsif ($action eq 'tag_rc') { |
193 | expectBranch('rc'); |
194 | if (($tag =~ /devel/oi) or ($tag =~ /rev/oi) or (not $tag =~ /^arb-/o)) { die "Invalid tag '$tag'"; } |
195 | if (tag_exists($tag)) { die_due_to_tag($tag, 'invalid rc'); } |
196 | push @commands, "svn copy '".branchURL('rc').'@'.$svn_info{REVISION}."' '".tagURL($tag)."' -m \"[$action] '$tag'\""; |
197 | } |
198 | elsif ($action eq 'tag_stable') { |
199 | expectBranch('stable'); |
200 | if (($tag =~ /devel/oi) or ($tag =~ /rev/oi) or (not $tag =~ /^arb-/o)) { die "Invalid tag '$tag'"; } |
201 | if (tag_exists($tag)) { die_due_to_tag($tag, 'invalid release'); } |
202 | push @commands, "svn copy '".branchURL('stable').'@'.$svn_info{REVISION}."' '".tagURL($tag)."' -m \"[$action] release '$tag'\""; |
203 | } |
204 | elsif ($action eq 'tag_custom') { |
205 | if (not defined $arg) { |
206 | die "Expected additional argument 'tag'"; |
207 | } |
208 | |
209 | denyBranch('rc'); |
210 | denyBranch('stable'); |
211 | $tag = $arg; # use given arg as tagname |
212 | |
213 | if (($tag =~ /dev/oi) or ($tag =~ /rev/oi)) { die "Invalid tag '$tag'"; } |
214 | if (tag_exists($tag)) { |
215 | my $remove_cmd = "svn delete '".tagURL($tag)."' -m \"[$action] delete invalid tag '$tag'\""; |
216 | die "tag '$tag' already exists.\nTo remove that tag use\n$remove_cmd\n "; |
217 | } |
218 | push @commands, "svn copy '".currentURL().'@'.$svn_info{REVISION}."' '".tagURL($tag)."' -m \"[$action] '$tag'\""; |
219 | } |
220 | elsif ($action eq 'rm') { |
221 | if (not defined $arg) { |
222 | die "Expected additional argument 'action'"; |
223 | } |
224 | my $rm_action = $arg; |
225 | print "To remove branches:\n"; foreach (get_branches()) { print branch_remove_command($_,$rm_action)."\n"; } |
226 | print "To remove tags:\n"; foreach (get_tags()) { print tag_remove_command($_,$rm_action)."\n"; } |
227 | } |
228 | else { |
229 | die "Unknown action '$action'"; |
230 | } |
231 | |
232 | if ($action =~ /tag/) { |
233 | push @commands, "# 'Schedule Release Build' in jenkins job 'ARB-tagged-builder' to build and release the tagged version"; |
234 | } |
235 | |
236 | if (scalar(@commands)) { |
237 | print "-------------------- [Commands to execute for '$action']\n"; |
238 | foreach (@commands) { |
239 | if ($_ =~ /^#\s/o) { $_ = $&.'[MANUALLY] '.$'; } |
240 | print $_."\n"; |
241 | } |
242 | print "--------------------\n"; |
243 | } |
244 | |
245 | print "Note: Please check the above commands for errors,\n"; |
246 | print " then copy & paste to execute them.\n"; |
247 | print " (could be done automatically later, when everything is known to work)\n"; |
248 | } |
249 | |
250 | sub warnya() { |
251 | print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; |
252 | print "IMPORTANT: This script is for ARB adminstrators only and will modify ARB SVN!\n"; |
253 | print " Please do not misuse this script!\n"; |
254 | print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; |
255 | } |
256 | |
257 | sub show_usage($) { |
258 | my ($err) = @_; |
259 | warnya(); |
260 | print "\n"; |
261 | print "Usage: release_tool.pl [action [arg]]\n"; |
262 | print "known 'action's:\n"; |
263 | print "\n"; |
264 | print " branch_rc1 branch a new release candidate from 'trunk' (uses WC-revision!)\n"; |
265 | print " branch_stable branch a new release from 'branches/rc' (uses WC-revision!)\n"; |
266 | print "\n"; |
267 | print " tag_rc tag rc in 'branches/rc' (uses WC-revision!)\n"; |
268 | print " tag_stable tag release in 'branches/stable' (uses WC-revision!)\n"; |
269 | print " tag_custom tag tag custom version anywhere (uses WC-revision!)\n"; |
270 | print "\n"; |
271 | print " rm action helper to get rid of unwanted branches/tags\n"; |
272 | print "\n"; |
273 | warnya(); |
274 | if (defined $err) { print "\nError: $err\n"; } |
275 | exit 1; |
276 | } |
277 | |
278 | sub main() { |
279 | my $args = scalar(@ARGV); |
280 | if ($args < 1 or $args > 2) { |
281 | show_usage(undef); |
282 | } |
283 | my $action = $ARGV[0]; |
284 | my $arg = $ARGV[1]; |
285 | perform($action,$arg); |
286 | } |
287 | main(); |