1 | #!/usr/bin/perl |
2 | |
3 | use strict; |
4 | use warnings; |
5 | |
6 | # ---------------------------------------- |
7 | # hardcoded config for help-map |
8 | |
9 | # ignore these pages (they are linked too frequently) |
10 | my %ignore = ( |
11 | 'glossary' => 1, |
12 | 'arb' => 1, |
13 | ); |
14 | |
15 | my $start_from = 'pa_optimizer'; # start-page |
16 | my $depth = 3; # show pages reachable by that many links (both link directions) |
17 | |
18 | # ---------------------------------------- |
19 | |
20 | |
21 | sub read_xml($); |
22 | sub read_xml($) { |
23 | my ($xml_dir) = @_; |
24 | |
25 | my @xml = (); |
26 | my @sub = (); |
27 | |
28 | opendir(DIR,$xml_dir) || die "Failed to read '$xml_dir' (Reason: $!)"; |
29 | foreach (readdir(DIR)) { |
30 | if ($_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..') { |
31 | my $full = $xml_dir.'/'.$_; |
32 | if (-d $full) { |
33 | push @sub, $_; |
34 | } |
35 | elsif (/\.xml$/o) { |
36 | push @xml, $_; |
37 | } |
38 | } |
39 | } |
40 | closedir(DIR); |
41 | |
42 | foreach my $sub (@sub) { |
43 | my @subxml = read_xml($xml_dir.'/'.$sub); |
44 | foreach (@subxml) { |
45 | push @xml, $sub.'/'.$_; |
46 | } |
47 | } |
48 | |
49 | return @xml; |
50 | } |
51 | |
52 | sub print_index(\@) { |
53 | my ($xml_r) = @_; |
54 | |
55 | my $header=<<HEADER; |
56 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> |
57 | <!DOCTYPE PAGE SYSTEM 'arb_help.dtd' [ |
58 | <!ENTITY nbsp " "> |
59 | <!ENTITY acute "´"> |
60 | <!ENTITY eacute "é"> |
61 | <!ENTITY apostr "'"> |
62 | <!ENTITY semi ";"> |
63 | ]> |
64 | <!-- This file has been generated by ../generate_index.pl --> |
65 | <PAGE name="help_index" edit_warning="devel" source="generate_index.pl"> |
66 | <TITLE>ARB help index</TITLE> |
67 | <SECTION name="List of existing helpfiles"> |
68 | <LIST> |
69 | <ENTRY> |
70 | HEADER |
71 | my $footer=<<FOOTER; |
72 | </ENTRY> |
73 | </LIST> |
74 | </SECTION> |
75 | </PAGE> |
76 | FOOTER |
77 | |
78 | print $header; |
79 | foreach my $xml (@$xml_r) { |
80 | my $hlp = $xml; |
81 | $hlp =~ s/\.xml$/\.hlp/o; |
82 | my $link = ' <T reflow="0"><LINK dest="'.$hlp.'" type="hlp" quoted="0"/></T>'; |
83 | print $link."\n"; |
84 | } |
85 | print $footer; |
86 | |
87 | } |
88 | |
89 | sub find_indexed_xmls($$) { |
90 | my ($index_name,$xml_dir) = @_; |
91 | |
92 | my @xml = read_xml($xml_dir); |
93 | @xml = sort map { |
94 | if ($_ eq $index_name) { ; } # dont index the index |
95 | else { $_; } |
96 | } @xml; |
97 | return @xml; |
98 | } |
99 | |
100 | my %link = (); # key='from>to' value=bitvalue(1=uplink,2=sublink) |
101 | |
102 | sub storeLink($$$) { |
103 | my ($from,$to,$us) = @_; |
104 | # print STDERR "storeLink from='$from' to='$to' us='$us'\n"; |
105 | |
106 | my $concat = $from.' '.$to; |
107 | die "invalid char '>' in '$concat'" if $concat =~ />/o; |
108 | |
109 | my $bit = 0; |
110 | if ($us eq 'UP') { $bit = 1; } |
111 | elsif ($us eq 'SUB') { $bit = 2; } |
112 | |
113 | my $key = $from.'>'.$to; |
114 | my $val = $link{$key}; |
115 | if (not defined $val) { $val = 0; } |
116 | |
117 | $val = $val | $bit; |
118 | $link{$key} = $val; |
119 | } |
120 | |
121 | my %title_line = (); # key=xml-filename, value=lineno of <TITLE>.. |
122 | my %source_file = (); # key=xml-filename, value=source/filename.hlp |
123 | |
124 | sub parse_titles($\@\%) { |
125 | my ($xml_dir,$xml_r, $title_r) = @_; |
126 | foreach my $name (@$xml_r) { |
127 | my $xml = $xml_dir.'/'.$name; |
128 | open(FILE,'<'.$xml) || die "can't read '$xml' (Reason: $!)"; |
129 | |
130 | my $namePlain = $name; |
131 | if ($namePlain=~ /\.xml$/o) { $namePlain = $`; } |
132 | |
133 | my $line; |
134 | LINE: while (defined($line=<FILE>)) { |
135 | if ($line =~ /<TITLE>(.*)<\/TITLE>/o) { |
136 | $$title_r{$name} = $1; |
137 | $title_line{$name} = $.; |
138 | last LINE; # TITLE occurs behind UP/SUB links -> done here |
139 | } |
140 | if ($line =~ /<(UP|SUB)\s+dest=/o) { |
141 | my $us = $1; |
142 | if ($line =~ /"(.*)"\s+type="(.*)"/o) { |
143 | my ($dest,$type) = ($1,$2); |
144 | if ($dest =~ /\.hlp$/o) { $dest = $`; } |
145 | storeLink($namePlain,$dest,$us); |
146 | } |
147 | } |
148 | if ($line =~ /<PAGE.*source=/o) { |
149 | my $rest = $'; |
150 | if ($rest =~ /\"([^\"]*)\"/o) { |
151 | my $source = $1; |
152 | $source_file{$name} = $source; |
153 | } |
154 | } |
155 | } |
156 | close(FILE); |
157 | |
158 | if (not defined $$title_r{$name}) { |
159 | die "$xml:1: Failed to parse title\n "; |
160 | } |
161 | } |
162 | } |
163 | |
164 | sub warn_duplicate_titles($\%) { |
165 | my ($xml_dir,$title_r) = @_; |
166 | my $hlpdir = $xml_dir; |
167 | my %seen = (); |
168 | foreach my $file (keys %$title_r) { |
169 | my $title = $$title_r{$file}; |
170 | if (defined $seen{$title}) { |
171 | my $firstFile = $seen{$title}; |
172 | my $thisLine = $title_line{$file}; |
173 | my $firstLine = $title_line{$firstFile}; |
174 | |
175 | print STDERR "${xml_dir}/${file}:${thisLine}: Warning: duplicated title '$title' ..\n"; |
176 | print STDERR "${xml_dir}/${firstFile}:${firstLine}: Warning: .. first seen here.\n"; |
177 | |
178 | my $src2 = $source_file{$file}; |
179 | my $src1 = $source_file{$firstFile}; |
180 | my $auto_del = undef; |
181 | my $miss_src = undef; |
182 | |
183 | if (-f $src1) { |
184 | if (not -f $src2) { |
185 | # src2 is missing -> auto-delete $file |
186 | $miss_src = $src2; |
187 | $auto_del = "${xml_dir}/${file}"; |
188 | } |
189 | } |
190 | elsif (-f $src2) { |
191 | if (not -f $src1) { |
192 | # src1 is missing -> auto-delete $firstFile |
193 | $miss_src = $src1; |
194 | $auto_del = "${xml_dir}/${firstFile}"; |
195 | } |
196 | } |
197 | |
198 | # print STDERR "src1: $src1\n"; |
199 | # print STDERR "src2: $src2\n"; |
200 | # print STDERR "auto_del: $auto_del\n"; |
201 | # print STDERR "miss_src: $miss_src\n"; |
202 | |
203 | if (defined $miss_src) { |
204 | die 'internal error' if not defined $auto_del; |
205 | print STDERR "Note: auto-deleting '${auto_del}'\n"; |
206 | print STDERR "Reason: source '${miss_src}' has disappeared\n"; |
207 | if (not unlink($auto_del)) { |
208 | print STDERR "Failed to auto-delete '$auto_del' (Reason: $!)\n"; |
209 | } |
210 | } |
211 | } |
212 | else { |
213 | $seen{$title} = $file; |
214 | } |
215 | } |
216 | } |
217 | |
218 | sub generate_index($$) { |
219 | my ($index_name,$xml_dir) = @_; |
220 | |
221 | my @xml = find_indexed_xmls($index_name,$xml_dir); |
222 | my %title = (); |
223 | parse_titles($xml_dir,@xml,%title); |
224 | |
225 | warn_duplicate_titles($xml_dir,%title); |
226 | |
227 | @xml = sort { $title{$a} cmp $title{$b}; } @xml; |
228 | |
229 | print_index(@xml); |
230 | } |
231 | |
232 | sub dot_label($) { |
233 | my ($target) = @_; |
234 | return '"'.$target.'"'; |
235 | } |
236 | |
237 | sub generate_map($) { |
238 | my ($map_name) = @_; |
239 | |
240 | # my $maxsize = 17; # inch |
241 | # my $maxsize = 20; # inch |
242 | # my $maxsize = 40; # inch |
243 | my $maxsize = 80; # inch |
244 | open(DOT,'>'.$map_name) || die "can't write '$map_name' (Reason: $!)"; |
245 | |
246 | print DOT "digraph ARBHELPDEP {\n"; |
247 | # print DOT " rankdir=LR;\n"; |
248 | print DOT " concentrate=true;\n"; |
249 | print DOT " searchsize=1000;\n"; |
250 | print DOT " Damping=2.0;\n"; |
251 | print DOT " size=\"$maxsize,$maxsize\";\n"; |
252 | # print DOT " orientation=portrait;\n"; |
253 | print DOT "\n"; |
254 | |
255 | my %use = ( $start_from => 1 ); |
256 | |
257 | my $added = 1; |
258 | while ($added==1) { |
259 | $added = 0; |
260 | foreach (keys %link) { |
261 | die if (not $_ =~ />/o); |
262 | my ($from,$to) = ($`,$'); |
263 | |
264 | die "helpfile '$to' links to itself" if ($to eq $from); |
265 | |
266 | if (exists $use{$from}) { |
267 | my $next = $use{$from}+1; |
268 | if (($next<=$depth) and ((not exists $use{$to}) or ($use{$to}>$next)) and (not $ignore{$to})) { |
269 | $use{$to} = $next; |
270 | # print STDERR "'$to' set to $next (triggered by '$from' with use=".$use{$from}.")\n"; |
271 | $added = 1; |
272 | } |
273 | } |
274 | if (exists $use{$to}) { |
275 | my $next = $use{$to}+1; |
276 | if (($next<=$depth) and ((not exists $use{$from}) or ($use{$from}>$next)) and (not $ignore{$from})) { |
277 | $use{$from} = $next; |
278 | # print STDERR "'$from' set to $next (triggered by '$to' with use=".$use{$to}.")\n"; |
279 | $added = 1; |
280 | } |
281 | } |
282 | } |
283 | } |
284 | |
285 | foreach (keys %link) { |
286 | die if (not $_ =~ />/o); |
287 | my ($from,$to) = ($`,$'); |
288 | if ((not exists $ignore{$from}) and (not exists $ignore{$to})) { |
289 | if ((exists $use{$from}) and (exists $use{$to})) { |
290 | ($from,$to) = (dot_label($from.'['.$use{$from}.']'),dot_label($to.'['.$use{$to}.']')); |
291 | print DOT ' '.$from.' -> '.$to.';'."\n"; |
292 | } |
293 | } |
294 | } |
295 | print DOT "}\n"; |
296 | close(DOT); |
297 | } |
298 | |
299 | sub main() { |
300 | my $args = scalar(@ARGV); |
301 | if ($args != 3) { |
302 | print "Usage: generate_index.pl XMLDIRECTORY NAME_OF_INDEX.xml MAP.dot\n"; |
303 | print "Scans for xml-helpfiles in and below XMLDIRECTORY.\n"; |
304 | print "Generates\n"; |
305 | print "- list of all found helpfiles to STDOUT (assuming it is piped to NAME_OF_INDEX.xml)\n"; |
306 | print "- a (partial) help-map in file MAP.dot\n"; |
307 | die "Error: missing arguments"; |
308 | } |
309 | |
310 | my $xml_dir = $ARGV[0]; |
311 | my $index_name = $ARGV[1]; |
312 | my $map_name = $ARGV[2]; |
313 | |
314 | if (not -d $xml_dir) { die "No such directory '$xml_dir'"; } |
315 | |
316 | generate_index($index_name,$xml_dir); |
317 | generate_map($map_name); |
318 | } |
319 | main(); |