1 | #!/usr/bin/perl |
2 | |
3 | use strict; |
4 | use warnings; |
5 | |
6 | use lib $ENV{ARBHOME}.'/SOURCE_TOOLS'; |
7 | use arb_build_common; |
8 | |
9 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10 | |
11 | my $logdirectory = undef; |
12 | my $slow_delay = undef; |
13 | |
14 | my $verbose = 0; |
15 | |
16 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
17 | |
18 | sub getModtime($) { |
19 | my ($file_or_dir) = @_; |
20 | if (-f $file_or_dir or -d $file_or_dir) { |
21 | my @st = stat($file_or_dir); |
22 | if (not @st) { die "can't stat '$file_or_dir' ($!)"; } |
23 | return $st[9]; |
24 | } |
25 | return 0; # does not exist -> use epoch |
26 | } |
27 | sub getAge($) { my ($file_or_dir) = @_; return time-getModtime($file_or_dir); } |
28 | |
29 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
30 | |
31 | # when file $slow_stamp exists, slow tests get skipped (see sym2testcode.pl@SkipSlow) |
32 | my $slow_stamp = 'skipslow.stamp'; |
33 | my $slow_age = getAge($slow_stamp); # seconds since of last successful slow test |
34 | |
35 | sub shall_run_slow() { return (($slow_delay==0) or ($slow_age>($slow_delay*60))); } |
36 | |
37 | sub slow_init() { |
38 | if (shall_run_slow()) { |
39 | print "Running SLOW tests\n"; |
40 | unlink($slow_stamp); |
41 | } |
42 | else { |
43 | print "Skipping SLOW tests\n"; |
44 | } |
45 | } |
46 | |
47 | sub slow_cleanup($) { |
48 | my ($tests_failed) = @_; |
49 | |
50 | if (shall_run_slow() and not $tests_failed) { |
51 | system("touch $slow_stamp"); |
52 | } |
53 | } |
54 | |
55 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
56 | |
57 | sub get_existing_logs() { |
58 | my @logs; |
59 | opendir(LOGDIR,$logdirectory) || die "can't read directory '$logdirectory' (Reason: $!)"; |
60 | foreach (readdir(LOGDIR)) { |
61 | if (/\.log$/o) { push @logs, $logdirectory.'/'.$_; } |
62 | } |
63 | closedir(LOGDIR); |
64 | return @logs; |
65 | } |
66 | |
67 | sub do_init() { |
68 | if (-d $logdirectory) { |
69 | my @logs = get_existing_logs(); |
70 | foreach (@logs) { unlink($_) || die "can't unlink '$_' (Reason: $!)"; } |
71 | } |
72 | slow_init(); |
73 | return undef; |
74 | } |
75 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
76 | |
77 | my $expand_list_read = 0; |
78 | my @expand_list = (); |
79 | |
80 | sub add_std_expands() { |
81 | my $ARBHOME = $ENV{ARBHOME}; |
82 | push @expand_list, $ARBHOME.'/UNIT_TESTER/Makefile.test'; |
83 | push @expand_list, $ARBHOME.'/UNIT_TESTER/Makefile.suite'; |
84 | } |
85 | |
86 | sub read_expand_list() { |
87 | my $expand_list = "../SOURCE_TOOLS/valgrind2grep.lst"; |
88 | |
89 | if (not -f $expand_list) { |
90 | my $cmd = '(cd ../SOURCE_TOOLS; make valgrind_update)'; |
91 | system($cmd)==0 || die "failed to execute '$cmd' (Reason: $?)"; |
92 | } |
93 | |
94 | my $dir = `pwd`; |
95 | open(LIST,'<'.$expand_list) || die "can't read '$expand_list' (Reason: $!) in dir '$dir'"; |
96 | my $line; |
97 | while (defined($line=<LIST>)) { |
98 | chomp($line); |
99 | push @expand_list, $line; |
100 | } |
101 | close(LIST); |
102 | |
103 | add_std_expands(); |
104 | |
105 | $expand_list_read = 1; |
106 | } |
107 | |
108 | my %expanded = (); # key=$filename, value=ref to array of possible expanded filenames. |
109 | |
110 | sub get_expanded_filenames($) { # @@@ move into arb_build_common |
111 | my ($file) = @_; |
112 | |
113 | my $found_r = $expanded{$file}; |
114 | if (not defined $found_r) { |
115 | if ($expand_list_read==0) { read_expand_list(); } |
116 | my @expanded = (); |
117 | foreach (@expand_list) { if (/\/$file$/) { push @expanded, $_; } } |
118 | $expanded{$file} = \@expanded; |
119 | $found_r = $expanded{$file}; |
120 | } |
121 | return @$found_r; |
122 | } |
123 | |
124 | sub print_expand_pathless_messages($$) { |
125 | my ($line,$topdir) = @_; |
126 | chomp($line); |
127 | if ($line =~ /^([a-z0-9_\.\/]+):([0-9:]+):/oi) { |
128 | my ($file,$lineCol,$rest) = ($1,$2,$'); |
129 | my @expanded = get_expanded_filenames($file); |
130 | |
131 | if (scalar(@expanded)==0) { |
132 | print "$file:$lineCol: [unknown -> call 'make valgrind_update'] $rest\n"; |
133 | } |
134 | else { |
135 | foreach (@expanded) { |
136 | my $expFile = $_; |
137 | my $relFile = $expFile; |
138 | removeDirPrefix($topdir,$relFile); |
139 | if ($verbose) { |
140 | print "$relFile:$lineCol: $rest"." [path expanded: '$file'->'$expFile'->'$relFile']\n"; |
141 | } |
142 | else { |
143 | print "$relFile:$lineCol: $rest\n"; |
144 | } |
145 | } |
146 | } |
147 | } |
148 | else { |
149 | print $line."\n"; |
150 | } |
151 | } |
152 | |
153 | sub dump_log($) { |
154 | my ($log) = @_; |
155 | |
156 | my @former_dirs = (); |
157 | |
158 | my $topdir = $ENV{ARBHOME}; |
159 | my $currDir = $topdir; |
160 | |
161 | open(LOG,'<'.$log) || die "can't open '$log' (Reason: $!)"; |
162 | my $seen_AS = 0; |
163 | my $line; |
164 | while (defined($line=<LOG>)) { |
165 | my $printed = 0; |
166 | if ($seen_AS==1) { |
167 | my $formatted_line = format_asan_line($line,$currDir); |
168 | if (defined $formatted_line) { |
169 | if ($verbose) { |
170 | print_expand_pathless_messages(add_suffix($formatted_line,' [formatted_DL]'), $currDir); |
171 | } |
172 | else { |
173 | print_expand_pathless_messages($formatted_line, $currDir); |
174 | } |
175 | $printed = 1; |
176 | } |
177 | } |
178 | else { |
179 | if ($line =~ /(AddressSanitizer|LeakSanitizer|runtime.error:)/o) { |
180 | $seen_AS = 1; |
181 | if (defined $topdir) { |
182 | print('fake[2]: Entering directory `'.$topdir."\'\n"); |
183 | $currDir = $topdir; |
184 | } |
185 | } |
186 | } |
187 | if ($printed==0) { |
188 | if ($line =~ /:\s(Entering|Leaving)\s+directory\s+[`']([^`']+)[`']$/o) { |
189 | my ($what,$where) = ($1,$2); |
190 | if ($verbose) { print "[detected dir-change: what='$what' where='$where']\n"; } |
191 | |
192 | if ($what eq 'Entering') { |
193 | push @former_dirs, $currDir; |
194 | $currDir = $where; |
195 | } |
196 | else { |
197 | if ($what ne 'Leaving') { die "confused"; } |
198 | $currDir = pop @former_dirs; |
199 | if ($verbose) { print "[changing dir '$where' -> '$currDir']\n"; } |
200 | } |
201 | |
202 | print $line; # do not modify enter/leave lines |
203 | } |
204 | elsif ($verbose) { |
205 | print_expand_pathless_messages(add_suffix($line,' [unformatted_DL seen_AS='.$seen_AS.']'), $currDir); |
206 | } |
207 | else { |
208 | print_expand_pathless_messages($line, $currDir); |
209 | } |
210 | } |
211 | } |
212 | if (defined $topdir and $seen_AS==1) { print('fake[2]: Leaving directory `'.$topdir."\'\n"); } |
213 | close(LOG); |
214 | } |
215 | |
216 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
217 | |
218 | sub dump_junitlog(\@) { |
219 | my ($content_r) = @_; |
220 | my $logfile = "logs/junit_log.xml"; # see also Makefile.suite@JUNITLOGNAME |
221 | open(JLOG,'>'.$logfile) || die "can't write '$logfile' (Reason: $!)"; |
222 | print JLOG "<testsuites>\n"; |
223 | foreach (@$content_r) { |
224 | print JLOG $_."\n"; |
225 | } |
226 | print JLOG "</testsuites>\n"; |
227 | close(JLOG); |
228 | } |
229 | |
230 | sub removeDonefileFor($) { |
231 | my ($unitName) = @_; |
232 | |
233 | my @donefiles = (); |
234 | my $donefile_dir = ($slow_delay==0) ? 'tests.slow' : 'tests'; |
235 | opendir(DIR,$donefile_dir) || die "can't read directory '$donefile_dir' (Reason: $!)"; |
236 | foreach (readdir(DIR)) { |
237 | if (/\.done$/o) { |
238 | if (/$unitName/) { |
239 | push @donefiles, $_; |
240 | } |
241 | } |
242 | } |
243 | closedir(DIR); |
244 | |
245 | my $donefiles = scalar(@donefiles); |
246 | if ($donefiles==1) { |
247 | my $donefile = $donefile_dir.'/'.$donefiles[0]; |
248 | print "Unlinking $donefile (for unit '$unitName')\n"; |
249 | unlink($donefile); |
250 | } |
251 | else { |
252 | print "donefiles found: $donefiles\n"; |
253 | if ($donefiles>0) { |
254 | foreach (@donefiles) { print "- $_\n"; } |
255 | die "could not determine .done-file for '$unitName'"; |
256 | } |
257 | } |
258 | } |
259 | |
260 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
261 | |
262 | my $tests = 0; |
263 | my $skipped = 0; |
264 | my $passed = 0; |
265 | my $failed = 0; |
266 | my $warnings = 0; |
267 | my $elapsed = 0; |
268 | my $crashed = 0; |
269 | my $valgrind = 0; |
270 | my $sanitized = 0; |
271 | |
272 | my %duration = (); # key=unit, value=ms |
273 | |
274 | sub parse_log($\@) { |
275 | # parse reports generated by UnitTester.cxx@generateReport |
276 | my ($log,$junit_r) = @_; |
277 | open(LOG,'<'.$log) || die "can't open '$log' (Reason: $!)"; |
278 | |
279 | my $tests_this = 0; |
280 | my $skipped_this = 0; |
281 | my $passedALL = 0; |
282 | my $seenSummary = 0; |
283 | my $seenSanitized = 0; |
284 | |
285 | my $curr_target = undef; |
286 | my $last_error_message = undef; |
287 | |
288 | my $unitName = 'unknownUnit'; |
289 | if ($log =~ /\/([^\.\/]+)\.[^\/]+$/o) { $unitName = $1; } |
290 | |
291 | my $dump_log = 0; |
292 | my $remove_donefile = 0; |
293 | |
294 | my @testcases = (); |
295 | my $case_ok = 0; |
296 | my $case_failed = 0; |
297 | |
298 | while ($_ = <LOG>) { |
299 | chomp; |
300 | if (/^UnitTester:/) { |
301 | my $rest = $'; |
302 | if ($rest =~ /^\s+\*\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+=\s+([A-Z]*)/o) { |
303 | my ($testname,$result) = ($1,$2); |
304 | my $err = undef; |
305 | if ($result ne 'OK') { |
306 | if (defined $last_error_message) { |
307 | $err = $last_error_message; |
308 | } |
309 | else { |
310 | $err = 'unknown failure reason'; |
311 | } |
312 | } |
313 | # append to junit log |
314 | my $testcase = " <testcase name=\"$testname\" classname=\"$unitName.noclass\""; |
315 | if (defined $err) { |
316 | $testcase .= ">\n"; |
317 | $testcase .= " <error message=\"$err\"/>\n"; |
318 | $testcase .= " </testcase>"; |
319 | $case_failed++; |
320 | } |
321 | else { |
322 | $testcase .= '/>'; |
323 | $case_ok++; |
324 | } |
325 | push @testcases, $testcase; |
326 | $last_error_message = undef; |
327 | } |
328 | |
329 | if (/tests=([0-9]+)/) { $tests_this += $1; $seenSummary=1; } |
330 | if (/skipped=([0-9]+)/) { |
331 | $skipped_this += $1; |
332 | if (shall_run_slow()) { |
333 | $dump_log = 1; # @@@ TODO: should dump log only if warnings are enabled |
334 | } |
335 | } |
336 | |
337 | if (/passed=([0-9]+)/) { $passed += $1; } |
338 | if (/passed=ALL/) { $passedALL = 1; } |
339 | |
340 | if (/failed=([0-9]+)/) { $failed += $1; $dump_log = 1; } |
341 | if (/warnings=([0-9]+)/) { $warnings += $1; if ($failed==0) { $dump_log = 1; } } |
342 | if (/target=([^\s]+)/) { $curr_target = $1; } |
343 | if (/time=([0-9.]+)/) { |
344 | $elapsed += $1; |
345 | if (not defined $curr_target) { die "Don't know current target"; } |
346 | $duration{$curr_target} = $1; |
347 | } |
348 | if (/valgrind.*error/) { $valgrind++; $dump_log = 1; $remove_donefile = 1; } |
349 | if (/coverage/) { $dump_log = 1; } |
350 | } |
351 | elsif (/^[^\s:]+:[0-9]+:\s+Error:\s+/o) { |
352 | if (not /\(details\sabove\)/) { |
353 | $last_error_message = $'; |
354 | } |
355 | } |
356 | elsif (/^-+\s+(ARB-backtrace.*):$/) { |
357 | $last_error_message = $1; |
358 | } |
359 | elsif (/ERROR:\s*(AddressSanitizer|LeakSanitizer):/o) { |
360 | $last_error_message = $'; |
361 | $seenSanitized++; |
362 | $remove_donefile = 1; |
363 | } |
364 | elsif (/\s+runtime\s+error:\s+/o) { |
365 | $dump_log = 1; |
366 | } |
367 | } |
368 | close(LOG); |
369 | |
370 | if ($remove_donefile == 1) { |
371 | removeDonefileFor($unitName); |
372 | } |
373 | |
374 | # write whole suite to junit log |
375 | { |
376 | my $case_all = $case_ok + $case_failed; |
377 | # my $stamp = localtime; |
378 | my $stamp = `date "+%Y-%m-%dT%T.%N%:z"`; |
379 | chomp($stamp); |
380 | push @$junit_r, " <testsuite name=\"$unitName\" tests=\"$case_all\" failures=\"$case_failed\" timestamp=\"$stamp\">"; |
381 | foreach (@testcases) { push @$junit_r, $_; } |
382 | push @$junit_r, " </testsuite>"; |
383 | } |
384 | |
385 | if (not $seenSummary) { $dump_log = 1; } |
386 | if ($seenSanitized>0) { $dump_log = 1; } |
387 | |
388 | if ($dump_log==1) { |
389 | dump_log($log); |
390 | } |
391 | |
392 | if (not $seenSummary) { |
393 | my $ARBHOME = $ENV{ARBHOME}; |
394 | print "$ARBHOME/UNIT_TESTER/$log:1:0: Warning: No summary found in '$log' "; |
395 | if ($seenSanitized>0) { |
396 | $sanitized++; |
397 | print "(was aborted by Sanitizer)\n"; |
398 | } |
399 | else { |
400 | $crashed++; |
401 | print "(maybe the test did not compile or crashed)\n"; |
402 | } |
403 | } |
404 | else { |
405 | if ($seenSanitized>0) { |
406 | $sanitized++; |
407 | print "Detected Sanitizer warnings\n"; |
408 | } |
409 | } |
410 | |
411 | $tests += $tests_this; |
412 | $skipped += $skipped_this; |
413 | |
414 | if ($passedALL==1) { $passed += ($tests_this-$skipped_this); } |
415 | } |
416 | |
417 | sub percent($$) { |
418 | my ($part,$all) = @_; |
419 | if ($all) { |
420 | my $percent = 100*$part/$all; |
421 | return sprintf("%5.1f%%", $percent); |
422 | } |
423 | else { |
424 | $part==0 || die; |
425 | return " 0.0%"; |
426 | } |
427 | } |
428 | |
429 | sub slow_note() { |
430 | return (shall_run_slow() ? "" : " (slow tests skipped)"); |
431 | } |
432 | |
433 | my $BigOk = <<EndOk; |
434 | __ __ _ _ _ |
435 | / \\( / ) (_)( \\ |
436 | ( O )) ( _ ) ) |
437 | \\__/(__\\_) (_)(_/ |
438 | EndOk |
439 | |
440 | my $BigFailed = <<EndFailed; |
441 | ____ __ __ __ ____ ____ _ |
442 | ( __)/ _\\ ( )( ) ( __)( \\ / \\ |
443 | ) _)/ \\ )( / (_/\\ ) _) ) D ( \\_/ |
444 | (__) \\_/\\_/(__)\\____/(____)(____/ (_) |
445 | EndFailed |
446 | |
447 | |
448 | sub readableDuration($) { |
449 | # result should not be longer than 9 characters! (5 chars value, space, 3 chars unit) |
450 | my ($ms) = @_; |
451 | if ($ms>5000) { |
452 | my $sec = $ms / 1000.0; |
453 | if ($sec>99) { |
454 | my $min = $sec / 60.0; |
455 | return sprintf("%5.2f min", $min); |
456 | } |
457 | return sprintf("%5.2f sec", $sec); |
458 | } |
459 | return sprintf("%5i ms ", $ms); |
460 | } |
461 | |
462 | sub trimTail($) { |
463 | my ($str) = @_; |
464 | $str =~ s/\s+$//go; |
465 | $str; |
466 | } |
467 | |
468 | sub print_summary($) { |
469 | my ($tests_failed) = @_; |
470 | print "\n-------------------- [ Unit-test summary ] --------------------\n"; |
471 | |
472 | my @summary = (); |
473 | |
474 | push @summary, sprintf(" Tests : %5i", $tests); |
475 | push @summary, sprintf(" Skipped : %5i =%s%s", $skipped, percent($skipped,$tests), slow_note()); |
476 | push @summary, sprintf(" Passed : %5i =%s", $passed, percent($passed,$tests)); |
477 | push @summary, sprintf(" Failed : %5i =%s", $failed, percent($failed,$tests)); |
478 | push @summary, sprintf(" Sum.dur.: %9s", trimTail(readableDuration($elapsed))); |
479 | { |
480 | my @slowest = sort { |
481 | $duration{$b} <=> $duration{$a}; |
482 | } map { |
483 | if ((defined $_) and ($_ ne '') and $duration{$_}>0) { $_; } |
484 | else { ; } |
485 | } keys %duration; |
486 | |
487 | my $show = scalar(@slowest); |
488 | if ($show>3) { $show = 3; } |
489 | if ($show>0) { |
490 | for (my $s=0; $s<$show; ++$s) { |
491 | my $slowunit = $slowest[$s]; |
492 | push @summary, sprintf("%s%9s (%s)", ($s==0 ? " Max.dur.: " : " "), readableDuration($duration{$slowunit}), $slowunit); |
493 | } |
494 | } |
495 | } |
496 | if ($sanitized>0) { |
497 | push @summary, sprintf(" Sanitizd: %5i units", $sanitized); |
498 | } |
499 | push @summary, sprintf(" Crashed : %5i units", $crashed); |
500 | push @summary, sprintf(" Warnings: %5i", $warnings); |
501 | if ($valgrind>0) { |
502 | push @summary, sprintf(" Valgrind: %5i failures", $valgrind); |
503 | } |
504 | |
505 | my @big; |
506 | my $Big = $tests_failed ? $BigFailed : $BigOk; |
507 | @big= split '\n', $Big; |
508 | |
509 | my $vOffset = scalar(@summary) - scalar(@big); |
510 | if ($vOffset<0) { $vOffset = 0; } |
511 | |
512 | my $col = 0; |
513 | for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@big); $i++) { |
514 | my $j = $i+$vOffset; |
515 | my $len = length($summary[$j]); |
516 | if ($len>$col) { $col = $len; } |
517 | } |
518 | |
519 | $col += 6; # add horizontal offset |
520 | |
521 | for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@big); $i++) { |
522 | my $j = $i+$vOffset; |
523 | my $padded = $summary[$j]; |
524 | my $len = length($padded); |
525 | while ($len<$col) { $padded .= ' '; $len++; } |
526 | $summary[$j] = $padded.$big[$i]; |
527 | } |
528 | |
529 | foreach (@summary) { print $_."\n"; } |
530 | } |
531 | |
532 | sub do_report() { |
533 | my @junit = (); |
534 | my @logs = get_existing_logs(); |
535 | foreach (@logs) { |
536 | parse_log($_,@junit); |
537 | } |
538 | |
539 | dump_junitlog(@junit); |
540 | |
541 | my $tests_failed = (($failed>0) or ($crashed>0) or ($valgrind>0) or ($sanitized>0)); |
542 | print_summary($tests_failed); |
543 | slow_cleanup($tests_failed); |
544 | if ($tests_failed) { |
545 | my $ARBHOME = $ENV{ARBHOME}; |
546 | print "rake[0]: Entering directory `$ARBHOME/UNIT_TESTER'\n"; |
547 | die "tests failed\n"; |
548 | } |
549 | return undef; |
550 | } |
551 | |
552 | sub check_obsolete_restricts() { |
553 | my $restrict = $ENV{CHECK_RESTRICT}; |
554 | if (not defined $restrict) { |
555 | print "Can't check restriction (empty)\n"; |
556 | } |
557 | else { |
558 | $restrict = ':'.$restrict.':'; |
559 | if ($restrict =~ /:(WINDOW|ARBDB|AWT|CORE):/) { |
560 | my $lib = $1; |
561 | my $msl = 'Makefile.setup.local'; |
562 | |
563 | print "UNIT_TESTER/$msl:1: Error: Obsolete restriction '$lib' (should be 'lib$lib')\n"; |
564 | my $grepcmd = "grep -n \'RESTRICT_LIB.*=.*$lib\' $msl"; |
565 | open(GREP,$grepcmd.'|') || die "can't execute '$grepcmd' (Reason: $?)"; |
566 | foreach (<GREP>) { |
567 | print "UNIT_TESTER/$msl:$_"; |
568 | } |
569 | die; |
570 | } |
571 | } |
572 | } |
573 | |
574 | # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
575 | |
576 | sub main() { |
577 | my $error = undef; |
578 | my $cb = undef; |
579 | { |
580 | my $args = scalar(@ARGV); |
581 | if ($args==3) { |
582 | my $command = shift @ARGV; |
583 | |
584 | if ($command eq 'init') { $cb = \&do_init; } |
585 | elsif ($command eq 'report') { $cb = \&do_report; } |
586 | else { $error = "Unknown command '$command'"; } |
587 | |
588 | if (not $error) { |
589 | $logdirectory = shift @ARGV; |
590 | $slow_delay = shift @ARGV; |
591 | } |
592 | } |
593 | else { |
594 | $error = 'Wrong number of arguments'; |
595 | } |
596 | } |
597 | if ($error) { |
598 | print "Usage: reporter.pl [init|report] logdirectory slow-delay\n"; |
599 | print " slow-delay >0 => run slow tests only every slow-delay minutes\n"; |
600 | } |
601 | else { |
602 | check_obsolete_restricts(); |
603 | eval { $error = &$cb(); }; |
604 | if ($@) { $error = $@; } |
605 | } |
606 | if ($error) { die "Error: ".$error; } |
607 | } |
608 | main(); |