source: branches/nameserver/GDE/PHYML20130708/phyml/src/stats.h

Last change on this file was 10307, checked in by aboeckma, 12 years ago

added most recent version of phyml

File size: 5.3 KB
3PhyML:  a program that  computes maximum likelihood phylogenies from
4DNA or AA homologous sequences.
6Copyright (C) Stephane Guindon. Oct 2003 onward.
8All parts of the source except where indicated are distributed under
9the GNU public licence. See for details.
13#include <config.h>
15#ifndef STATS_H
16#define STATS_H
18#include "utilities.h"
19#include "free.h"
20#include "lk.h"
21#include "optimiz.h"
22#include "models.h"
23#include "eigen.h"
26phydbl *Covariance_Matrix(t_tree *tree);
27phydbl *Hessian(t_tree *tree);
28void   Recurr_Hessian(t_node *a, t_node *b, int plus_minus, phydbl *inc, phydbl *res, int *is_ok, t_tree *tree);
29phydbl stdnormal_inv(phydbl p);
30phydbl Uni();
31int    Rand_Int(int min, int max);
32phydbl Ahrensdietergamma(phydbl alpha);
33phydbl Rgamma(phydbl shape, phydbl scale);
34phydbl Rexp(phydbl lambda);
35phydbl Bico(int n, int k);
36phydbl Factln(int n);
37phydbl Gammln(phydbl xx);
38phydbl Pbinom(int N, int ni, phydbl p);
39phydbl LnGamma (phydbl alpha);
40phydbl IncompleteGamma(phydbl x, phydbl alpha, phydbl ln_gamma_alpha);
41phydbl PointChi2 (phydbl prob, phydbl v);
42phydbl Bivariate_Normal_Density(phydbl x, phydbl y, phydbl mux, phydbl muy, phydbl sdx, phydbl sdy, phydbl rho);
43phydbl PointNormal (phydbl prob);
44int    DiscreteGamma (phydbl freqK[], phydbl rK[],phydbl alfa, phydbl beta, int K, int median);
45phydbl Pnorm(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl var);
46phydbl Dnorm_Moments(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl var);
47phydbl Dnorm(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl sd);
48phydbl Pgamma(phydbl x, phydbl shape, phydbl scale);
49phydbl Dgamma_Moments(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl var);
50phydbl Dgamma(phydbl x, phydbl shape, phydbl scale);
51phydbl LnFact(int n);
52int    Choose(int n, int k);
53phydbl Ppois(phydbl x, phydbl param);
54phydbl Dexp(phydbl x, phydbl param);
55phydbl Dpois(phydbl x, phydbl param);
56phydbl Rand_Normal_Deviate(phydbl mean, phydbl sd);
57phydbl Rnorm(phydbl mean, phydbl sd);
58phydbl *Rnorm_Multid(phydbl *mu, phydbl *cov, int dim);
59phydbl Rnorm_Trunc(phydbl mean, phydbl sd, phydbl min, phydbl max, int *err);
60phydbl *Rnorm_Multid_Trunc(phydbl *mean, phydbl *cov, phydbl *min, phydbl *max, int dim);
61phydbl *Hessian_Log(t_tree *tree);
62void Recurr_Hessian_Log(t_node *a, t_node *d, int plus_minus, phydbl *inc, phydbl *res, int *is_ok, t_tree *tree);
63phydbl Log_Det(int *is_ok, t_tree *tree);
64phydbl Dnorm_Trunc(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl sd, phydbl lo, phydbl up);
65phydbl Normal_Trunc_Mean(phydbl mu, phydbl sd, phydbl min, phydbl max);
66phydbl Constraint_Normal_Trunc_Mean(phydbl wanted_mu, phydbl sd, phydbl min, phydbl max);
67phydbl Dnorm_Multi(phydbl *x, phydbl *mu, phydbl *cov, int size, int _log);
68phydbl Dnorm_Multi_Given_InvCov_Det(phydbl *x, phydbl *mu, phydbl *invcov, phydbl det, int size, int _log);
69phydbl Prop_Log_Dnorm_Multi_Given_InvCov_Det(phydbl *x, phydbl *mu, phydbl *invcov, phydbl det, int size);
70phydbl Log_Dnorm(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl sd, int *err);
71phydbl tt800();
72phydbl Pnorm_Ihaka_Derived_From_Cody(phydbl x);
73int Matinv(phydbl *x, int n, int m, int verbose);
74phydbl *Matrix_Mult(phydbl *A, phydbl *B, int nra, int nca, int nrb, int ncb);
75phydbl *Matrix_Transpose(phydbl *A, int dim);
76void Normal_Conditional(phydbl *mu, phydbl *cov, phydbl *a, int n, short int *is_1, int n1, phydbl *cond_mu, phydbl *cond_var);
77void Normal_Conditional_Unsorted(phydbl *mu, phydbl *cov, phydbl *a, int n, short int *is_1, int n1, phydbl *cond_mu, phydbl *cond_cov);
78phydbl Matrix_Det(phydbl *A, int size, int _log);
79void Get_Reg_Coeff(phydbl *mu, phydbl *cov, phydbl *a, int n, short int *is_1, int n1, phydbl *reg_coeff);
80phydbl Rnorm_Trunc_Inverse(phydbl mean, phydbl sd, phydbl min, phydbl max, int *error);
81phydbl Norm_Trunc_Sd(phydbl mu, phydbl sd, phydbl a, phydbl b);
82phydbl Norm_Trunc_Mean(phydbl mu, phydbl sd, phydbl a, phydbl b);
83int Norm_Trunc_Mean_Sd(phydbl mu, phydbl sd, phydbl a, phydbl b, phydbl *trunc_mu, phydbl *trunc_sd);
84phydbl Log_Dnorm_Trunc(phydbl x, phydbl mean, phydbl sd, phydbl lo, phydbl up, int *err);
85phydbl  Pnorm_Marsaglia(phydbl x);
86int Iter_Matinv(phydbl *x, int n, int m, int verbose);
87phydbl Dorder_Unif(phydbl x, int r, int n, phydbl min, phydbl max);
88phydbl Covariance(phydbl *x, phydbl *y, int n);
89phydbl *Rnorm_Multid_Trunc_Constraint(phydbl *mu, phydbl *cov, phydbl *min, phydbl *max, phydbl *lambda, phydbl k, phydbl *res, int len);
90phydbl *Gradient(t_tree *tree);
91phydbl *Hessian_Seo(t_tree *tree);
92void Integrated_Brownian_Bridge_Moments(phydbl x_beg, phydbl x_end, 
93                                        phydbl y_beg, phydbl y_end, 
94                                        phydbl sd, phydbl *mean, phydbl *var);
95void PMat_MGF_Gamma(phydbl *Pij, phydbl shape, phydbl scale, phydbl scaling_fact, t_mod *mod);
96void Integrated_Geometric_Brownian_Bridge_Moments(phydbl T, phydbl A, phydbl B, phydbl u, phydbl *mean, phydbl *var);
97void Integrated_Geometric_Brownian_Bridge_Mean(phydbl T, phydbl A, phydbl B, phydbl u, phydbl *mean);
98void Integrated_Geometric_Brownian_Bridge_Var(phydbl T, phydbl A, phydbl B, phydbl u, phydbl *mean);
99int Sample_i_With_Proba_pi(phydbl *pi, int len);
100phydbl Quantile(phydbl *x, int len, phydbl p);
101phydbl Prob(phydbl *x, int len, phydbl z);
102phydbl Inverse_Truncated_Normal(phydbl y, phydbl mu, phydbl sigma, phydbl lim_inf, phydbl lim_sup);
103phydbl Progressive_EXP(phydbl x);
104int *Permutate(int len);
105phydbl Mantel(phydbl *x, phydbl *y, int nrow, int ncol);
106phydbl Weighted_Mean(phydbl *x, phydbl *w, int l);
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