1 | #include <cstdio> |
2 | #include <cstdlib> |
3 | #include <cstring> |
4 | #include <cmath> |
5 | |
6 | #include <arbdb.h> |
7 | #include <arbdbt.h> |
8 | // #include <malloc.h> |
9 | #include <aw_root.hxx> |
10 | #include <aw_device.hxx> |
11 | #include <aw_window.hxx> |
12 | #include <awt.hxx> |
13 | #include <awt_sel_boxes.hxx> |
14 | |
15 | #include "gde.hxx" |
16 | #include "GDE_menu.h" |
17 | #include "GDE_def.h" |
18 | #include "GDE_extglob.h" |
19 | #include "GDE_awars.h" |
20 | |
21 | adfiltercbstruct *agde_filtercd = 0; |
22 | |
23 | Gmenu menu[GDEMAXMENU]; |
24 | int num_menus = 0,repeat_cnt = 0; |
25 | //Frame frame,pframe,infoframe; |
26 | //Panel popup,infopanel; |
27 | //Panel_item left_foot,right_foot; |
28 | //Canvas EditCan,EditNameCan; |
29 | int DisplayType; |
30 | GmenuItem *current_item; |
31 | NA_Alignment *DataSet = NULL; |
32 | |
33 | char GDEBLANK[] = "\0"; |
34 | |
35 | #define SLIDERWIDTH 5 // input field width for numbers |
36 | |
37 | static void GDE_showhelp_cb(AW_window *aw, GmenuItem *gmenuitem, AW_CL /*cd*/) { |
38 | const char *help_file = gmenuitem->help; |
39 | if (help_file) { |
40 | char *agde_help_file = GBS_string_eval(help_file, "*.help=agde_*1.hlp", 0); |
41 | AW_POPUP_HELP(aw, (AW_CL)agde_help_file); |
42 | free(agde_help_file); |
43 | } |
44 | else { |
45 | aw_message("Sorry - no help available (please report to devel@arb-home.de)"); |
46 | } |
47 | } |
48 | |
49 | char *GDE_makeawarname(GmenuItem *gmenuitem,long i) |
50 | { |
51 | char name[GB_KEY_LEN_MAX*4+5]; |
52 | char *gmenu_label = GBS_string_2_key(gmenuitem->parent_menu->label); |
53 | char *gmenuitem_label = GBS_string_2_key(gmenuitem->label); |
54 | char *arg = GBS_string_2_key(gmenuitem->arg[i].symbol); |
55 | |
56 | sprintf(name,"gde/%s/%s/%s", gmenu_label, gmenuitem_label, arg); |
57 | |
58 | free(gmenu_label); |
59 | free(gmenuitem_label); |
60 | free(arg); |
61 | |
62 | return(strdup(name)); |
63 | } |
64 | |
65 | static void GDE_slide_awar_int_cb(AW_window *aws, AW_CL cl_awar_name, AW_CL cd_diff) |
66 | { |
67 | int diff = (int)cd_diff; |
68 | AW_awar *awar = aws->get_root()->awar((const char *)cl_awar_name); |
69 | |
70 | awar->write_int(awar->read_int()+diff); |
71 | } |
72 | static void GDE_slide_awar_float_cb(AW_window *aws, AW_CL cl_awar_name, AW_CL cd_diff) |
73 | { |
74 | double diff = *(double*)cd_diff; |
75 | AW_awar *awar = aws->get_root()->awar((const char *)cl_awar_name); |
76 | double new_val = awar->read_float()+diff; |
77 | |
78 | if (fabs(new_val) < 0.0001) new_val = 0.0; |
79 | awar->write_float(new_val); |
80 | |
81 | // do it again (otherwise internal awar-range correction sometimes leads to 1+eXX values) |
82 | new_val = awar->read_float(); |
83 | if (fabs(new_val) < 0.0001) new_val = 0.0; |
84 | awar->write_float(new_val); |
85 | } |
86 | |
87 | static void GDE_create_infieldwithpm(AW_window *aws,char *newawar,long width) |
88 | { |
89 | char *awar=strdup(newawar); |
90 | aws->create_input_field(newawar,(int)width); |
91 | if (aws->get_root()->awar(newawar)->get_type() == AW_INT) { |
92 | aws->button_length(3); |
93 | aws->callback(GDE_slide_awar_int_cb,(AW_CL)awar,-1); |
94 | aws->create_button(0,"-","-"); |
95 | aws->callback(GDE_slide_awar_int_cb,(AW_CL)awar,+1); |
96 | aws->create_button(0,"+","+"); |
97 | } |
98 | else if (aws->get_root()->awar(newawar)->get_type() == AW_FLOAT) { |
99 | aws->button_length(3); |
100 | aws->callback(GDE_slide_awar_float_cb,(AW_CL)awar,(AW_CL)new double(-0.1)); |
101 | aws->create_button(0,"-","-"); |
102 | aws->callback(GDE_slide_awar_float_cb,(AW_CL)awar,(AW_CL)new double(+0.1)); |
103 | aws->create_button(0,"+","+"); |
104 | } |
105 | } |
106 | |
107 | static char *gde_filter_weights(GBDATA *gb_sai,AW_CL ){ |
108 | char *ali_name = GBT_get_default_alignment(GB_get_root(gb_sai)); |
109 | GBDATA *gb_ali = GB_entry(gb_sai,ali_name); |
110 | char *result = 0; |
111 | |
112 | if (gb_ali) { |
113 | GBDATA *gb_type = GB_entry(gb_ali, "_TYPE"); |
114 | if (gb_type) { |
115 | const char *type = GB_read_char_pntr(gb_type); |
116 | |
117 | if (GBS_string_matches( type,"PV?:*",GB_MIND_CASE)) { |
118 | result = GBS_global_string_copy("%s: %s", GBT_read_name(gb_sai), type); |
119 | } |
120 | |
121 | } |
122 | } |
123 | |
124 | free(ali_name); |
125 | return result; |
126 | |
127 | } |
128 | |
129 | |
130 | |
131 | static AW_window *GDE_menuitem_cb(AW_root *aw_root,GmenuItem *gmenuitem) { |
132 | #define BUFSIZE 200 |
133 | char bf[BUFSIZE+1]; |
134 | #if defined(ASSERTION_USED) |
135 | int printed = |
136 | #endif // ASSERTION_USED |
137 | sprintf(bf,"GDE / %s / %s",gmenuitem->parent_menu->label,gmenuitem->label); |
138 | |
139 | gb_assert(printed<=BUFSIZE); |
140 | char seqtype = gmenuitem->seqtype; |
141 | |
142 | if (gmenuitem->aws == NULL) { |
143 | AW_window_simple *aws = new AW_window_simple; |
144 | aws->init(aw_root,bf,bf); |
145 | |
146 | switch (gde_cgss.wt) { |
147 | case CGSS_WT_DEFAULT: { |
148 | if (seqtype == '-') aws->load_xfig("gdeitem_simple.fig"); |
149 | else aws->load_xfig("gdeitem.fig"); |
150 | break; |
151 | } |
152 | case CGSS_WT_EDIT: |
153 | gde_assert(seqtype != '-'); |
154 | aws->load_xfig("gde2item.fig"); |
155 | break; |
156 | case CGSS_WT_EDIT4: |
157 | gde_assert(seqtype != '-'); |
158 | aws->load_xfig("gde3item.fig"); |
159 | break; |
160 | default: |
161 | gde_assert(0); |
162 | } |
163 | |
164 | aws->set_window_size(1000,2000); |
165 | aws->button_length(10); |
166 | aws->at(10,10); |
167 | aws->auto_space(0,10); |
168 | |
169 | aws->at("help"); |
170 | aws->callback((AW_CB2)GDE_showhelp_cb,(AW_CL)gmenuitem,0); |
171 | aws->create_button("GDE_HELP","HELP...","H"); |
172 | |
173 | aws->at("start"); |
174 | aws->callback((AW_CB2)GDE_startaction_cb,(AW_CL)gmenuitem,0); |
175 | aws->create_button("GO", "GO","O"); |
176 | |
177 | aws->at("cancel"); |
178 | aws->callback((AW_CB0)AW_POPDOWN); |
179 | aws->create_button("CLOSE", "CLOSE","C"); |
180 | |
181 | |
182 | if (gmenuitem->numinputs>0) { |
183 | switch (gde_cgss.wt) { |
184 | case CGSS_WT_DEFAULT: { |
185 | if (seqtype != '-') { // '-' means "skip sequence export" |
186 | aws->at("which_alignment"); |
187 | const char *ali_filter = seqtype == 'A' ? "pro=:ami=" : (seqtype == 'N' ? "dna=:rna=" : "*="); |
188 | awt_create_selection_list_on_ad(GLOBAL_gb_main, (AW_window *)aws, AWAR_GDE_ALIGNMENT, ali_filter); |
189 | |
190 | aws->at( "which_species" ); |
191 | aws->create_toggle_field(AWAR_GDE_SPECIES); |
192 | aws->insert_toggle( "all", "a", 0 ); |
193 | aws->insert_default_toggle( "marked", "m", 1 ); |
194 | aws->update_toggle_field(); |
195 | |
196 | if (seqtype != 'N') { |
197 | aws->at("stop_codon"); |
198 | aws->label("Cut stop-codon"); |
199 | aws->create_toggle(AWAR_GDE_CUTOFF_STOPCODON); |
200 | } |
201 | } |
202 | break; |
203 | } |
204 | case CGSS_WT_EDIT: |
205 | aws->at("bottom"); aws->create_toggle("gde/bottom_area"); |
206 | aws->at("bottomsai"); aws->create_toggle("gde/bottom_area_sai"); |
207 | aws->at("bottomh"); aws->create_toggle("gde/bottom_area_helix"); |
208 | goto both_edits; |
209 | case CGSS_WT_EDIT4: |
210 | aws->at("topk"); aws->create_toggle("gde/top_area_kons"); |
211 | aws->at("middlek"); aws->create_toggle("gde/middle_area_kons"); |
212 | aws->at("topr"); aws->create_toggle("gde/top_area_remark"); |
213 | aws->at("middler"); aws->create_toggle("gde/middle_area_remark"); |
214 | goto both_edits; |
215 | both_edits: |
216 | aws->at("top"); aws->create_toggle("gde/top_area"); |
217 | aws->at("topsai"); aws->create_toggle("gde/top_area_sai"); |
218 | aws->at("toph"); aws->create_toggle("gde/top_area_helix"); |
219 | aws->at("middle"); aws->create_toggle("gde/middle_area"); |
220 | aws->at("middlesai"); aws->create_toggle("gde/middle_area_sai"); |
221 | aws->at("middleh"); aws->create_toggle("gde/middle_area_helix"); |
222 | break; |
223 | } |
224 | |
225 | if (seqtype != '-') { |
226 | aws->at("compression"); |
227 | aws->create_option_menu(AWAR_GDE_COMPRESSION, "", ""); |
228 | aws->insert_option("none", "n", COMPRESS_NONE); |
229 | aws->insert_option("vertical gaps", "v", COMPRESS_VERTICAL_GAPS); |
230 | aws->insert_default_option("columns w/o info", "i", COMPRESS_NONINFO_COLUMNS); |
231 | aws->insert_option("all gaps", "g", COMPRESS_ALL); |
232 | aws->update_option_menu(); |
233 | |
234 | aws->button_length(12); |
235 | aws->at("filtername"); |
236 | if (!agde_filtercd) { // create only one filter - used for all GDE calls |
237 | agde_filtercd = awt_create_select_filter(aws->get_root(),GLOBAL_gb_main, AWAR_GDE_FILTER_NAME); |
238 | } |
239 | aws->callback((AW_CB2)AW_POPUP, (AW_CL)awt_create_select_filter_win, (AW_CL)agde_filtercd); |
240 | aws->create_button("SELECT_FILTER", AWAR_GDE_FILTER_NAME); |
241 | } |
242 | |
243 | aws->at("paramsb"); |
244 | } |
245 | else { |
246 | aws->at("paramsb"); |
247 | } |
248 | |
249 | |
250 | int labellength = 1; |
251 | long i; |
252 | for (i=0;i<gmenuitem->numargs;i++) { |
253 | if(!(gmenuitem->arg[i].label)) gmenuitem->arg[i].label = GDEBLANK; |
254 | |
255 | const char *label = gmenuitem->arg[i].label; |
256 | const char *linefeed = strchr(label, '\n'); |
257 | |
258 | int lablen; |
259 | while (linefeed) { |
260 | lablen = linefeed-label; |
261 | if (lablen>labellength) { |
262 | labellength = lablen; |
263 | } |
264 | label = linefeed+1; |
265 | linefeed = strchr(label, '\n'); |
266 | } |
267 | |
268 | lablen = strlen(label); |
269 | if (lablen>labellength) { |
270 | labellength = lablen; |
271 | } |
272 | } |
273 | aws->label_length(labellength); |
274 | aws->auto_space(0,0); |
275 | |
276 | for (i=0;i<gmenuitem->numargs;i++) { |
277 | GmenuItemArg itemarg=gmenuitem->arg[i]; |
278 | |
279 | if(itemarg.type==SLIDER) { |
280 | char *newawar=GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
281 | if ( int(gmenuitem->arg[i].fvalue) == gmenuitem->arg[i].fvalue && |
282 | int(gmenuitem->arg[i].min) == gmenuitem->arg[i].min && |
283 | int(gmenuitem->arg[i].max) == gmenuitem->arg[i].max){ |
284 | aw_root->awar_int(newawar,(long)gmenuitem->arg[i].fvalue,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
285 | }else{ |
286 | aw_root->awar_float(newawar,gmenuitem->arg[i].fvalue,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
287 | } |
288 | aw_root->awar(newawar)->set_minmax(gmenuitem->arg[i].min,gmenuitem->arg[i].max); |
289 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
290 | GDE_create_infieldwithpm(aws,newawar,SLIDERWIDTH); |
291 | // maybe bound checking // |
292 | free(newawar); |
293 | } |
294 | else if(itemarg.type==CHOOSER) { |
295 | char *defopt = itemarg.choice[0].method; |
296 | char *newawar = GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
297 | AW_awar *curr_awar = aw_root->awar_string(newawar,defopt,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
298 | char *curr_value = curr_awar->read_string(); |
299 | bool curr_value_legal = false; |
300 | |
301 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
302 | if ((strcasecmp(itemarg.choice[0].label,"no") == 0) || |
303 | (strcasecmp(itemarg.choice[0].label,"yes") == 0)) |
304 | { |
305 | aws->create_toggle_field(newawar,1); |
306 | } |
307 | else { |
308 | aws->create_toggle_field(newawar); |
309 | } |
310 | |
311 | for(long j=0;j<itemarg.numchoices;j++) { |
312 | if (strcmp(itemarg.choice[j].method, curr_value) == 0) curr_value_legal = true; |
313 | |
314 | if (!j) { |
315 | aws->insert_default_toggle(itemarg.choice[j].label,"1", itemarg.choice[j].method); |
316 | } |
317 | else { |
318 | aws->insert_toggle(itemarg.choice[j].label,"1", itemarg.choice[j].method); |
319 | } |
320 | } |
321 | if (!curr_value_legal) curr_awar->write_string(defopt); // if saved value no longer occurs in choice -> overwrite with default |
322 | free(curr_value); |
323 | aws->update_toggle_field(); |
324 | free(newawar); |
325 | } |
326 | else if(itemarg.type==CHOICE_MENU) { |
327 | char *defopt = itemarg.choice[itemarg.ivalue].method; |
328 | char *newawar = GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
329 | AW_awar *curr_awar = aw_root->awar_string(newawar,defopt,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
330 | char *curr_value = curr_awar->read_string(); |
331 | bool curr_value_legal = false; |
332 | |
333 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
334 | aws->create_option_menu(newawar,NULL,""); |
335 | |
336 | for(long j=0;j<itemarg.numchoices;j++) { |
337 | if (strcmp(itemarg.choice[j].method, curr_value) == 0) curr_value_legal = true; |
338 | aws->insert_option(itemarg.choice[j].label,"1", itemarg.choice[j].method); |
339 | } |
340 | if (!curr_value_legal) curr_awar->write_string(defopt); // if saved value no longer occurs in choice -> overwrite with default |
341 | free(curr_value); |
342 | aws->update_option_menu(); |
343 | free(newawar); |
344 | } |
345 | else if(itemarg.type==TEXTFIELD) { |
346 | char *defopt = itemarg.textvalue; |
347 | char *newawar = GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
348 | aw_root->awar_string(newawar,defopt,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
349 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
350 | aws->create_input_field(newawar,itemarg.textwidth/*TEXTFIELDWIDTH*/); |
351 | free(newawar); |
352 | } |
353 | else if(itemarg.type==CHOICE_TREE) { |
354 | char *defopt=itemarg.textvalue; |
355 | char *newawar=GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
356 | aw_root->awar_string(newawar,defopt,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
357 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
358 | awt_create_selection_list_on_trees(GLOBAL_gb_main,aws,newawar); |
359 | free(newawar); |
360 | } |
361 | else if(itemarg.type==CHOICE_SAI) { |
362 | char *defopt=itemarg.textvalue; |
363 | char *newawar=GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
364 | aw_root->awar_string(newawar,defopt,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
365 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
366 | awt_create_selection_list_on_extendeds(GLOBAL_gb_main,aws,newawar); |
367 | free(newawar); |
368 | } |
369 | else if(itemarg.type==CHOICE_WEIGHTS) { |
370 | char *defopt=itemarg.textvalue; |
371 | char *newawar=GDE_makeawarname(gmenuitem,i); |
372 | aw_root->awar_string(newawar,defopt,AW_ROOT_DEFAULT); |
373 | aws->label(gmenuitem->arg[i].label); |
374 | void *id = awt_create_selection_list_on_extendeds(GLOBAL_gb_main,aws,newawar,gde_filter_weights); |
375 | free(newawar); |
376 | aw_root->awar(AWAR_GDE_ALIGNMENT)->add_callback((AW_RCB1)awt_create_selection_list_on_extendeds_update,(AW_CL)id); |
377 | } |
378 | |
379 | aws->at_newline(); |
380 | // if((gmenuitem->numargs<8) || GDE_odd(i)) aws->at_newline(); |
381 | // else aws->at_shift( 50,0 ); |
382 | } |
383 | aws->at_newline(); |
384 | aws->window_fit(); |
385 | |
386 | gmenuitem->aws = aws; |
387 | } |
388 | return gmenuitem->aws; |
389 | #undef BUFSIZE |
390 | } |
391 | |
392 | |
393 | |
394 | |
395 | void GDE_load_menu(AW_window *awm, AW_active mask, const char *menulabel, const char *menuitemlabel) { |
396 | // Load GDE menu items. |
397 | // |
398 | // If 'menulabel' == NULL -> load all menus |
399 | // Else -> load specified menu |
400 | // |
401 | // If 'menuitemlabel' == NULL -> load complete menu(s) |
402 | // Else -> load only specific menu topic |
403 | |
404 | char buffer[1024]; |
405 | char *help; |
406 | long nitem,num_items; |
407 | GmenuItem *menuitem; |
408 | char hotkey[] = "x"; |
409 | bool menuloaded = false; |
410 | bool itemloaded = false; |
411 | |
412 | for (long nmenu = 0; nmenu<num_menus; nmenu++) { |
413 | { |
414 | const char *menuname = menu[nmenu].label; |
415 | if (menulabel){ |
416 | if (strcmp(menulabel,menuname)) { |
417 | continue; |
418 | } |
419 | } |
420 | else { |
421 | hotkey[0] = menu[nmenu].meta; |
422 | awm->insert_sub_menu(menuname, hotkey); |
423 | } |
424 | } |
425 | |
426 | menuloaded = true; |
427 | |
428 | num_items = menu[nmenu].numitems; |
429 | for (nitem=0; nitem<num_items;nitem++) { |
430 | menuitem=&menu[nmenu].item[nitem]; |
431 | if (!menuitemlabel || strcmp(menuitem->label,menuitemlabel) == 0) { |
432 | itemloaded = true; |
433 | if (menuitem->help) { |
434 | sprintf(buffer,"GDEHELP/%s",menuitem->help); |
435 | help = strdup(buffer); |
436 | } |
437 | else { |
438 | help = 0; |
439 | } |
440 | hotkey[0] = menuitem->meta; |
441 | awm->insert_menu_topic(0,menuitem->label,hotkey, |
442 | help, mask, |
443 | AW_POPUP, (AW_CL)GDE_menuitem_cb, (AW_CL)menuitem); |
444 | } |
445 | } |
446 | if (!menulabel){ |
447 | awm->close_sub_menu(); |
448 | } |
449 | } |
450 | |
451 | if (!menuloaded && menulabel) { |
452 | fprintf(stderr, "GDE-Warning: Could not find requested menu '%s'\n", menulabel); |
453 | } |
454 | if (!itemloaded && menuitemlabel) { |
455 | if (menulabel) { |
456 | fprintf(stderr, "GDE-Warning: Could not find requested topic '%s' in menu '%s'\n", menuitemlabel, menulabel); |
457 | } |
458 | else { |
459 | fprintf(stderr, "GDE-Warning: Could not find requested topic '%s'\n", menuitemlabel); |
460 | } |
461 | } |
462 | } |
463 | |
464 | struct choose_get_sequence_struct gde_cgss = { 0, CGSS_WT_DEFAULT, 0 }; |
465 | |
466 | void create_gde_var(AW_root *aw_root, AW_default aw_def, |
467 | char *(*get_sequences)(void *THIS, GBDATA **&the_species, |
468 | uchar **&the_names, |
469 | uchar **&the_sequences, |
470 | long &numberspecies,long &maxalignlen), |
471 | gde_cgss_window_type wt, |
472 | void *THIS) |
473 | { |
474 | gde_cgss.get_sequences= get_sequences; |
475 | gde_cgss.wt = wt; |
476 | gde_cgss.THIS= THIS; |
477 | |
478 | // aw_root->awar_string("tmp/gde/helptext", "help", aw_def); // only occurrence |
479 | aw_root->awar_string(AWAR_GDE_ALIGNMENT, "", aw_def); |
480 | |
481 | switch (gde_cgss.wt) |
482 | { |
483 | case CGSS_WT_EDIT4: |
484 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/top_area_kons",1,aw_def); |
485 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/top_area_remark",1,aw_def); |
486 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/middle_area_kons",1,aw_def); |
487 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/middle_area_remark",1,aw_def); |
488 | case CGSS_WT_EDIT: |
489 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/top_area",1,aw_def); |
490 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/top_area_sai",1,aw_def); |
491 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/top_area_helix",1,aw_def); |
492 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/middle_area",1,aw_def); |
493 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/middle_area_sai",1,aw_def); |
494 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/middle_area_helix",1,aw_def); |
495 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/bottom_area",1,aw_def); |
496 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/bottom_area_sai",1,aw_def); |
497 | aw_root->awar_int("gde/bottom_area_helix",1,aw_def); |
498 | default: |
499 | break; |
500 | } |
501 | |
502 | aw_root->awar_string("presets/use", "", GLOBAL_gb_main); |
503 | |
504 | aw_root->awar_string(AWAR_GDE_FILTER_NAME, "", aw_def); |
505 | aw_root->awar_string(AWAR_GDE_FILTER_FILTER, "", aw_def); |
506 | aw_root->awar_string(AWAR_GDE_FILTER_ALIGNMENT, "", aw_def); |
507 | |
508 | aw_root->awar_int(AWAR_GDE_CUTOFF_STOPCODON, 0, aw_def); |
509 | aw_root->awar_int(AWAR_GDE_SPECIES, 1, aw_def); |
510 | |
511 | aw_root->awar_int(AWAR_GDE_COMPRESSION, COMPRESS_NONINFO_COLUMNS, aw_def); |
512 | |
513 | aw_root->awar(AWAR_GDE_ALIGNMENT)->map("presets/use"); |
514 | aw_root->awar(AWAR_GDE_FILTER_ALIGNMENT)->map("presets/use"); |
515 | |
516 | DataSet = (NA_Alignment *) Calloc(1,sizeof(NA_Alignment)); |
517 | DataSet->rel_offset = 0; |
518 | ParseMenu(); |
519 | } |
520 | |