1 | /*ARBDB ASCII*/ |
2 | species_data %% (% |
3 | species :5000 %% (% |
4 | name :7600 "MetMazei" |
5 | acc "X69874" |
6 | full_name :4400 "Methanosarcina mazei" |
7 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
8 | title " [RDP] Methanogenic bacterium GO1: an acetoclastic methanogen that is closely related to Methanosarcina frisius [EBI,DEW] METHANOGENIC BACTERIUM GO1: AN ACETOCLASTIC METHANOGEN THAT IS CLOSELY RELATED TO METHANOSARCINA FRISIUS" |
9 | journal " [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1993 vol 15 pgs 582-586 [EBI] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 807:0-0(1993). Submitted (28-DEC-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. R. Eggen, Wageningen Agricultural University, H. Van Suchtelenweg 4, Wageningen 6703 CT, THE NETHERLANDS [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 807, 0-0 (1993)" |
10 | author " [EBI] Eggen R.I.L., GEERLING A.C.M., GROOT P.W.J., Ludwig W., Vos W.M.; Eggen R.; [RDP,DEW] Eggen,R.I.L., GEERLING,A.C.M., GROOT,P.W.J., Ludwig,W. and Vos,W.M." |
11 | file " [EBI] mftrnaala.em_ba [DEW] Metfr0.AEU" |
12 | date " [RDP] 15-JAN-1993 [EBI] 15-JAN-1993 (Rel. 34, Created)|15-JAN-1993 (Rel. 34, Last updated, Version 2)" |
13 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 23S ribosomal RNA transfer RNA-Ala. [EBI_DE] M.frisius transfer RNA-Ala gene, and 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA|genes." |
14 | db_name " [DEW,RDP] Methanosarcina frisius [EBI] Methanosarcina frisia [RDP] Methanosarcina mazei" |
15 | id " [RDP] Msr.frisi2 [EBI] MFTRNAALA" |
16 | tax " [DEW] Archaea|Euryarchaeota|Methanomicrobium group [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Mendosicutes; Archaeobacteria;|Methanomicrobiales; Methanosarcinaceae." |
17 | seqcheck "ARB_C2C11C55" |
18 | %) /*species*/ |
19 | |
20 | species :5000 %% (% |
21 | name :7600 "MthBurto" |
22 | acc "X65537" |
23 | full_name :4400 "Methano-coccoides burtonii" |
24 | title " [EBI,DEW] A methanogenic bacterium from ACE lake, antarctica: Methanococcoides burtonii sp. nov. [RDP] A methanogenic bacterium from ACE lake, antarctica: Methanococcoides burtonii sp. nov" |
25 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (13-APR-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst f Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG" |
26 | author " [RDP,DEW] Franzmann,P.D., Springer,N., Ludwig,W., Conway de Macario,E. and Rohde,M. [EBI] Ludwig W.; Franzmann P.D., Springer N., Ludwig W., Conway de Macario E., Rohde M.;" |
27 | file " [EBI] mb16srnag.em_ba [DEW] Metbur.AEU" |
28 | date " [RDP] 09-DEC-1993 [EBI] 09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
29 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] M.burtonii gene for 16S rRNA" |
30 | db_name " [DEW] Methanococcoides burtonii (P.) [RDP,EBI] Methanococcoides burtonii" |
31 | id " [RDP] Mcc.burton [EBI] MB16SRNAG" |
32 | tax " [DEW] Archaea|Euryarchaeota|Methanomicrobium group [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Mendosicutes; Archaeobacteria;|Methanomicrobiales; Methanosarcinaceae." |
33 | seqcheck "ARB_8F6E27E5" |
34 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
35 | %) /*species*/ |
36 | |
37 | species :5000 %% (% |
38 | name :7600 "MtsHunga" |
39 | acc "M60880" |
40 | full_name :4400 "Methanospirillum h_ungatei" |
41 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] The phylogeny of archaebacteria" |
42 | journal " [EBI] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 6:251-256(1985). [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 6, 251-256 (1985) [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1985 vol 6 pgs 251-256" |
43 | author " [EBI] Yang D., Kaine B.P., Woese C.R.; [RDP,DEW] Yang,D., Kaine,B.P. and Woese,C.R." |
44 | file " [DEW] Methun.AEU [EBI] mhrgdx.em_ba" |
45 | date " [RDP] 22-MAR-1991 [EBI] 24-MAR-1991 (Rel. 27, Created)|28-FEB-1992 (Rel. 31, Last updated, Version 3)" |
46 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA small subunit ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] M.hungatei 16S ribosomal RNA." |
47 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Methanospirillum hungatei" |
48 | id " [RDP] Msp.hungat [EBI] MHRGDX" |
49 | tax " [DEW] Archaea|Euryarchaeota|Methanomicrobium group [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Mendosicutes; Archaeobacteria;|Methanobacteriales; Methanobacteriaceae." |
50 | seqcheck "ARB_70CBDADA" |
51 | %) /*species*/ |
52 | |
53 | species :5000 %% (% |
54 | name :7600 "NatMagad" |
55 | full_name :4400 "N_atronobacterium magadii" |
56 | acc "X72495" |
57 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi" |
58 | title " [RDP] Nucleotide Sequence of the 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene from the magadii, and the Phylogeny of Halobacteria Haloaliphatic Archaeon (Archaebacterium) [DEW] Nucleotide Sequence of the 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene from the Haloalkaliphilic Archaeon (Archaebacterium) Natrobacterium magadii, and the Phylogeny of Halobacteria [EBI] Nucleotide Sequence of the 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene from the Haloalkaliphilic Archaeon (Archaebacterium) Natrobacterium magadii, and the Phylogeny of Halobacteria The phylogenetic position of the haloalkaliphilic archaeon Natronobacterium magadii, determined from its 23S ribosomal RNA sequence." |
59 | journal " [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1991 vol 14 pgs 352-357 [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 352-357 (1991) [EBI] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 14:352-357(1991). Submitted (29-APR-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. D. Lodwick, University of Leicester, Dept of Medicine Clinical Sc Bldg, Leicester Royal Infirmary, P O Box 65, Leicester LE2 7LX, UK Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 17:402-404(1994)." |
60 | author " [EBI] Lodwick D., Ross H.N.M., Walker J.A., Almond J.W., Grant W.D.; Lodwick D.; Lodwick D., McGenity T.J., Grant W.D.; [RDP] Lodwick,D., Ross,H.N.M., Walker,J.A. and Almond,J.W. [DEW] Lodwick D., Ross H.N.M., Walker J.A., Almond J.W. and Grant W.D." |
61 | file " [DEW] Natmag.AEU [EBI] nmrrna.em_ba" |
62 | date " [RDP] 11-MAY-1993 [EBI] 11-MAY-1993 (Rel. 35, Created)|10-FEB-1995 (Rel. 42, Last updated, Version 9)" |
63 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] N.magadii rRNA operon" |
64 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Natronobacterium magadii" |
65 | id " [EBI] NMRRNA [RDP] Ntr.magadi" |
66 | tax " [DEW] Archaea|Euryarchaeota|Halobacteria [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Mendosicutes; Archaeobacteria;|Halobacteriales; Halobacteriaceae." |
67 | seqcheck "ARB_579E9867" |
68 | %) /*species*/ |
69 | |
70 | species :5000 %% (% |
71 | name :7600 "DicTherm" |
72 | acc "X69194" |
73 | full_name :4400 "Dictyoglomus thermophilum" |
74 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] The phylogenetic position of Dictyoglomus based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis" |
75 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (13-NOV-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr. 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 107:317-320(1993). [RDP] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 107, 317-320 (1993) [DEW] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. date 1993 vol 17 pgs 317-320" |
76 | author " [RDP,DEW] Love,C.A., Patel,B.K.C., Stackebrandt,E. and Ludwig,W. [EBI] Ludwig W.; Love C.A., Patel B.K.C., Stackebrandt E., Ludwig W.;" |
77 | file " [DEW] Dicthe.EFU [DEW] DictheMi.MFU [EBI] dt16srna.em_fun" |
78 | date " [RDP] 29-APR-1993 [EBI] 28-APR-1993 (Rel. 35, Created)|29-APR-1993 (Rel. 35, Last updated, Version 3)" |
79 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] D.thermophilum gene for 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU" |
80 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Dictyoglomus thermophilum" |
81 | id " [EBI] DT16SRNA [RDP] Dgl.thmoph" |
82 | tax " [DEW] Eukarya|Fungi|Eumycota|Zygomycotina|Zygomycetes [DEW] Mitochondria Fungi Eumycota Zygomycotina Zygomycetes [EBI] Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Eumycota; Zygomycotina;|Zygomycetes; Endogonales; Endogonaceae." |
83 | seqcheck "ARB_56D1CA2D" |
84 | %) /*species*/ |
85 | |
86 | species :5000 %% (% |
87 | name :7600 "CalSacch" |
88 | acc "L09178" |
89 | full_name :4400 "\"Caldocellum saccharolyticum\"" |
90 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic analysis of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria: Aid for their classification" |
91 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 175, 4772-4779 (1993) [EBI] J. Bacteriol. 175:4772-4779(1993). [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 175 pgs 4772-4779" |
92 | author " [RDP,DEW] Rainey,F.A., Ward,N.L., Morgan,H.W. and Stackebrandt,E. [EBI] Rainey F.A., Ward N.L., Morgan H.W., Stackebrandt E.;" |
93 | file " [DEW] UnkL09.BGL [EBI] gpqrg16s.em_ba" |
94 | date " [RDP] 13-MAY-1991 [EBI] 04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|07-FEB-1994 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 5)" |
95 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Gram-positive bacterial sp. (strain Tp8T.6331) 16S ribosomal RNA|(16S rRNA) gene." |
96 | db_name " [EBI] Unknown [RDP] \"Caldocellum saccharolyticum\" [DEW] Unknown L09178" |
97 | id " [EBI] GPQRG16S [RDP] Cal.saccha" |
98 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Gram-positive anaerobic thermophilic bacteria. [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C" |
99 | seqcheck "ARB_4D8A3140" |
100 | %) /*species*/ |
101 | |
102 | species :5000 %% (% |
103 | name :7600 "ThnCellu" |
104 | acc "L09183" |
105 | full_name :4400 "\"Thermoanaerobacter cellulolyticus\"" |
106 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic analysis of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria: Aid for their classification" |
107 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 175, 4772-4779 (1993) [EBI] J. Bacteriol. 175:4772-4779(1993). [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 175 pgs 4772-4779" |
108 | author " [RDP,DEW] Rainey,F.A., Ward,N.L., Morgan,H.W. and Stackebrandt,E. [EBI] Rainey F.A., Ward N.L., Morgan H.W., Stackebrandt E.;" |
109 | file " [EBI] tcrg16sj.em_ba [DEW] Thecel.BGL" |
110 | date " [RDP] 11-AUG-1993 [EBI] 07-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|07-FEB-1994 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 6)" |
111 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Thermoanaerobacter cellulolyticus (IFO 14436) 16S ribosomal RNA|(16S rRNA) gene." |
112 | db_name " [EBI,DEW] Thermoanaerobacter cellulolyticus [RDP] \"Thermoanaerobacter cellulolyticus\"" |
113 | id " [EBI] TCRG16SJ [RDP] Tab.cellu2" |
114 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes;|Irregular, nonsporing, gram-positive rods. [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C" |
115 | seqcheck "ARB_DAAEB14" |
116 | remark2 " acc" |
117 | %) /*species*/ |
118 | |
119 | species :5000 %% (% |
120 | name :7600 "LacPonti" |
121 | acc "X76329" |
122 | full_name :4400 "Lactobacillus pontis" |
123 | title " [DEW] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov. [EBI] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov." |
124 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:223-229(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 223-229" |
125 | author " [EBI] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K., Schleifer K.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K. and Schleifer K." |
126 | file " [EBI] lp16srr.em_ba [DEW] Lacpon.BGL" |
127 | date " [EBI] 02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
128 | gene " [EBI_DE] L.pontis (LTH 2587) 16S rRNA gene. [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU" |
129 | db_name " [EBI,DEW] Lactobacillus pontis" |
130 | id " [EBI] LP16SRR" |
131 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Regular asporogenous rods;|Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillus." |
132 | seqcheck "ARB_C4D8A14A" |
133 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
134 | %) /*species*/ |
135 | |
136 | species :5000 %% (% |
137 | name :7600 "LacReute" |
138 | acc "X76328" |
139 | full_name :4400 "Lactobacillus reuteri" |
140 | title " [DEW] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov. [EBI] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov." |
141 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:223-229(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 223-229" |
142 | author " [EBI] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K., Schleifer K.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K. and Schleifer K." |
143 | file " [DEW] Lacreu2.BGL [EBI] lr16srri.em_ba" |
144 | date " [EBI] 02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
145 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] L.reuteri (DSM 20016 T) 16S rRNA gene. (i)" |
146 | db_name " [DEW] Lactobacillus reuteri 2 [EBI] Lactobacillus reuteri" |
147 | id " [EBI] LR16SRRI" |
148 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Regular asporogenous rods;|Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillus." |
149 | seqcheck "ARB_6A4EF5D" |
150 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
151 | %) /*species*/ |
152 | |
153 | species :5000 %% (% |
154 | name :7600 "LacSanfr" |
155 | acc "X76327" |
156 | full_name :4400 "Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis" |
157 | title " [DEW] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov. [EBI] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov." |
158 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:223-229(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 223-229" |
159 | author " [EBI] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K., Schleifer K.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K. and Schleifer K." |
160 | file " [DEW] Lacsan3.BGL [EBI] ls16srr.em_ba" |
161 | date " [EBI] 02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
162 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] L.sanfrancisco (ATCC 27651 T) 16S rRNA gene." |
163 | db_name " [DEW] Lactobacillus sanfrancisco 3 [EBI] Lactobacillus sanfrancisco" |
164 | id " [EBI] LS16SRR" |
165 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Regular asporogenous rods;|Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillus." |
166 | seqcheck "ARB_E4B9E60D" |
167 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
168 | %) /*species*/ |
169 | |
170 | species :5000 %% (% |
171 | name :7600 "LacFruct" |
172 | acc "X76330" |
173 | full_name :4400 "Lactobacillus fructivorans" |
174 | title " [DEW] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov. [EBI] Identification of lactobacilli from sourdough and description of Lactibacillus pontis sp. nov." |
175 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:223-229(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 223-229" |
176 | author " [EBI] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K., Schleifer K.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Vogel R.F., Boecker G., Stolz P., Ehrmann M., Fanta D., Ludwig W., Pot B., Kersters K. and Schleifer K." |
177 | file " [DEW] Lacfru2.BGL [EBI] lf16srr.em_ba" |
178 | date " [EBI] 02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|02-SEP-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
179 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] L.fructivorans (DSM 20203 T) 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU" |
180 | db_name " [DEW] Lactobacillus fructivorans 2 [EBI] Lactobacillus fructivorans" |
181 | id " [EBI] LF16SRR" |
182 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Regular asporogenous rods;|Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillus." |
183 | seqcheck "ARB_9F4C1FF1" |
184 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
185 | %) /*species*/ |
186 | |
187 | species :5000 %% (% |
188 | name :7600 "LacAcido" |
189 | acc "M99704" |
190 | full_name :4400 "Lactobacillus acidophilus " |
191 | title " [RDP] Identification and classification of Lactobacillus oligonucleotide probe hybridization by SDS-PAGE and rRNA-targeted acidophilus, L. johnsonii and L.gasseri strains [EBI,DEW] Identification and classification of Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. johnsonii and L.gasseri strains by SDS-PAGE and rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe hybridization" |
192 | journal "" |
193 | author " [EBI] Pot B., Hertel C., Ludwig W., Descheemaeker P., Kersters K., Scleifer K.H.; [RDP,DEW] Pot,B., Hertel,C., Ludwig,W., Descheemaeker,P., Kersters,K. and Scleifer,K.H." |
194 | file " [EBI] larr16saz.em_ba [DEW] Lacaci3.BGL" |
195 | date " [RDP] 07-SEP-1993 [EBI] 08-SEP-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|08-SEP-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 1)" |
196 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] Lactobacillus acidophilus johnsonii 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA). [DEW] SSU" |
197 | db_name " [EBI] Lactobacillus acidophilus [DEW] Lactobacillus acidophilus 3 [RDP] Lactobacillus acidophilus subsp johnsonii" |
198 | id " [RDP] L.acidoph2 [EBI] LARR16SAZ" |
199 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Regular asporogenous rods;|Lactobacillaceae; Lactobacillus." |
200 | seqcheck "ARB_F810780" |
201 | remark2 "seqcheck" |
202 | %) /*species*/ |
203 | |
204 | species :5000 %% (% |
205 | name :7600 "CarAlter" |
206 | full_name :4400 "Carnobacterium alterfunditum" |
207 | acc "L08623" |
208 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew and ebi" |
209 | title " [RDP] Phylogeny of the Antarctic bacterium, Carnobacterium alterfunditum [EBI,DEW] Phylogeny of the Antarctic bacterium Carnobacterium alterfunditum" |
210 | journal " [RDP] Polar Biol. 13, 501-503 (1993)" |
211 | author " [DEW] Spielmeyer,W.K., McMeekin,T.A., Miller,J.M. and Franzmann,P.D. [EBI] Spielmeyer W.K., McMeekin T.A., Miller J.M., Franzmann P.D.; [RDP] Spielmeyer,W.K., McMeekin,T.A., Miller,J.M. and Franzmann,P .D." |
212 | file " [DEW] Caralt.BGL [EBI] cabrr16s.em_ba" |
213 | date " [RDP] 06-JUL-1993 [EBI] 04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 1)" |
214 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Carnobacterium alterfunditum 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA)." |
215 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Carnobacterium alterfunditum" |
216 | id " [RDP] Crn.altfun [EBI] CABRR16S" |
217 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria. [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C" |
218 | seqcheck "ARB_422EAE25" |
219 | %) /*species*/ |
220 | |
221 | species :5000 %% (% |
222 | name :7600 "StrSaliv" |
223 | acc "X68418" |
224 | full_name :4400 "Streptococcus salivarius " |
225 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Complete 23S ribosomal RNA sequences of Gram-positive Bacteria with a low DNA G+C content" |
226 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 487-501 (1992) [EBI] Submitted (08-SEP-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. fuer Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr. 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15:487-501(1992). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1992 vol 15 pgs 487-501" |
227 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Ludwig W., Kirchof G., Klugbauer N., Weizenegger M., Betzl D., Ehrmann M., Hertel C., Jilg S., Tatzel R., Zitzelsberger H., Liebl S., Hochberger M., Shah J., Lane D., Wallnoef P.R.; [RDP] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., D. and Wallnoef,P.R. Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., [DEW] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Lane,D. and Wallnoef,P.R." |
228 | file " [DEW] Strthe2.BGL [EBI] st16srrn.em_ba" |
229 | date " [EBI] 15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 2) [RDP] 15-JUN-1993" |
230 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] S.thermophilus gene for 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU" |
231 | db_name " [DEW] Streptococcus thermophilus 2 [EBI,RDP] Streptococcus thermophilus [RDP] Streptococcus salivarius subsp thermophilus" |
232 | id " [RDP] Stc.saliv3 [EBI] ST16SRRN" |
233 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;|Streptococcaceae." |
234 | seqcheck "ARB_22BD8250" |
235 | %) /*species*/ |
236 | |
237 | species :5000 %% (% |
238 | name :7600 "StaAureu" |
239 | acc "X68417" |
240 | full_name :4400 "Staphylococcus aureus" |
241 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Complete 23S ribosomal RNA sequences of Gram-positive Bacteria with a low DNA G+C content" |
242 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 487-501 (1992) [EBI] Submitted (08-SEP-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. fuer Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr. 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15:487-501(1992). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1992 vol 15 pgs 487-501" |
243 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Ludwig W., Kirchof G., Klugbauer N., Weizenegger M., Betzl D., Ehrmann M., Hertel C., Jilg S., Tatzel R., Zitzelsberger H., Liebl S., Hochberger M., Shah J., Lane D., Wallnoef P.R.; [RDP] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., D. and Wallnoef,P.R. Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., [DEW] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Lane,D. and Wallnoef,P.R." |
244 | file " [EBI] sa16srrn.em_ba [DEW] Staaur.BGL" |
245 | date " [EBI] 15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 2) [RDP] 15-JUN-1993" |
246 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] S.aureus gene for 16S rRNA" |
247 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Staphylococcus aureus" |
248 | id " [RDP] Stp.aureus [EBI] SA16SRRN" |
249 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;|Micrococcaceae; Staphylococcus." |
250 | seqcheck "ARB_76F7D642" |
251 | %) /*species*/ |
252 | |
253 | species :5000 %% (% |
254 | name :7600 "StaHaemo" |
255 | acc "X66100" |
256 | full_name :4400 "Staphylococcus haemolyticus" |
257 | title " [RDP] Construction of an oligonucleotide probe to differentiate warneri and Staphylococcus hominis Staphylococcus haemolyticus from Staphylococcus [EBI,DEW] Construction of an oligonucleotide probe to differentiate Staphylococcus haemolyticus from Staphylococcus warneri and Staphylococcus hominis" |
258 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. In press [EBI] Submitted (20-MAY-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst f Mikrobiology TU Muenchen, Arcisstr 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 0:0-0(0). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 0 pgs 0-0" |
259 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Druel B., Ludwig W., Wiezenegger M., Scleifer K.H., Freney J., Fleurette N.; [RDP,DEW] Druel,B., Ludwig,W., Wiezenegger,M., Scleifer,K.H., Freney,J. and Fleurette,N." |
260 | file " [DEW] Stahae.BGL [EBI] sh16srrnb.em_ba" |
261 | date " [RDP] 09-DEC-1993 [EBI] 09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
262 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] S.haemolyticus gene for 16S ribosomal RNA [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA." |
263 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Staphylococcus haemolyticus" |
264 | id " [EBI] SH16SRRNB [RDP] Stp.haemo2" |
265 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;|Micrococcaceae; Staphylococcus." |
266 | seqcheck "ARB_63D03890" |
267 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
268 | %) /*species*/ |
269 | |
270 | species :5000 %% (% |
271 | name :7600 "StaHomin" |
272 | acc "X66101" |
273 | full_name :4400 "Staphylococcus hominis" |
274 | title " [RDP] Construction of an oligonucleotide probe to differentiate warneri and Staphylococcus hominis Staphylococcus haemolyticus from Staphylococcus [EBI,DEW] Construction of an oligonucleotide probe to differentiate Staphylococcus haemolyticus from Staphylococcus warneri and Staphylococcus hominis" |
275 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. In press [EBI] Submitted (20-MAY-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst f Mikrobiology TU Muenchen, Arcisstr 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 0:0-0(0). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 0 pgs 0-0" |
276 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Druel B., Ludwig W., Wiezenegger M., Scleifer K.H., Freney J., Fleurette N.; [RDP,DEW] Druel,B., Ludwig,W., Wiezenegger,M., Scleifer,K.H., Freney,J. and Fleurette,N." |
277 | file " [DEW] Stahom.BGL [EBI] sh16srrnc.em_ba" |
278 | date " [RDP] 09-DEC-1993 [EBI] 09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
279 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] S.hominis gene for 16S ribosomal RNA" |
280 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Staphylococcus hominis" |
281 | id " [EBI] SH16SRRNC [RDP] Stp.homin2" |
282 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;|Micrococcaceae; Staphylococcus." |
283 | seqcheck "ARB_BE1296B" |
284 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
285 | %) /*species*/ |
286 | |
287 | species :5000 %% (% |
288 | name :7600 "BacLiche" |
289 | acc "X68416" |
290 | full_name :4400 "Bacillus licheniformis " |
291 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi" |
292 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Complete 23S ribosomal RNA sequences of Gram-positive Bacteria with a low DNA G+C content" |
293 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 487-501 (1992) [EBI] Submitted (08-SEP-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. fuer Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr. 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15:487-501(1992). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1992 vol 15 pgs 487-501" |
294 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Ludwig W., Kirchof G., Klugbauer N., Weizenegger M., Betzl D., Ehrmann M., Hertel C., Jilg S., Tatzel R., Zitzelsberger H., Liebl S., Hochberger M., Shah J., Lane D., Wallnoef P.R.; [RDP] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., D. and Wallnoef,P.R. Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., [DEW] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Lane,D. and Wallnoef,P.R." |
295 | file " [EBI] bl16srrn.em_ba [DEW] Baclic2.BGL" |
296 | date " [EBI] 15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 2) [RDP] 15-JUN-1993" |
297 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] B.licheniformis gene for 16S rRNA" |
298 | db_name " [RDP,EBI] Bacillus licheniformis [DEW] Bacillus licheniformis 2" |
299 | id " [EBI] BL16SRRN [RDP] B.licheni2" |
300 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Bacillus." |
301 | seqcheck "ARB_E9B88356" |
302 | %) /*species*/ |
303 | |
304 | species :5000 %% (% |
305 | name :7600 "BacStear" |
306 | full_name :4400 "Bacillus stearothermophilus" |
307 | acc "X57309" |
308 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi" |
309 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic Diversity in the genus Bacillus as seen by 16SRNA sequencing studies" |
310 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 14, 266-269 (1991) [EBI] Submitted (14-JAN-1991) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. G.E. Fox, UNIVRSITY OF HOUSTON, DEPT OF BIOCHEM. & BIOPHYS. SCIENCES, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77204-5500, USA Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 14:266-269(1991). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1991 vol 14 pgs 266-269" |
311 | author " [EBI] Fox G.E.; Fox G.E., Rossler D.; [DEW] Roessler,D., Ludwig,W., Schleifer,K.H., Lin,C., McGill,T.J., Wisotzkey,J.D., Jurtshuk Jr.,P. and Fox,G.E. [RDP] Fox,G.E. and Rossler,D." |
312 | file " [EBI] bs16srna.em_ba [DEW] Bacste.BGL" |
313 | date " [RDP] 03-DEC-1991 [EBI] 29-OCT-1991 (Rel. 30, Created)|29-OCT-1991 (Rel. 30, Last updated, Version 2)" |
314 | gene " [EBI_DE] B.stearothermophilus 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA." |
315 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Bacillus stearothermophilus" |
316 | id " [EBI] BS16SRNA [RDP] B.stearT10" |
317 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Bacillus." |
318 | seqcheck "ARB_6D892279" |
319 | %) /*species*/ |
320 | |
321 | species :5000 %% (% |
322 | name :7600 "BacMetha" |
323 | acc "S42879 X64465" |
324 | full_name :4400 "Bacillus methanolicus" |
325 | title " [DEW] Bacillus methanolicus sp. nov., a new species of thermotolerant, methanol-utilizing, endospore-forming bacteria. [EBI] Bacillus methanolicus sp. nov., a new species of thermotolerant, methanol-utilizing, endospore-forming bacteria." |
326 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-FEB-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst f Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42:439-445(1992)." |
327 | author " [DEW] Arfman N., Dijkhuizen L., Kirchhof G., Ludwig W., Schleifer K.H., Bulygina E.S., Chumakov K.M., Govorukhina N.I., Trotsenko Y.A., White D. and Sharp R.J. [EBI] Ludwig W.; Arfman N., Dijkhuizen L., Kirchhof G., Ludwig W., Schleifer K.H., Bulygina E.S., Chumakov K.M., Govorukhina N.I., Trotsenko Y.A., White D., Sharp R.J.;" |
328 | file " [DEW] Bacmet.BGL [EBI] bm16srrn.em_ba" |
329 | date " [EBI] 03-MAY-1993 (Rel. 35, Created)|29-JUN-1995 (Rel. 44, Last updated, Version 5) [RDP] 26-OCT-1992" |
330 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] B.methanolicus 16S ribosomal RNA [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA." |
331 | db_name " [DEW,EBI,RDP] Bacillus methanolicus" |
332 | id " [EBI] BM16SRRN" |
333 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Bacillus." |
334 | seqcheck "ARB_328C74A5" |
335 | remark2 " acc" |
336 | %) /*species*/ |
337 | |
338 | species :5000 %% (% |
339 | name :7600 "BacGlobi" |
340 | acc "X68415" |
341 | full_name :4400 "Bacillus globisporus" |
342 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi" |
343 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Complete 23S ribosomal RNA sequences of Gram-positive Bacteria with a low DNA G+C content" |
344 | journal " [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15, 487-501 (1992) [EBI] Submitted (08-SEP-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. fuer Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr. 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 15:487-501(1992). [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1992 vol 15 pgs 487-501" |
345 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Ludwig W., Kirchof G., Klugbauer N., Weizenegger M., Betzl D., Ehrmann M., Hertel C., Jilg S., Tatzel R., Zitzelsberger H., Liebl S., Hochberger M., Shah J., Lane D., Wallnoef P.R.; [RDP] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., D. and Wallnoef,P.R. Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., [DEW] Ludwig,W., Kirchof,G., Klugbauer,N., Weizenegger,M., Betzl,D., Ehrmann,M., Hertel,C., Jilg,S., Tatzel,R., Zitzelsberger,H., Liebl,S., Hochberger,M., Shah,J., Lane,D. and Wallnoef,P.R." |
346 | file " [EBI] bg16srrn.em_ba [DEW] Bacglo3.BGL" |
347 | date " [EBI] 15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|15-JUN-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 2) [RDP] 15-JUN-1993" |
348 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] B.globisporus gene for 16S rRNA" |
349 | db_name " [RDP,EBI] Bacillus globisporus [DEW] Bacillus globisporus 3" |
350 | id " [RDP] B.globisp3 [EBI] BG16SRRN" |
351 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Bacillus." |
352 | seqcheck "ARB_E54C774F" |
353 | %) /*species*/ |
354 | |
355 | species :5000 %% (% |
356 | name :7600 "MooTherm" |
357 | acc "L09168" |
358 | full_name :4400 "Moorella thermoautotrophica" |
359 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic analysis of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria: Aid for their classification" |
360 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 175, 4772-4779 (1993) [EBI] J. Bacteriol. 175:4772-4779(1993). [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 175 pgs 4772-4779" |
361 | author " [RDP,DEW] Rainey,F.A., Ward,N.L., Morgan,H.W. and Stackebrandt,E. [EBI] Rainey F.A., Ward N.L., Morgan H.W., Stackebrandt E.;" |
362 | file " [DEW] Clothe2.BGL [DEW] Clothe3.BGL [EBI] ctrg16sab.em_ba" |
363 | date " [EBI] 07-FEB-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|07-FEB-1994 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 1) [RDP] 10-AUG-1993 [RDP] 15-JAN-1992" |
364 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Clostridium thermoautotrophicum (DSM 1974) 16S ribosomal RNA (16S|rRNA) gene." |
365 | db_name " [DEW] Clostridium thermoautotrophicum 3 [EBI,RDP] Clostridium thermoautotrophicum [RDP] Moorella thermoautotrophica" |
366 | id " [RDP] C.tauto3_3 [EBI] CTRG16SAB" |
367 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
368 | seqcheck "ARB_479CB83C" |
369 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
370 | %) /*species*/ |
371 | |
372 | species :5000 %% (% |
373 | name :7600 "FusNecro" |
374 | acc "X74408" |
375 | full_name :4400 "Fusobacterium necrophorum" |
376 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
377 | title " [DEW] Phylogenetic relationship of Fusobacterium necrophorum A, AB, and B biotypes based upon 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. [EBI] Phylogenetic relationship of Fusobacterium necrophorum A, AB, and B biotypes based upon 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. [RDP] Phylogenetic relationship of Fusobacterium necrophorum A, sequence analysis AB and B biotypes based upon 16S ribosomal RNA gene" |
378 | journal " [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 315-319 [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:315-319(1994). Submitted (02-AUG-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. L.A. Nicholson, CSIRO Division of Animal Health, Private Mail Bag No. 1, Cnr. Park Drive and Flemmington Rd., Parkville, 3052, AUSTRALIA" |
379 | author " [EBI] Nicholson L.A., Morrow C.J., Corner L.A., Hodgson A.L.M.; Nicholson L.A.; [RDP] Nicholson,L.A., Morrow,C.J., Corner,L.A. and Hodgson,A.L.M. [DEW] Nicholson L.A., Morrow C.J., Corner L.A. and Hodgson A.L.M." |
380 | file " [DEW] Fusnec3.BFU [EBI] fn16srnab.em_ba" |
381 | date " [EBI] 04-AUG-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|14-SEP-1995 (Rel. 45, Last updated, Version 5) [RDP] 04-AUG-1993" |
382 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 16S rRNA gene protein synthesis. [EBI_DE] F.necrophorum (FnS-40) gene for 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU" |
383 | db_name " [RDP,EBI] Fusobacterium necrophorum [DEW] Fusobacterium necrophorum 3" |
384 | id " [RDP] Fus.necph3 [EBI] FN16SRNAB" |
385 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Fusobacterium and relatives [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Anaerobic gram-negative straight, curved and helical rods;|Bacteroidaceae." |
386 | seqcheck "ARB_CB007EF5" |
387 | %) /*species*/ |
388 | |
389 | species :5000 %% (% |
390 | name :7600 "ProModes" |
391 | full_name :4400 "Propionigenium modestum" |
392 | acc "X54275" |
393 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew and ebi" |
394 | title " [RDP] Propiogenium modestum: a separate line of descent within the eubacteria [EBI,DEW] Propionigenium modestum: a separate line of descent within the eubacteria" |
395 | journal " [DEW] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. date 1991 vol 78 pgs 53-58 [RDP] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 78, 53-58 (1991) [EBI] Submitted (17-JUL-1990) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. Wolters J.; Institut fuer Allgemeine Mikrobiologie der Universitaet, Biologiezentrum, Am Botanischen Garten 1-9, 2800 Kiel 1. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 78:53-58(1991). Submitted (05-DEC-1990) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases." |
396 | author " [EBI] Wolters J.; Both B., Kaim G., Wolters J., Schleifer K.H., Stackebrandt E., Ludwig W.; Wolters J.; [DEW] Both,B., Kaim,G., Wolters,J., Schleifer,K.H., Stackebrandt,E. and Ludwig,W. [RDP] Both,B., Kaim,G., Wolters,J., Schleifer,K.H.,. Stackebrandt,E. and Ludwig,W." |
397 | file " [EBI] pmo16s.em_ba [DEW] Promod.BFU" |
398 | date " [RDP] 06-AUG-1992 [EBI] 18-APR-1991 (Rel. 28, Created)|06-AUG-1992 (Rel. 33, Last updated, Version 12)" |
399 | gene " [EBI_DE] Propionigenium modestum 16S rRNA [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA homologue ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU" |
400 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Propionigenium modestum" |
401 | id " [EBI] PMO16S [RDP] Prg.modest" |
402 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Fusobacterium and relatives [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Anaerobic gram-negative straight, curved and helical rods;|Bacteroidaceae." |
403 | seqcheck "ARB_9E2FA324" |
404 | %) /*species*/ |
405 | |
406 | species :5000 %% (% |
407 | name :7600 "CloGhoni" |
408 | acc "X73451" |
409 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium ghoni" |
410 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
411 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Towards a Phylogeny of the Clostridia" |
412 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-JUN-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK Submitted (26-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK" |
413 | author " [RDP,DEW] Lawson,P.A., Llop,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D. [EBI] Lawson P.A., Llop P., Hutson R.A., Hippe H., Collins M.D.; Lawson P.A.; Lawson P.A.;" |
414 | file " [DEW] Clogho.BGL [EBI] cg16srna.em_ba" |
415 | date " [RDP] 31-DEC-1993 [EBI] 31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
416 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] C.ghoni 16S rRNA" |
417 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium ghoni" |
418 | id " [RDP] C.ghoni [EBI] CG16SRNA" |
419 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
420 | seqcheck "ARB_8072879B" |
421 | %) /*species*/ |
422 | |
423 | species :5000 %% (% |
424 | name :7600 "CloBifer" |
425 | acc "X73437" |
426 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium bifermentans" |
427 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
428 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Towards a Phylogeny of the Clostridia" |
429 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-JUN-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK" |
430 | author " [EBI] Lawson P.A., Llop P., Hutson R.A., Hippe H., Collins M.D.; Lawson P.A.; [RDP,DEW] Lawson,P.A., Llop,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D." |
431 | file " [DEW] Clobif.BGL [EBI] cb16srna.em_ba" |
432 | date " [RDP] 31-DEC-1993 [EBI] 31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
433 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] C.bifermentans 16S rRNA" |
434 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium bifermentans" |
435 | id " [RDP] C.bifermen [EBI] CB16SRNA" |
436 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
437 | seqcheck "ARB_6E3AD370" |
438 | %) /*species*/ |
439 | |
440 | species :5000 %% (% |
441 | name :7600 "CloCorin" |
442 | acc "X76742" |
443 | full_name :4400 "\"Clostridium corinoforum\"" |
444 | title " [DEW] The Phylogeny of the genus Clostridium: Proposal of five new genera and eleven new species combinations [EBI] The Phylogeny of the genus Clostridium: Proposal of five new genera and eleven new species combinations" |
445 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (15-DEC-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. J.A.E. Farrow, AFRC Inst. of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading RG6 2EF, UK Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:812-826(1994). [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 812-826" |
446 | author " [DEW] Collins M.D., Lawson P.A., Willems A., Cordoba J.J., Fernandez-Garayzabal J., Garcia P., Cai J., Kippe H. and Farrow J.A.E. [EBI] Farrow J.A.E.; Collins M.D., Lawson P.A., Willems A., Cordoba J.J., Fernandez-Garayzabal J., Garcia P., Cai J., Kippe H., Farrow J.A.E.;" |
447 | file " [EBI] csdsm16sr.em_ba [DEW] Clocor.BGL" |
448 | date " [EBI] 10-NOV-1994 (Rel. 41, Created)|22-NOV-1994 (Rel. 41, Last updated, Version 4)" |
449 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Clostridium sp. (C.corinoforum) DSM 5906 16S rRNA gene." |
450 | db_name " [EBI,DEW] Clostridium corinoforum" |
451 | id " [EBI] CSDSM16SR" |
452 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
453 | seqcheck "ARB_99CFE4B5" |
454 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
455 | %) /*species*/ |
456 | |
457 | species :5000 %% (% |
458 | name :7600 "CloParap" |
459 | acc "X73445" |
460 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium paraputrificum" |
461 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
462 | title " [RDP] Towards a phylogeny of the clostridia based on 16S rRNA sequences [EBI,DEW] Towards a Phylogeny of the Clostridia" |
463 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-JUN-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK [RDP] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 113, 87-92 (1993)" |
464 | author " [DEW] Lawson,P.A., Llop,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D. [EBI] Lawson P.A., Llop P., Hutson R.A., Hippe H., Collins M.D.; Lawson P.A.; [RDP] Lawson,P.A., Llop-Perez,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D." |
465 | file " [EBI] cp16srnc.em_ba [DEW] Clopa1.BGL" |
466 | date " [RDP] 31-DEC-1993 [EBI] 31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
467 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] C.paraputrificum 16S rRNA" |
468 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium paraputrificum" |
469 | id " [EBI] CP16SRNC [RDP] C.pputrifi" |
470 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
471 | seqcheck "ARB_FDC0E598" |
472 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
473 | %) /*species*/ |
474 | |
475 | species :5000 %% (% |
476 | name :7600 "CloPerfr" |
477 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium perfringens" |
478 | acc "M69264" |
479 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
480 | title " [RDP] Cloning, mapping, and molecular characterization of the rRNA operons of Clostridium perfringens [DEW] Cloning, mapping and molecular characterization of the ribosomal RNA operons of Clostridium perfringens" |
481 | journal " [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1991 vol 173 pgs 5431-5438 [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 173, 5431-5438 (1991)" |
482 | author " [RDP,DEW] Garnier,T., Canard,B. and Cole,S.T." |
483 | file " [DEW] Cloper.BGL" |
484 | date " [RDP] 25-AUG-1992" |
485 | gene " [DEW] SSU" |
486 | db_name " [RDP,DEW] Clostridium perfringens" |
487 | id " [RDP] C.perfri50" |
488 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C" |
489 | seqcheck "ARB_2BCEC337" |
490 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
491 | %) /*species*/ |
492 | |
493 | species :5000 %% (% |
494 | name :7600 "CloProte" |
495 | acc "X73448" |
496 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium proteolyticum" |
497 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
498 | title " [RDP] Towards a phylogeny of the clostridia based on 16S rRNA sequences [EBI,DEW] Towards a Phylogeny of the Clostridia" |
499 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-JUN-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK [RDP] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 113, 87-92 (1993)" |
500 | author " [DEW] Lawson,P.A., Llop,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D. [EBI] Lawson P.A., Llop P., Hutson R.A., Hippe H., Collins M.D.; Lawson P.A.; [RDP] Lawson,P.A., Llop-Perez,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D." |
501 | file " [DEW] Clopr0.BGL [DEW] Clopr1.BGL [EBI] cp16srnd.em_ba" |
502 | date " [RDP] 31-DEC-1993 [EBI] 31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
503 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] C.proteolyticum 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU" |
504 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium proteolyticum" |
505 | id " [EBI] CP16SRND [RDP] C.proteoly" |
506 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
507 | seqcheck "ARB_430654A" |
508 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
509 | %) /*species*/ |
510 | |
511 | species :5000 %% (% |
512 | name :7600 "CloSardi" |
513 | acc "X73446" |
514 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium sardiniensis" |
515 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi" |
516 | title " [RDP] Towards a phylogeny of the clostridia based on 16S rRNA sequences [EBI,DEW] Towards a Phylogeny of the Clostridia" |
517 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-JUN-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK [RDP] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 113, 87-92 (1993)" |
518 | author " [DEW] Lawson,P.A., Llop,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D. [EBI] Lawson P.A., Llop P., Hutson R.A., Hippe H., Collins M.D.; Lawson P.A.; [RDP] Lawson,P.A., Llop-Perez,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D." |
519 | file " [DEW] Closar.BGL [EBI] cs16srnc.em_ba" |
520 | date " [RDP] 31-DEC-1993 [EBI] 31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
521 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] C.sardiniensis 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU" |
522 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium sardiniensis" |
523 | id " [RDP] C.sardinie [EBI] CS16SRNC" |
524 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
525 | seqcheck "ARB_FAEBAF85" |
526 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
527 | %) /*species*/ |
528 | |
529 | species :5000 %% (% |
530 | name :7600 "CloColla" |
531 | acc "X73439" |
532 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium collagenovorans" |
533 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
534 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Towards a Phylogeny of the Clostridia" |
535 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (18-JUN-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. P.A. Lawson, AFRC Institute of Food Research, Reading Laboratory, Microbiology Dept., Earley Gate, Whiteknights Road, Reading, RG6 2EF, UK" |
536 | author " [EBI] Lawson P.A., Llop P., Hutson R.A., Hippe H., Collins M.D.; Lawson P.A.; [RDP,DEW] Lawson,P.A., Llop,P., Hutson,R.A., Hippe,H. and Collins,M.D." |
537 | file " [EBI] cc16srnc.em_ba [DEW] Cloco1.BGL" |
538 | date " [RDP] 31-DEC-1993 [EBI] 31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|31-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
539 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] C.collagenovorans 16S rRNA" |
540 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium collagenovorans" |
541 | id " [RDP] C.colgenvo [EBI] CC16SRNC" |
542 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
543 | seqcheck "ARB_95F308E8" |
544 | %) /*species*/ |
545 | |
546 | species :5000 %% (% |
547 | name :7600 "CloTyrob" |
548 | acc "L08062" |
549 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium tyrobutyricum" |
550 | warning " ebi_seq_truncated" |
551 | title " [EBI,DEW] Characterization of a ribosomal RNA gene cluster from Clostridium tyrobutyricum: phylogenetic positioning based on the 16S and 23S nucleotide sequences [RDP] Characterization of a ribosomal RNA gene cluster from based on the 16S and 23S nucleotide sequences Clostridium tyrobutyricum: phylogenetic positioning" |
552 | journal " [RDP] Syst Appl. Microbiol. 16, 201-207 (1993)" |
553 | author " [RDP] van der Meer,J.R., Ludwig,W. and de Vos,W.M. [DEW] der Meer,J.R., Ludwig,W. and de Vos,W.M. [EBI] der Meer J.R., Ludwig W., De Vos W.M.;" |
554 | file " [EBI] ctrgadg.em_ba [DEW] Clotyr.BGL" |
555 | date " [EBI] 24-DEC-1992 (Rel. 34, Created)|24-DEC-1992 (Rel. 34, Last updated, Version 1) [RDP] 18-DEC-1992" |
556 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 23S ribosomal RNA 5S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] Clostridium tyrobutyricum 5S, 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)|complete genes." |
557 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Clostridium tyrobutyricum" |
558 | id " [RDP] C.tyrobu51 [EBI] CTRGADG" |
559 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
560 | seqcheck "ARB_E1DC5772" |
561 | %) /*species*/ |
562 | |
563 | species :5000 %% (% |
564 | name :7600 "ClrFervi" |
565 | full_name :4400 "Caloramator fervidus" |
566 | acc "L09187" |
567 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic analysis of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria: Aid for their classification" |
568 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 175, 4772-4779 (1993) [EBI] J. Bacteriol. 175:4772-4779(1993). [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 175 pgs 4772-4779" |
569 | author " [RDP,DEW] Rainey,F.A., Ward,N.L., Morgan,H.W. and Stackebrandt,E. [EBI] Rainey F.A., Ward N.L., Morgan H.W., Stackebrandt E.;" |
570 | file " [EBI] clorg16sa.em_ba [DEW] Clofer.BGL" |
571 | date " [RDP] 06-MAR-1992 [EBI] 04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|07-FEB-1994 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 5)" |
572 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] Clostridium fervidus (ATCC 43204) 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA)|gene. [DEW] SSU" |
573 | db_name " [DEW,EBI,RDP] Clostridium fervidus [RDP] Caloramator fervidus" |
574 | id " [RDP] C.fervidus [EBI] CLORG16SA" |
575 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
576 | seqcheck "ARB_44DC804A" |
577 | %) /*species*/ |
578 | |
579 | species :5000 %% (% |
580 | name :7600 "CloTherm" |
581 | acc "X72870" |
582 | full_name :4400 "Clostridium thermolacticum" |
583 | title " [EBI] Phylogenetic analysis of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria: Aid for their classification [DEW] Phylogenetic analysis of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria: Aid for their classification" |
584 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (24-MAR-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. E. Stackebrandt, University of Queensland, Dept of Microbiology, St. Lucia, 4072, AUSTRALIA J. Bacteriol. 175:4772-4779(1993). [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 175 pgs 4772-4779" |
585 | author " [EBI] Stackebrandt E.; Rainey F.A., Ward N.L., Morgan H.W., Stackebrandt E.; [DEW] Rainey F.A., Ward N.L., Morgan H.W. and Stackebrandt E." |
586 | file " [DEW] Cloth02.BGL [DEW] Clothe2.BGL [EBI] ct16srrna.em_ba" |
587 | date " [EBI] 23-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|23-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 4)" |
588 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] C.thermolacticum gene for 16S rRNA" |
589 | db_name " [EBI] Clostridium thermolacticum [DEW] Clostridium thermolacticum 2" |
590 | id " [EBI] CT16SRRNA" |
591 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, Low G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;|Bacillaceae; Clostridium." |
592 | seqcheck "ARB_505317B8" |
593 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
594 | %) /*species*/ |
595 | |
596 | species :5000 %% (% |
597 | name :7600 "MycChlor" |
598 | acc "X79094" |
599 | full_name :4400 "Mycobacterium chlorophenolicus" |
600 | title " [RDP] Phylogenetic evidence for transfer of chlorophenolicus PCP-1 to the genus Mycobacterium pentachlorophenol-mineralizing Rhodococcus [EBI] Phylogenetic evidence for transfer of pentachlorophenol-mineralizing Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus PCP-I(T) to the genus Mycobacterium. [DEW] Phylogenetic evidence for transfer of pentachlorophenol-mineralizing Rhodococcus chlorophenolicus PCP-I(T) to the genus Mycobacterium." |
601 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:494-498(1994). Submitted (06-MAY-1994) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. M. Briglia, Wageningen Agricutural University, Dept of Microbiology, Hesselink van Suchtelenweg 4, 6703 CT Wageningen, NETHERLANDS [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44, 494-498 (1994) [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 494-498" |
602 | author " [DEW] Briglia M., Eggen R.I., Van Elsas D.J. and de Vos W.M. [EBI] Briglia M., Eggen R.I., Van Elsas D.J., De Vos W.M.; Briglia M.; [RDP] Briglia,M., Eggen,R.I., Van Elsas,D.J. and De Vos,W.M." |
603 | file " [DEW] Mycch1.BGH [EBI] mcpcp116.em_ba" |
604 | date " [RDP] 25-MAY-1994 [EBI] 10-MAY-1994 (Rel. 39, Created)|10-OCT-1994 (Rel. 41, Last updated, Version 6)" |
605 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] M.chlorophenolicus (PCP-1) 16S rRNA gene." |
606 | db_name " [DEW,EBI,RDP] Mycobacterium chlorophenolicus [RDP] Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum" |
607 | id " [RDP] Myb.chlphe [EBI] MCPCP116" |
608 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, High G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Irregular asporogenous rods;|Actinomycetes and related organisms; Mycobacteriaceae;|Mycobacterium." |
609 | seqcheck "ARB_EC439D7A" |
610 | %) /*species*/ |
611 | |
612 | species :5000 %% (% |
613 | name :7600 "BifBifid" |
614 | acc "S83624" |
615 | full_name :4400 "Bifidobacterium bifidum " |
616 | warning "dew sequence, differs in ebi" |
617 | title " [EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic evidence for the transfer of Eubacterium suis to the genus Actinomyces as Actinomyces suis comb. nov" |
618 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42:161-165(1992). [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1992 vol 42 pgs 161-165" |
619 | author " [DEW] Ludwig,W., Kirchhof,G., Weizenegger,M. and Weiss,N. [EBI] Ludwig W., Kirchhof G., Weizenegger M., Weiss N.;" |
620 | file " [DEW] Bifbif2.BGH [EBI] s83624.em_ba" |
621 | date " [EBI] 16-FEB-1993 (Rel. 34, Created)|28-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 3) [RDP] 11-MAY-1992" |
622 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] ." |
623 | db_name " [DEW] Bifidobacterium bifidum 2 [EBI,RDP] Bifidobacterium bifidum" |
624 | id " [EBI] S83624" |
625 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Gram Positives and relatives, High G+C [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Irregular asporogenous rods;|Actinomycetes and related organisms." |
626 | seqcheck "ARB_C4E4AD3B" |
627 | %) /*species*/ |
628 | |
629 | species :5000 %% (% |
630 | name :7600 "BctFragi" |
631 | acc "M61006" |
632 | full_name :4400 "Bacteroides fragilis" |
633 | title " [RDP] Natural relationship between Bacteroides and Flavobacteria" |
634 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 164, 230-236 (1985)" |
635 | author " [EBI] Woese C.R.; [DEW] Woese,C.R. [RDP] Weisburg,W.G., Oyaizu,Y., Oyaizu,H. and Woese,C.R." |
636 | file " [EBI] bfrraa.em_ba [DEW] Bacfra2.BFL" |
637 | date " [RDP] 02-MAR-1993 [EBI] 24-MAR-1991 (Rel. 27, Created)|03-MAR-1993 (Rel. 35, Last updated, Version 2)" |
638 | gene " [EBI_KW] ribosomal RNA small subunit. [EBI_DE] B.fragilis ribosomal RNA small subunit. [DEW] SSU" |
639 | db_name " [DEW] Bacteroides fragilis 2 [RDP,EBI] Bacteroides fragilis" |
640 | id " [EBI] BFRRAA [RDP] Bac.fragil" |
641 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Flavobacteria and relatives [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Anaerobic gram-negative straight, curved and helical rods;|Bacteroidaceae." |
642 | seqcheck "ARB_C27980AD" |
643 | %) /*species*/ |
644 | |
645 | species :5000 %% (% |
646 | name :7600 "RhoMarin" |
647 | full_name :4400 "Rhodothermus marinus" |
648 | acc "X77140" |
649 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi ebi_seq_truncated" |
650 | title " [DEW] The sequence of the single 16S rRNA gene of the thermophilic Eubacterium rhodothermus marinus reveals a distant relationship to the group containing Flexibacter, Bacteroides, and Cytophaga species. [RDP] The thermophila Rhodothermus marinus is a member of the Proteobacteria and has a single rRNA operon [EBI] The sequence of the single 16S rRNA gene of the thermophilic Eubacterium rhodothermus marinus reveals a distant relationship to the group containing Flexibacter, Bacteroides, and Cytophaga species." |
651 | journal " [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 176 pgs 6165-6169 [EBI] Submitted (14-JAN-1994) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. O.S. Andresson, Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur, 112 Reykjavik, ICELAND J. Bacteriol. 176:6165-6169(1994)." |
652 | author " [RDP] Andersson,O.S. and Fridjonssen,O.H. [DEW] Andresson O.S. and Friojonsson O.H. [EBI] Andresson O.S.; Andresson O.S., Friojonsson O.H.;" |
653 | file " [EBI] rm16sile.em_ba [DEW] Rhomar.BFL" |
654 | date " [EBI] 24-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|14-JUL-1995 (Rel. 44, Last updated, Version 4) [RDP] 24-JAN-1994" |
655 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] R.marinus 16S rRNA and Ile-tRNA genes. [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 16S rRNA gene transfer RNA-Ile tRNA-Ile gene|trnI gene." |
656 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Rhodothermus marinus" |
657 | id " [RDP] Rht.marinu [EBI] RM16SILE" |
658 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Flavobacteria and relatives [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales." |
659 | seqcheck "ARB_B977C3D7" |
660 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
661 | %) /*species*/ |
662 | |
663 | species :5000 %% (% |
664 | name :7600 "DslToluo" |
665 | acc "X70953" |
666 | full_name :4400 "\"Desulfobacula toluolica\"" |
667 | title " [EBI,DEW] Complete oxidation of toluene under strictly anoxic conditions by a new sulfate-reducing bacterium" |
668 | journal " [DEW] Appl. Environ. Microbiol. date 0 vol 59 pgs 1444-1451 [EBI] Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:1444-1451(0). Submitted (18-FEB-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr.21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG" |
669 | author " [DEW] Rabus,R., Nordhaus,R., Ludwig,W. and Widdel,F. [RDP] Ludwig,W. [EBI] Rabus R., Nordhaus R., Ludwig W., Widdel F.; Ludwig W.;" |
670 | file " [EBI] dt16srrna.em_ba [DEW] Destol.BPD" |
671 | date " [RDP] 25-MAY-1993 [EBI] 25-MAY-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|25-MAY-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 2)" |
672 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] D.toluolica 16S rRNA [DEW] SSU" |
673 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Desulfobacula toluolica" |
674 | id " [EBI] DT16SRRNA [RDP] Dbu.toluol" |
675 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Delta [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales;|Proteobacteria; delta subdivision;|Sulfate- or sulfur-reducing dissimilatory bacteria." |
676 | seqcheck "ARB_B7011E8F" |
677 | %) /*species*/ |
678 | |
679 | species :5000 %% (% |
680 | name :7600 "PelAcety" |
681 | acc "X70955" |
682 | full_name :4400 "Pelobacter acetylenicus" |
683 | title " [DEW] The phylogenetic positions of Pelobacter acetylenicus and Pelobacter propionicus [EBI] The phylogenetic positions of Pelobacter acetylenicus and Pelobacter propionicus Phylogenetic analysis of five strains of Gram-negative, obligately anaerobic, sulfur-reducing bacteria: Description of Desulfuromuea gen. nov., including the species D. kysingli sp. nov., D. bakii sp. nov. and D. succinoxidans sp. nov. [RDP] The phylogenetic positions of Pelobacter acetylenicus and Pelobacter propionicus" |
684 | journal " [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1993 vol 16 pgs 216-218 [EBI] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 16:216-218(1993). Submitted (18-FEB-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr.21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:753-758(1994). [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 16, 216-218 (1993)" |
685 | author " [EBI] Evers S., Weizenegger M., Ludwig W., Schink B., Schleifer K.H.; Ludwig W.; Liesack W., Finster K.; [DEW] Evers S., Weizenegger M., Ludwig W., Schink B. and Schleifer K.H. [RDP] Evers,S., Weizenegger,M., Ludwig,W., Schink,B. and Schleifer ,K.H." |
686 | file " [DEW] Pelace.BPD [EBI] pac16srna.em_ba" |
687 | date " [RDP] 30-AUG-1993 [EBI] 30-AUG-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|13-DEC-1994 (Rel. 42, Last updated, Version 4)" |
688 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] P.acetylenicus 16S rRNA" |
689 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Pelobacter acetylenicus" |
690 | id " [EBI] PAC16SRNA [RDP] Peb.aceten" |
691 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Delta [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales;|Proteobacteria; delta subdivision." |
692 | seqcheck "ARB_BC13194C" |
693 | %) /*species*/ |
694 | |
695 | species :5000 %% (% |
696 | name :7600 "PelPropi" |
697 | acc "X70954" |
698 | full_name :4400 "Pelobacter propionicus" |
699 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] The phylogenetic positions of Pelobacter acetylenicus and Pelobacter propionicus" |
700 | journal " [EBI] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 16:216-218(1993). Submitted (18-FEB-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcisstr.21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG [DEW] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. date 1993 vol 16 pgs 216-218 [RDP] Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 16, 216-218 (1993)" |
701 | author " [DEW] Evers,S., Weizenegger,M., Ludwig,W., Schink,B. and Schleifer,K.H. [EBI] Evers S., Weizenegger M., Ludwig W., Schink B., Schleifer K.H.; Ludwig W.; [RDP] Evers,S., Weizenegger,M., Ludwig,W., Schink,B. and Schleifer ,K.H." |
702 | file " [DEW] Pelpro.BPD [EBI] pp16srna.em_ba" |
703 | date " [RDP] 30-AUG-1993 [EBI] 30-AUG-1993 (Rel. 36, Created)|30-AUG-1993 (Rel. 36, Last updated, Version 2)" |
704 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] P.propionicus 16S rRNA" |
705 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Pelobacter propionicus" |
706 | id " [RDP] Peb.propio [EBI] PP16SRNA" |
707 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Delta [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales;|Proteobacteria; delta subdivision." |
708 | seqcheck "ARB_85C20BE4" |
709 | %) /*species*/ |
710 | |
711 | species :5000 %% (% |
712 | name :7600 "St0Isola" |
713 | acc "L15739" |
714 | full_name :4400 "str isolate 1482/89" |
715 | rdp_biovar "symbiont of Sus scrofus (sp?)" |
716 | title " [RDP] Ileal symbiont, 'IS-intracellularis': An obligate showing a relationship to Desulfovibrio species intracellular bacterium of porcine intestines [EBI,DEW] Ileal symbiont, 'IS-intracellularis': An obligate intracellular bacterium of porcine intestines showing a relationship to Desulfovibrio species" |
717 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43:533-538(1993). [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43, 533-538 (1993) [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 43 pgs 533-538" |
718 | author " [RDP] Gebhart,C.J., Barns,S.M., McOrist,S., Lin,G.-F. and Lawson,G .H. [EBI] Gebhart C.J., Barns S.M., McOrist S., Lin G.F., Lawson G.H.; [DEW] Gebhart,C.J., Barns,S.M., McOrist,S., Lin,G.F. and Lawson,G.H." |
719 | file " [DEW] Ilesymin.BPD [EBI] ispclo28a.em_ba" |
720 | date " [EBI] 04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 1) [RDP] 27-AUG-1993" |
721 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] Ileal symbiont intracellularis (from Sus scrofa) 16S ribosomal RNA|gene. [DEW] SSU" |
722 | db_name " [RDP] str isolate 1482/89 [EBI,DEW] Ileal symbiont intracellularis" |
723 | id " [RDP] sym.Sus_sc [EBI] ISPCLO28A" |
724 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Delta [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales;|Proteobacteria; delta subdivision;|Sulfate- or sulfur-reducing dissimilatory bacteria." |
725 | seqcheck "ARB_D0E9BCA1" |
726 | %) /*species*/ |
727 | |
728 | species :5000 %% (% |
729 | name :7600 "DsfDesul" |
730 | full_name :4400 "Desulfovibrio desulfuricans" |
731 | acc "M37312" |
732 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew and ebi" |
733 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Diversity and origin of Desulfovibrio species: Phylogenetic definition of a family" |
734 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 172, 3609-3619 (1990) [EBI] J. Bacteriol. 172:3609-3619(1990). [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1990 vol 172 pgs 3609-3619" |
735 | author " [RDP] Devereux,R., He,S.-H., Doyle,C.L., Orkland,S., Stahl,D.A., LeGall,J. and Whitman,W.B. [EBI] Devereux R., He S.H., Doyle C.L., Orkland S., Stahl D.A., LeGall J., Whitman W.B.; [DEW] Devereux,R., He,S.H., Doyle,C.L., Orkland,S., Stahl,D.A., LeGall,J. and Whitman,W.B." |
736 | file " [EBI] dddaaa.em_ba [DEW] Desdes3.BPD" |
737 | date " [EBI] 07-NOV-1990 (Rel. 25, Created)|06-JUN-1996 (Rel. 47, Last updated, Version 7) [RDP] 10-OCT-1991" |
738 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] D.desulfuricans 16S ribosomal rRNA." |
739 | db_name " [RDP,EBI] Desulfovibrio desulfuricans [DEW] Desulfovibrio desulfuricans 3" |
740 | id " [EBI] DDDAAA [RDP] Dsv.desuN4" |
741 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Delta [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales;|Proteobacteria; delta subdivision;|Sulfate- or sulfur-reducing dissimilatory bacteria; Desulfovibrio." |
742 | seqcheck "ARB_FD4A8AE" |
743 | %) /*species*/ |
744 | |
745 | species :5000 %% (% |
746 | name :7600 "ChlTrach" |
747 | acc "M59178" |
748 | full_name :4400 "Chlamydia trachomatis" |
749 | title " [RDP] Eubacterial Origin of Chlamydiae" |
750 | journal " [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 167, 570-574 (1986)" |
751 | author " [DEW] Weisburg,W., Hatch,T. and Woese,C.R. [RDP] Weisburg,W.G., Hatch,T. and Woese,C.R. [EBI] Weisburg W., Hatch T., Woese C.R.;" |
752 | file " [EBI] ctdaa.em_ba [DEW] Chltra.BCH" |
753 | date " [EBI] 28-FEB-1991 (Rel. 27, Created)|04-SEP-1991 (Rel. 29, Last updated, Version 2) [RDP] 27-FEB-1991" |
754 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA small subunit ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] C.trachomatis 16S ribosomal RNA gene." |
755 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Chlamydia trachomatis" |
756 | id " [RDP] Clm.tracho [EBI] CTDAA" |
757 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Rickettsias and Chlamydias; Chlamydiales; Chlamydiaceae. [DEW] Bacteria|Chlamydiae" |
758 | seqcheck "ARB_A0813AEB" |
759 | %) /*species*/ |
760 | |
761 | species :5000 %% (% |
762 | name :7600 "ChlPneum" |
763 | acc "L06108" |
764 | full_name :4400 "Chlamydia pneumoniae" |
765 | title " [EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic relationship of Chlamydia pneumoniae to Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia trachomatis as determined by analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA sequences [RDP] C. pneumoniae 16S rRNA sequence" |
766 | journal " [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43, 610-612 (1993) [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 43 pgs 610-612 [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43:610-612(1993)." |
767 | author " [RDP,DEW] Gaydos,C.A., Palmer,L., Quinn,T.C., Falkow,S., Brooks,G.F. and Eiden,J.J. [EBI] Gaydos C.A., Palmer L., Quinn T.C., Falkow S., Brooks G.F., Eiden J.J.;" |
768 | file " [EBI] cp16sr.em_ba [DEW] Chlpne.BCH" |
769 | date " [RDP] 13-NOV-1992 [EBI] 15-NOV-1992 (Rel. 34, Created)|22-SEP-1993 (Rel. 37, Last updated, Version 2)" |
770 | gene " [EBI_DE] Chlamydia pneumoniae 16S ribosomal RNA sequence. [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU" |
771 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Chlamydia pneumoniae" |
772 | id " [RDP] Clm.pneumo [EBI] CP16SR" |
773 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Rickettsias and Chlamydias; Chlamydiales; Chlamydiaceae. [DEW] Bacteria|Chlamydiae" |
774 | seqcheck "ARB_C1576604" |
775 | %) /*species*/ |
776 | |
777 | species :5000 %% (% |
778 | name :7600 "PlaLimno" |
779 | acc "X62911" |
780 | full_name :4400 "Planctomyces limnophilus" |
781 | title " [DEW] Occurrence of novel groups of the domain Bacteria as revealed by analysis of genetic material isolated from an Australian terrestrial environment." |
782 | journal " [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1992 vol 174 pgs 5072-5078" |
783 | author " [RDP] RDP: Liesack,W., Sller,R., Haas,H., Stewart,T. and Stackebrandt,E. [DEW] Liesack,W. and Stackebrandt,E." |
784 | file " [DEW] Plalim.BPL" |
785 | date " [RDP] deleted from rdp" |
786 | gene " [DEW] SSU" |
787 | db_name " [RDP,DEW] Planctomyces limnophilus" |
788 | id " [RDP] Pln.limnop" |
789 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Planctomyces and relatives" |
790 | seqcheck "ARB_A735D4DB" |
791 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
792 | %) /*species*/ |
793 | |
794 | species :5000 %% (% |
795 | name :7600 "AnaMargi" |
796 | full_name "Anaplasma marginale" |
797 | acc "M60313" |
798 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew and ebi" |
799 | title " [RDP,EBI,DEW] 16S ribosomal DNA amplification for phylogenetic study" |
800 | journal " [DEW] J. Bacteriol. date 1991 vol 173 pgs 697-703 [RDP] J. Bacteriol. 173, 697-703 (1991) [EBI] J. Bacteriol. 173:697-703(1991)." |
801 | author " [EBI] Weisburg W.G., Barns S.M., Pelletier D.A., Lane D.J.; [RDP,DEW] Weisburg,W.G., Barns,S.M., Pelletier,D.A. and Lane,D.J." |
802 | file " [DEW] Anamar.BPA [EBI] amrr16sa.em_ba" |
803 | date " [EBI] 12-FEB-1991 (Rel. 27, Created)|04-SEP-1991 (Rel. 29, Last updated, Version 2) [RDP] 07-FEB-1991" |
804 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Anaplasma marginale 16S ribosomal RNA." |
805 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Anaplasma marginale" |
806 | id " [EBI] AMRR16SA [RDP] Ana.margin" |
807 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Alpha [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Rickettsias and Chlamydias; Anaplasmaceae." |
808 | seqcheck "ARB_574D1ABA" |
809 | %) /*species*/ |
810 | |
811 | species :5000 %% (% |
812 | name :7600 "CowRumin" |
813 | full_name :4400 "Cowdria ruminantium" |
814 | acc "X61659" |
815 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
816 | title " [RDP] Phylogenetic relationship of Cowdria ruminantium, rickettsiales determined from 16S rRNA sequence agent of heartwater to anaplasma marginale and other [EBI,DEW] Phylogenetic relationship of Cowdria ruminantium, agent of heartwater to anaplasma marginale and other rickettsiales determined from 16S rRNA sequence" |
817 | journal " [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42, 270-274 (1992) [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42:270-274(1992). Submitted (23-AUG-1991) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. J.B. Dame, University of Florida, Dept of Infectious Diseases, Bldg 471 Mowry Rd, Gainesville, Florida 32611-0633, USA [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1992 vol 42 pgs 270-274" |
818 | author " [RDP,DEW] Dame,J.B., Mahan,S.M. and Yowell,C.A. [EBI] Dame J.B., Mahan S.M., Yowell C.A.; Dame J.B.;" |
819 | file " [DEW] Cowrum.BPA [EBI] crdna.em_ba" |
820 | date " [EBI] 16-MAR-1992 (Rel. 31, Created)|04-FEB-1993 (Rel. 34, Last updated, Version 4) [RDP] 25-MAR-1992" |
821 | gene " [EBI_DE] Cowdria ruminantium gene for 16S ribosomal RNA [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA." |
822 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Cowdria ruminantium" |
823 | id " [EBI] CRDNA [RDP] Cow.rumina" |
824 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Alpha [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Rickettsias and Chlamydias; Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae;|Ehrlichieae." |
825 | seqcheck "ARB_51F705F0" |
826 | %) /*species*/ |
827 | |
828 | species :5000 %% (% |
829 | name :7600 "BraJapon" |
830 | acc "D11345" |
831 | full_name :4400 "Bradyrhizobium japonicum " |
832 | title " [EBI] Proposal for rejection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and revised descriptions for the genus Agrobacterium and for Agrobacterium radiobacter and Agrobacterium rhizogenes Distribution of Rhizobia in leguminous plants surveyed by phylogenetic identification [DEW] Proposal for rejection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and revised descriptions for the genus Agrobacterium and for Agrobacterium radiobacter and Agrobacterium rhizogenes" |
833 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43:694-702(1993). J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 39:339-354(1993). [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 43 pgs 694-702" |
834 | author " [DEW] Sawada H., Ieki H., Oyaizu H. and Matsumoto S. [EBI] Sawada H., Ieki H., Oyaizu H., Matsumoto S.; Oyaizu H., Matsumoto S., Minamisawa K., Gamou T.;" |
835 | file " [EBI] bj16srdn1.em_ba [DEW] Brajap5.BPA" |
836 | date " [EBI] 25-MAR-1994 (Rel. 39, Created)|11-MAR-1995 (Rel. 43, Last updated, Version 9)" |
837 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA protein synthesis. [EBI_DE] Bradyrhizobium japonicum gene for 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU" |
838 | db_name " [DEW] Bradyrhizobium japonicum 5 [EBI] Bradyrhizobium japonicum" |
839 | id " [EBI] BJ16SRDN1" |
840 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Alpha [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Aerobic rods and cocci; Rhizobiaceae." |
841 | seqcheck "ARB_B04415A" |
842 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
843 | %) /*species*/ |
844 | |
845 | species :5000 %% (% |
846 | name :7600 "AzoCauli" |
847 | acc "D11342" |
848 | full_name "Azorhizobium caulinodans " |
849 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew" |
850 | title " [EBI] Proposal for rejection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and revised descriptions for the genus Agrobacterium and for Agrobacterium radiobacter and Agrobacterium rhizogenes Distribution of Rhizobia in leguminous plants surveyed by phylogenetic identification [RDP] Proposal for rejection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes and for Agrobacterium rhizobacter and revised descriptions for the genus Agrobacterium [DEW] Proposal for rejection of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and revised descriptions for the genus Agrobacterium and for Agrobacterium radiobacter and Agrobacterium rhizogenes" |
851 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43:694-702(1993). J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 39:339-354(1993). [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1993 vol 43 pgs 694-702 [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 43, 694-702 (1993)" |
852 | author " [DEW] Sawada H., Ieki H., Oyaizu H. and Matsumoto S. [RDP] Sawada,H., Ieki,H., Oyaizu,H. and Matsumoto,S. [EBI] Sawada H., Ieki H., Oyaizu H., Matsumoto S.; Oyaizu H., Matsumoto S., Minamisawa K., Gamou T.;" |
853 | file " [DEW] Azocau.BPA [EBI] ac16srdn1.em_ba" |
854 | date " [EBI] 25-MAR-1994 (Rel. 39, Created)|11-MAR-1995 (Rel. 43, Last updated, Version 9) [RDP] 25-MAR-1994" |
855 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA protein synthesis. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Azorhizobium caulinodans gene for 16S ribosomal RNA." |
856 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Azorhizobium caulinodans" |
857 | id " [EBI] AC16SRDN1 [RDP] Azr.cauli3" |
858 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Alpha [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Aerobic rods and cocci; Rhizobiaceae; Azorhizobium." |
859 | seqcheck "ARB_CE27F3E9" |
860 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
861 | %) /*species*/ |
862 | |
863 | species :5000 %% (% |
864 | name :7600 "LegLytic" |
865 | acc "X66835" |
866 | full_name :4400 "Legionella lytica" |
867 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew and ebi" |
868 | title " [EBI,DEW] The phylogenetic status of sarcobium lyticum, an obligate intracellular bacterial parasite of small amoebae [RDP] The phylogenetic status of Sarcobium lyticum, an obligate intracellular bacterial parasite of small amoebae" |
869 | journal " [RDP] FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 96:199-202 (1992) [DEW] . [EBI] Submitted (12-JUN-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst f Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, Arcistr 21, 8000 Muenchen 2, FRG" |
870 | author " [EBI] Ludwig W.; Springer N., Ludwig W., Drozanski W., Amann R., Schleifer K.H.; [DEW] Springer N., Ludwig W., Drozanski W., Amann R. and Schleifer K.H. [RDP] Springer,N., Ludwig,W., Drozanski,W., Amman,R., and Schleifer,K.-H." |
871 | file " [EBI] sl16rna.em_ba [DEW] Sarlyt.BPG" |
872 | date " [RDP] 14-JUN-1993 [EBI] 09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Created)|09-DEC-1993 (Rel. 38, Last updated, Version 2)" |
873 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA homologue rRNA. [DEW] NoData [EBI_DE] S.lyticum gene for 16S rRNA" |
874 | db_name " [DEW,EBI,RDP] Sarcobium lyticum [RDP] Legionella lytica" |
875 | id " [EBI] SL16RNA [RDP] Sar.lyticu" |
876 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Eubacteriomycetes; Eubacteriales;|Proteobacteria. [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma" |
877 | seqcheck "ARB_84F2CEB0" |
878 | %) /*species*/ |
879 | |
880 | species :5000 %% (% |
881 | name :7600 "DchNodos" |
882 | acc "M35016" |
883 | full_name :4400 "Dichelobacter nodosus" |
884 | title " [EBI] Transfer of Kingella indologenes (Snell and Lapage 1976) to the genus Suttonella gen. nov. as Suttonella indologenes comb. nov. transfer of Bacteroides nodosus (Beveridge 1941) to the genus Dichelobacter gen. nov. as Dichelobacter nodosus comb. nov. and [RDP] Transfer of Kingella indologenes (Snell and Lapage 1976) to (Beveridge 1941) to the genus Dichelobacter gen. indologenes comb. nov.; transfer of Bacteroides the genus Suttonella gen. nov. as Suttonella [DEW] Transfer of Kingella indologenes (Snell and Lapage 1976) to the genus Suttonella gen. nov. as Suttonella indologenes comb. nov. transfer of Bacteroides nodosus (Beveridge 1941) to the genus Dichelobacter gen. nov. as Dichelobacter nodosus comb. nov.; and" |
885 | journal " [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1990 vol 4 pgs 426-433 [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 40:426-433(1990). Submitted (05-JUN-1990) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. F.E. Dewhirst, Forsyth Dental Center, 140 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115, USA [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 40, 426-443 (1990)" |
886 | author " [EBI] Dewhirst F.E., Paster B.J., La Fontaine S., Rood J.I.; Dewhirst F.E.; [RDP] Dewhirst,F.E., Paster,B.J., La Fontaine,S. and Rood,J.I. [DEW] Dewhirst F.E., Paster B.J., La Fontaine S. and Rood J.I." |
887 | file " [DEW] Dicnod.BPG [EBI] bnrrda.em_ba" |
888 | date " [RDP] 15-SEP-1990 [EBI] 08-MAY-1991 (Rel. 28, Created)|19-JUL-1995 (Rel. 44, Last updated, Version 4)" |
889 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] Dichelobacter nodosus 16S ribosomal RNA." |
890 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Dichelobacter nodosus" |
891 | id " [EBI] BNRRDA [RDP] Dch.nodosu" |
892 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Anaerobic gram-negative straight, curved and helical rods;|Cardiobacteriaceae. [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma" |
893 | seqcheck "ARB_C2288038" |
894 | %) /*species*/ |
895 | |
896 | species :5000 %% (% |
897 | name :7600 "FrnPhilo" |
898 | acc "Z21933" |
899 | full_name :4400 "Francisella philomiragia" |
900 | title " [DEW] Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences of Francisella; their use for determination of the phylogeny of the genus and for identification of strains by the polymerase chain reaction [EBI] Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences of Francisella their use for determination of the phylogeny of the genus and for identification of strains by the polymerase chain reaction [RDP] Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences of Francisella; their use identification of strains by the polymerase chain for determination of the phylogeny of the genus and" |
901 | journal " [EBI] Submitted (04-MAR-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. Forsman M., Microbiology Cementvagen 20 Umea Sweden 901 82 Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:38-46(1994). [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 38-46 [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44, 38-46 (1994)" |
902 | author " [EBI] Forsman M.; Forsman M., Sandstrom G., Sjostedt A.; [RDP] Forsman,M., Sandstrom,G. and Sjostedt,A. [DEW] Forsman M., Sandstrom G. and Sjostedt A." |
903 | file " [EBI] fp16srnaa.em_ba [DEW] Fraphi.BPG" |
904 | date " [EBI] 09-MAR-1993 (Rel. 35, Created)|11-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 6) [RDP] 12-MAR-1993" |
905 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] F.philomiragia 16S rRNA" |
906 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Francisella philomiragia" |
907 | id " [EBI] FP16SRNAA [RDP] Fnc.phmira" |
908 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria. [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma" |
909 | seqcheck "ARB_F90B8C2B" |
910 | %) /*species*/ |
911 | |
912 | species :5000 %% (% |
913 | name :7600 "PseAerug" |
914 | full_name :4400 "Pseudomonas aeruginosa" |
915 | acc "M34133" |
916 | warning "rdp sequence, differences in ebi" |
917 | title "" |
918 | journal " [DEW] Int. J. syst. Bacteriol. date 1990 vol 4 pgs 426-433" |
919 | author " [DEW] Dewhirst,F.E., Paster,B.J., La Fontaine,S. and Rood,J.I. [EBI] Woese C.R.; [RDP] Woese,C.R." |
920 | file " [DEW] Pseaer2.BPG [EBI] parrsaa.em_ba" |
921 | date " [RDP] 15-SEP-1990 [EBI] 10-JUL-1990 (Rel. 24, Created)|04-SEP-1991 (Rel. 29, Last updated, Version 2)" |
922 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA ribosomal RNA small subunit ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] P.aeruginosa 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU" |
923 | db_name " [RDP,EBI] Pseudomonas aeruginosa [DEW] Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2" |
924 | id " [EBI] PARRSAA [RDP] Ps.aerugin" |
925 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Aerobic rods and cocci; Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas." |
926 | seqcheck "ARB_BFC83A3D" |
927 | %) /*species*/ |
928 | |
929 | species :5000 %% (% |
930 | name :7600 "PseFlave" |
931 | full_name :4400 "Pseudomonas flavescens" |
932 | acc "U01916" |
933 | title " [DEW] Pseudomonas flavescens sp. nov., isolated from walnut blight cankers [RDP,EBI] Pseudomonas flavescens sp. nov., isolated from walnut blight cankers" |
934 | journal " [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44, 410-415 (1994) [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 410-415 [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:410-415(1994). Submitted (20-SEP-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. John L. Johnson, Biochemistry and Anaerobic Microbiology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0305, USA" |
935 | author " [DEW] Hildebrand D.C., Palleroni N.J., Henderson M., Toth J. and Johnson J.L. [EBI] Hildebrand D.C., Palleroni N.J., Henderson M., Toth J., Johnson J.L.; Johnson J.L.; [RDP] Hildebrand,D.C., Palleroni,N.J., Hendson,M., Toth,J. and Johnson,J.L." |
936 | file " [EBI] b6216s.em_ba [DEW] Psefla.BPG" |
937 | date " [EBI] 04-JAN-1994 (Rel. 38, Created)|17-FEB-1995 (Rel. 42, Last updated, Version 4) [RDP] 28-SEP-1993" |
938 | gene " [DEW] SSU [EBI_KW] . [EBI_DE] Pseudomonas flavescens B62 16S ribosomal RNA." |
939 | db_name " [RDP,EBI,DEW] Pseudomonas flavescens" |
940 | id " [RDP] Ps.flavesc [EBI] B6216S" |
941 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Aerobic rods and cocci; Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas." |
942 | seqcheck "ARB_AE303735" |
943 | %) /*species*/ |
944 | |
945 | species :5000 %% (% |
946 | name :7600 "HlmHalod" |
947 | full_name :4400 "Halomonas halodenitrificans" |
948 | acc "L04942" |
949 | warning "rdp sequence, differs in dew and ebi" |
950 | title " [RDP] Re-evaluating the Classification of Paracoccus of 16S ribosomal DNA halodenitrificans with Sequence Comparisons [DEW] Re-evaluating the Classification of Paracoccus halodenitrificans with Sequence Comparisons of 16S Ribosomal DNA [EBI] Re-evaluating the Classification of Paracoccus halodenitrificans with Sequence Comparisons of 16S Ribosomal DNA" |
951 | journal " [RDP] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44, 360-361 (1994) [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:360-361(1994). [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 360-361" |
952 | author " [RDP] Miller,J.M., Dobson,S.J., Franzmann,P.D. and McMeekin,T.A. [DEW] Miller J.J., Dobson S.J., Franzmann P.D. and McMeekin T.A. [EBI] Miller J.J., Dobson S.J., Franzmann P.D., McMeekin T.A.;" |
953 | file " [EBI] hlmrrna.em_ba [DEW] Parhal.BPG" |
954 | date " [EBI] 28-NOV-1993 (Rel. 37, Created)|14-JUL-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 3) [RDP] 23-MAY-1994" |
955 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [DEW] SSU [EBI_DE] Paracoccus halodenitrificans 16S ribosomal RNA sequence." |
956 | db_name " [DEW,EBI,RDP] Paracoccus halodenitrificans [RDP] Halomonas halodenitrificans" |
957 | id " [RDP] Par.halden [EBI] HLMRRNA" |
958 | tax " [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Aerobic rods and cocci; Paracoccus. [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma" |
959 | seqcheck "ARB_4A9FDEA5" |
960 | %) /*species*/ |
961 | |
962 | species :5000 %% (% |
963 | name :7600 "VibFurni" |
964 | acc "X76336" |
965 | full_name :4400 "Vibrio furnissii" |
966 | title " [DEW] Sequence determination of rRNA genes of pathogenic Vibrio species and whole-cell identification of Vibrio vulnificus with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes [EBI] Sequence determination of rRNA genes of pathogenic Vibrio species and whole-cell identification of Vibrio vulnificus with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes" |
967 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:330-337(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 330-337" |
968 | author " [EBI] Aznar R., Ludwig W., Amann R., Schleifer K.H.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Aznar R., Ludwig W., Amann R. and Schleifer K.H." |
969 | file " [EBI] vf16srr2.em_ba [DEW] Vibfur.BPG" |
970 | date " [EBI] 17-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|17-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
971 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] V.furnissii (ATCC 35016 T) 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU" |
972 | db_name " [EBI,DEW] Vibrio furnisii" |
973 | id " [EBI] VF16SRR2" |
974 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Facultatively anaerobic rods; Vibrionaceae; Vibrio." |
975 | seqcheck "ARB_F6BE0C94" |
976 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
977 | %) /*species*/ |
978 | |
979 | species :5000 %% (% |
980 | name :7600 "VibVulni" |
981 | acc "X76333" |
982 | full_name :4400 "Vibrio vulnificus" |
983 | title " [DEW] Sequence determination of rRNA genes of pathogenic Vibrio species and whole-cell identification of Vibrio vulnificus with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes [EBI] Sequence determination of rRNA genes of pathogenic Vibrio species and whole-cell identification of Vibrio vulnificus with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes" |
984 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:330-337(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 330-337" |
985 | author " [EBI] Aznar R., Ludwig W., Amann R., Schleifer K.H.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Aznar R., Ludwig W., Amann R. and Schleifer K.H." |
986 | file " [DEW] Vibvul.BPG [EBI] vv16srr.em_ba" |
987 | date " [EBI] 17-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|17-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
988 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] V.vulnificus (ATCC 27562 T) 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU" |
989 | db_name " [EBI,DEW] Vibrio vulnificus" |
990 | id " [EBI] VV16SRR" |
991 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Facultatively anaerobic rods; Vibrionaceae; Vibrio." |
992 | seqcheck "ARB_2A1D7435" |
993 | remark2 "seqcheck acc" |
994 | %) /*species*/ |
995 | |
996 | species :5000 %% (% |
997 | name :7600 "VibChole" |
998 | acc "X76337" |
999 | full_name :4400 "Vibrio cholerae" |
1000 | title " [DEW] Sequence determination of rRNA genes of pathogenic Vibrio species and whole-cell identification of Vibrio vulnificus with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes [EBI] Sequence determination of rRNA genes of pathogenic Vibrio species and whole-cell identification of Vibrio vulnificus with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes" |
1001 | journal " [EBI] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:330-337(1994). Submitted (23-NOV-1993) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W. Ludwig, Lehrst. f. Mikrobiologie TU Muenchen, 80290 Muenchen, FRG [DEW] Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. date 1994 vol 44 pgs 330-337" |
1002 | author " [EBI] Aznar R., Ludwig W., Amann R., Schleifer K.H.; Ludwig W.; [DEW] Aznar R., Ludwig W., Amann R. and Schleifer K.H." |
1003 | file " [EBI] vc16srrna.em_ba [DEW] Vibcho.BPG" |
1004 | date " [EBI] 17-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Created)|17-AUG-1994 (Rel. 40, Last updated, Version 2)" |
1005 | gene " [EBI_KW] 16S ribosomal RNA. [EBI_DE] V.cholerae (CECT 514 T) 16S rRNA gene. [DEW] SSU" |
1006 | db_name " [EBI,DEW] Vibrio cholerae" |
1007 | id " [EBI] VC16SRRNA" |
1008 | tax " [DEW] Bacteria|Proteobacteria Gamma [EBI] Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;|Facultatively anaerobic rods; Vibrionaceae; Vibrio." |
1009 | seqcheck "ARB_1F7AE5C4" |
1010 | remark2 " acc" |
1011 | %) /*species*/ |
1012 | |
1013 | %) /*species_data*/ |
1014 | |
1015 | merge %% (% |
1016 | remap_species_list "" |
1017 | remap_enable %i 0 |
1018 | %) /*merge*/ |
1019 | |
1020 | presets %% (% |
1021 | key_data %% (% |
1022 | key %% (% |
1023 | key_name "name" |
1024 | key_type %i 12 |
1025 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1026 | %) /*key*/ |
1027 | |
1028 | key %% (% |
1029 | key_name "full_name" |
1030 | key_type %i 12 |
1031 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1032 | %) /*key*/ |
1033 | |
1034 | key %% (% |
1035 | key_name "db_name" |
1036 | key_type %i 12 |
1037 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1038 | %) /*key*/ |
1039 | |
1040 | key %% (% |
1041 | key_name "tax" |
1042 | key_type %i 12 |
1043 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1044 | %) /*key*/ |
1045 | |
1046 | key %% (% |
1047 | key_name "acc" |
1048 | key_type %i 12 |
1049 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1050 | %) /*key*/ |
1051 | |
1052 | key %% (% |
1053 | key_name "id" |
1054 | key_type %i 12 |
1055 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1056 | %) /*key*/ |
1057 | |
1058 | key %% (% |
1059 | key_name "author" |
1060 | key_type %i 12 |
1061 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1062 | %) /*key*/ |
1063 | |
1064 | key %% (% |
1065 | key_name "title" |
1066 | key_type %i 12 |
1067 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1068 | %) /*key*/ |
1069 | |
1070 | key %% (% |
1071 | key_name "journal" |
1072 | key_type %i 12 |
1073 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1074 | %) /*key*/ |
1075 | |
1076 | key %% (% |
1077 | key_name "date" |
1078 | key_type %i 12 |
1079 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1080 | %) /*key*/ |
1081 | |
1082 | key %% (% |
1083 | key_name "file" |
1084 | key_type %i 12 |
1085 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1086 | %) /*key*/ |
1087 | |
1088 | key %% (% |
1089 | key_name "gene" |
1090 | key_type %i 12 |
1091 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1092 | %) /*key*/ |
1093 | |
1094 | key %% (% |
1095 | key_name "warning" |
1096 | key_type %i 12 |
1097 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1098 | %) /*key*/ |
1099 | |
1100 | key %% (% |
1101 | key_name "rdp_biovar" |
1102 | key_type %i 12 |
1103 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1104 | %) /*key*/ |
1105 | |
1106 | key %% (% |
1107 | key_name "seqcheck" |
1108 | key_type %i 12 |
1109 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1110 | %) /*key*/ |
1111 | |
1112 | key %% (% |
1113 | key_name "remark2" |
1114 | key_type %i 12 |
1115 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1116 | %) /*key*/ |
1117 | |
1118 | key %% (% |
1119 | key_name "tmp" |
1120 | key_type %i 12 |
1121 | key_hidden %i 0 |
1122 | %) /*key*/ |
1123 | |
1124 | %) /*key_data*/ |
1125 | |
1126 | use "ali_16s" |
1127 | %) /*presets*/ |
1128 | |
1129 | extended_data %% (% |
1130 | extended %% (% |
1131 | name :7000 "HELIX_NR" |
1132 | showsec %i 0 |
1133 | %) /*extended*/ |
1134 | |
1135 | extended %% (% |
1136 | name :7000 "HELIX" |
1137 | showsec %i 0 |
1138 | %) /*extended*/ |
1139 | |
1140 | extended %% (% |
1141 | name :7000 "ECOLI" |
1142 | errors %i 0 |
1143 | acc "J01695" |
1144 | full_name "Escherichia coli" |
1145 | aligned "12dec94" |
1146 | showsec %i 1 |
1147 | %) /*extended*/ |
1148 | |
1149 | extended %% (% |
1150 | name :7000 "POS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY" |
1151 | sai_group "default_group" |
1152 | showsec %i 0 |
1153 | %) /*extended*/ |
1154 | |
1155 | extended %% (% |
1156 | name :7000 "posvar_full_all" |
1157 | showsec %i 0 |
1158 | %) /*extended*/ |
1159 | |
1160 | extended %% (% |
1161 | name :7000 "primer_3" |
1162 | showsec %i 0 |
1163 | %) /*extended*/ |
1164 | |
1165 | extended %$ (% |
1166 | name :7000 "markerline" |
1167 | showsec %i 0 |
1168 | %) /*extended*/ |
1169 | |
1170 | extended %% (% |
1171 | name :7000 "Aaaa" |
1172 | showsec %i 0 |
1173 | %) /*extended*/ |
1174 | |
1175 | %) /*extended_data*/ |
1176 | |
1177 | tree_data %% (% |
1178 | tree_fml_16142 %% (% |
1179 | tree "N0.12766,0.034188;LNatMagad\AN0.0440714,0.163286;N0.0697446,0.070936;LMetMazei\ALMthBurto\ALMtsHunga\A" |
1180 | nnodes %i 3 |
1181 | remark "PRG=FASTDNAML FILTER=none PKG=olsen/felsenstein RATE=\n&&fastDNAml: version = '1.2.1', likelihood = -13725.51803488, ntaxa = 19, opt_level = 1, smoothed = 1" |
1182 | ruler %% (% |
1183 | size %f 0.1 |
1184 | LIST %% (% |
1185 | ruler_y %f 0.0161977 |
1186 | ruler_x %f 0.000797317 |
1187 | text_x %f -0.00137682 |
1188 | text_y %f -0.0113036 |
1189 | %) /*LIST*/ |
1190 | |
1191 | text_x %f 0 |
1192 | text_y %f 0 |
1193 | ruler_width %i 0 |
1194 | %) /*ruler*/ |
1195 | |
1196 | security %i 0 |
1197 | order %i 1 |
1198 | %) /*tree_fml_16142*/ |
1199 | |
1200 | tree_pars %% (% |
1201 | tree "N0.0108548,0.0108548;N0.1058,0.0155251;N0.00387222,0.121562;N0.0191113,0.0246548;N0.0350195,0.0201923;N0.0097229,0.109537;N0.0184466,0.0203149;N0.0158025,0.0787234;N0.0439771,0.0291819;N0.0690648,0.0356139;N0.0151229,0.14145;N0.0186829,0.01998;N0.0192864,0.0422406;N0.0717614,0.123989;N0.040146,0.0376007;N0.029517,0.0188004;LVibFurni\ALVibVulni\ALVibChole\ALHlmHalod\AN0.0469181,0.0358744;LPseAerug\ALPseFlave\AN0.158228,0.122028;LFrnPhilo\ALLegLytic\ALDchNodos\AN0.0324893,0.0436433;N0.0240964,0.149359;N0.106316,0.146212;LDsfDesul\ALSt0Isola\ALDslToluo\AN0.089539,0.0960352;LPelAcety\ALPelPropi\AN0.0952844,0.0537849;N0.0201149,0.089566;LAnaMargi\ALCowRumin\AN0.0807985,0.1;LAzoCauli\ALBraJapon\AN0.251016,0.170384;LBctFragi\ALRhoMarin\AN0.0770053,0.185617;N0.228022,0.272727;N0.0545295,0.056239;LChlPneum\ALChlTrach\ALPlaLimno\AN0.102588,0.0761559;LFusNecro\ALProModes\AN0.00757217,0.0338983;LMycChlor\ALBifBifid\AN0.0168234,0.143393;N0.0304878,0.154057;N0.123572,0.0373932;LNatMagad\AN0.04617,0.158337;N0.0726916,0.070936;LMetMazei\ALMthBurto\ALMtsHunga\ALDicTherm\AN0.0373066,0.0429224;LCalSacch\ALThnCellu\AN0,0.153705;N0.0373832,0.0472367;N0.0358999,0.166041;N0.0226843,0.0723112;N0.0177986,0.0783242;N0.0102756,0.0227058;N0.00744186,0.061762;N0.0122008,0.0292104;LCloCorin\ALCloParap\ALCloPerfr\AN0.0540541,0.0376665;LCloColla\ALCloSardi\ALCloTyrob\ALCloProte\AN0.0267775,0.023084;LCloBifer\ALCloGhoni\ALClrFervi\ALCloTherm\ALMooTherm\AN0.0135931,0.0299033;N0.0183066,0.0337029;N0.0537341,0.0102948;N0.018648,0.0603372;N0.0372727,0.0759734;N0.0139991,0.0173437;N0.0379919,0.0918728;N0.0318443,0.0300752;LLacPonti\ALLacReute\ALLacAcido\AN0.0318443,0.0503311;LLacFruct\ALLacSanfr\ALStrSaliv\ALCarAlter\AN0.0967169,0.0769911;N0.00980829,0.016696;N0.00709849,0.00886525;LStaHaemo\ALStaHomin\ALStaAureu\ALBacGlobi\ALBacLiche\ALBacMetha\ALBacStear\A" |
1202 | nnodes %i 59 |
1203 | remark "PRG=dnadist CORR=jukes_cantor FILTER=POS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY PKG=ARB\n[created as copy of 'tree_NJ']" |
1204 | security %i 0 |
1205 | ruler %% (% |
1206 | size %f 0.1 |
1207 | LIST %% (% |
1208 | ruler_y %f 0 |
1209 | ruler_x %f 0 |
1210 | text_x %f 0 |
1211 | text_y %f 0 |
1212 | %) /*LIST*/ |
1213 | |
1214 | ruler_width %i 0 |
1215 | %) /*ruler*/ |
1216 | |
1217 | order %i 2 |
1218 | %) /*tree_pars*/ |
1219 | |
1220 | tree_NJ_pars_lengths %% (% |
1221 | tree "N0.00708885,0.00708885;N0.0161061,0.00381679;N0.016152,0.00761905;N0.00558919,0.013579;N0.00279851,0.00289855;N0.0171674,0.00839944;N0.0152745,0.0267592;N0.0335893,0.0708861;N0.0120968,0.146643;N0.0456158,0.257833;N0.0133197,0.166205;N0.0433711,0.185448;N0.145606,0.0145822;LNatMagad\AN0.0502765,0.173182;N0.0666667,0.101478;LMetMazei\ALMthBurto\ALMtsHunga\ALStaHaemo\ALCloGhoni\ALDchNodos\ALBacLiche\ALClrFervi\AN0.164358,0.137961;LCloBifer\ALStaAureu\AN0.0331439,0.0719212;N0.0152526,0.0185275;N0.0123692,0.0230005;N0.0104812,0.012487;N0.0624113,0.206167;N0.0805106,0.11727;N0.0731949,0.11535;N0.0543953,0.245931;N0.017769,0.20327;N0.0308347,0.0436548;LBctFragi\AN0.129474,0.157732;LDsfDesul\ALSt0Isola\ALDslToluo\ALFrnPhilo\ALCloPerfr\ALCloColla\ALPelPropi\ALCloProte\AN0.148791,0.21086;LCloParap\ALMycChlor\AN0.0331061,0.179329;N0.247949,0.27102;LDicTherm\ALVibFurni\ALLacAcido\AN0.10531,0.157403;LBacGlobi\ALStrSaliv\AN0.0144648,0.0215054;LVibVulni\AN0.085669,0.17639;LAzoCauli\ALCloSardi\AN0.0520482,0.0272241;N0.176391,0.222422;N0.0327289,0.0318443;LLacPonti\ALLacReute\ALPseFlave\AN0.0408163,0.191083;LCloTherm\ALCalSacch\AN0.168589,0.245317;LMooTherm\ALRhoMarin\AN0.00551724,0.0440252;N0.128298,0.153369;LCarAlter\ALStaHomin\AN0.22192,0.181738;LBifBifid\ALPelAcety\AN0.0046729,0.0067731;N0.071681,0.12489;N0.0126459,0.2;N0.0624086,0.201432;N0.00301811,0.0117302;N0.18668,0.0335637;N0.039272,0.0831025;LAnaMargi\ALCowRumin\AN0.0727459,0.182153;N0.176604,0.200368;LBacStear\ALCloCorin\ALPseAerug\AN0.0631016,0.0630081;N0.195055,0.282628;N0.0510114,0.0544815;LChlPneum\ALChlTrach\ALPlaLimno\ALLegLytic\ALVibChole\ALBraJapon\ALBacMetha\AN0.0256937,0.0364173;N0.0646388,0.172131;N0.161742,0.200359;N0.104436,0.0897552;LFusNecro\ALProModes\ALHlmHalod\ALCloTyrob\AN0.0451514,0.237443;N0.0415745,0.0476821;LLacFruct\ALLacSanfr\ALThnCellu\A" |
1222 | nnodes %i 59 |
1223 | remark "PRG=dnadist CORR=jukes_cantor FILTER=POS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY PKG=ARB\n[created as copy of 'tree_NJ']" |
1224 | security %i 0 |
1225 | ruler %% (% |
1226 | size %f 0.1 |
1227 | LIST %% (% |
1228 | ruler_y %f 0 |
1229 | ruler_x %f 0 |
1230 | text_x %f 0 |
1231 | text_y %f 0 |
1232 | %) /*LIST*/ |
1233 | |
1234 | ruler_width %i 0 |
1235 | %) /*ruler*/ |
1236 | |
1237 | order %i 3 |
1238 | %) /*tree_NJ_pars_lengths*/ |
1239 | |
1240 | tree_NJ %% (% |
1241 | tree "N1.20794e-07,1.20794e-07;N5.36178e-09,5.13692e-07;N2.6823e-08,5.13692e-07;N1.01294e-07,5.11672e-07;N6.65139e-08,4.14239e-07;N5.34411e-07,3.15082e-07;N1.13907e-06,7.16579e-06;N1.36055e-06,6.06164e-06;N7.63187e-06,-7.59554e-06;N1.23855e-05,-1.69153e-05;N9.21659e-05,-5.63937e-05;N0.00139054,0.00671661;N0.014944,0.00649882;LNatMagad\AN0.00578574,0.0304762;N0.00100608,0.00605296;LMetMazei\ALMthBurto\ALMtsHunga\ALStaHaemo\ALCloGhoni\ALDchNodos\ALBacLiche\ALClrFervi\AN0.00703765,-1.18327e-05;LStaAureu\ALCloBifer\AN1.2028e-07,7.41039e-06;N9.25764e-07,7.01916e-07;N6.57095e-06,-6.57095e-06;N0.0141492,-3.10914e-05;LDicTherm\ALVibFurni\ALLacAcido\AN1.56168e-06,6.74319e-06;N3.94903e-06,4.99126e-06;N1.48935e-05,-2.44286e-05;N0.0001535,0.0141357;N0.000231034,0.006855;N0.000873399,-0.00037473;N0.00145389,0.00577492;N0.00162711,0.00356337;LBctFragi\AN0.00641692,0.00307688;LSt0Isola\ALDsfDesul\ALDslToluo\ALFrnPhilo\ALCloPerfr\ALCloColla\ALPelPropi\ALCloProte\AN-1.21249e-05,0.00703794;LCloParap\ALMycChlor\AN0.00703748,-1.1668e-05;LStrSaliv\ALBacGlobi\AN9.57905e-07,7.50668e-06;LVibVulni\AN-1.25744e-05,1.25744e-05;LCloSardi\ALAzoCauli\AN8.71008e-07,7.51314e-06;N-6.8609e-06,6.8609e-06;LCalSacch\ALCloTherm\AN0.0070884,-2.9366e-05;N0.0071434,0.00697466;LLacPonti\ALLacReute\ALPseFlave\AN0.00703983,-1.40191e-05;LMooTherm\ALRhoMarin\AN8.6323e-07,7.44164e-06;N6.35181e-06,-6.35181e-06;LCarAlter\ALStaHomin\AN-1.36336e-05,0.00703945;LBifBifid\ALPelAcety\AN2.70727e-06,2.27964e-07;N1.07651e-05,-1.07651e-05;N2.51562e-05,-2.51562e-05;N1.74899e-05,-6.04537e-05;N0.000718602,0.000768073;N0.000988143,0.00617481;LLegLytic\AN0.0292277,0.0147038;N0.00720378,0.00691429;LChlTrach\ALChlPneum\ALPlaLimno\AN0.00107696,0.00646355;N0.00174288,-0.00174288;N-0.00340997,0.00340997;LBacStear\ALCloCorin\ALPseAerug\AN0.00344312,-0.000162454;LAnaMargi\ALCowRumin\ALVibChole\ALBraJapon\ALBacMetha\AN8.83039e-07,7.38748e-06;N-6.70158e-06,6.70158e-06;LThnCellu\AN0,-0;LLacSanfr\ALLacFruct\AN1.28789e-05,-1.28789e-05;N3.01765e-05,-3.01765e-05;N0.00717832,0.0142517;LFusNecro\ALProModes\ALHlmHalod\ALCloTyrob\A" |
1242 | nnodes %i 59 |
1243 | remark "PRG=dnadist CORR=jukes_cantor FILTER=POS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY PKG=ARB" |
1244 | security %i 0 |
1245 | ruler %% (% |
1246 | size %f 0.1 |
1247 | LIST %% (% |
1248 | ruler_y %f 0 |
1249 | ruler_x %f 0 |
1250 | text_x %f 0 |
1251 | text_y %f 0 |
1252 | %) /*LIST*/ |
1253 | |
1254 | ruler_width %i 0 |
1255 | %) /*ruler*/ |
1256 | |
1257 | order %i 4 |
1258 | %) /*tree_NJ*/ |
1259 | |
1260 | %) /*tree_data*/ |
1261 | |
1262 | description "User text" |
1263 | focus %% (% |
1264 | tree_name "tree_pars" |
1265 | configuration "other" |
1266 | %) /*focus*/ |
1267 | |
1268 | nt %% (% |
1269 | target_string "AAACUCAAA" |
1270 | itarget_string "AAACUCAAA" |
1271 | primer_target_string "" |
1272 | gene_content "" |
1273 | %) /*nt*/ |
1274 | |
1275 | awt %% (% |
1276 | dtree %% (% |
1277 | show_circle %i 1 |
1278 | radial %% (% |
1279 | %) /*radial*/ |
1280 | |
1281 | dendro %% (% |
1282 | %) /*dendro*/ |
1283 | |
1284 | %) /*dtree*/ |
1285 | |
1286 | %) /*awt*/ |
1287 | |
1288 | submission %% (% |
1289 | %) /*submission*/ |
1290 | |
1291 | arb_edit %% (% |
1292 | top_area_species "" |
1293 | bottom_area_species "" |
1294 | %) /*arb_edit*/ |
1295 | |
1296 | ARB_EDIT %% (% |
1297 | action "" |
1298 | value "" |
1299 | awar "" |
1300 | %) /*ARB_EDIT*/ |
1301 | |
1302 | pars %% (% |
1303 | pars_type %i 0 |
1304 | %) /*pars*/ |
1305 | |
1306 | genetic %% (% |
1307 | kh %% (% |
1308 | nodes %f 1.7 |
1309 | maxdepth %i 15 |
1310 | incdepth %i 5 |
1311 | static %% (% |
1312 | enable %i 1 |
1313 | depth0 %i 2 |
1314 | depth1 %i 2 |
1315 | depth2 %i 2 |
1316 | depth3 %i 2 |
1317 | depth4 %i 1 |
1318 | %) /*static*/ |
1319 | |
1320 | dynamic %% (% |
1321 | enable %i 1 |
1322 | start %i 100 |
1323 | maxx %i 6 |
1324 | maxy %i 150 |
1325 | %) /*dynamic*/ |
1326 | |
1327 | function_type %i 5 |
1328 | %) /*kh*/ |
1329 | |
1330 | %) /*genetic*/ |
1331 | |
1332 | genom_db %i 0 |
1333 | sai_visualize %% (% |
1334 | %) /*sai_visualize*/ |
1335 | |
1336 | MAUS %% (% |
1337 | excl_acc "" |
1338 | %) /*MAUS*/ |
1339 | |
1340 | checks %% (% |
1341 | check "fix gene_data" |
1342 | check "fix_dict_compress" |
1343 | check "del_mark_move_REF" |
1344 | check "duplicated_item_colors" |
1345 | %) /*checks*/ |
1346 | |
1347 | track %% (% |
1348 | initials "westram" |
1349 | %) /*track*/ |
1350 | |
1351 | secedit %% (% |
1352 | structs %% (% |
1353 | ali_16s %% (% |
1354 | current %i 0 |
1355 | struct %% (% |
1356 | name "Default" |
1357 | data "VERSION=3\nLOOP={\n\tRADIUS=0:0\n\tREL=0\n\tSTRAND={\n\t\tSEQ=2:3\n\t\tREL=0\n\t\tLENGTH=0:0\n\t\tLOOP={\n\t\t\tRADIUS=0:0\n\t\t\tREL=0\n\t\t\tSEGMENT={\n\t\t\t\tSEQ=3:0\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tSEQ=0:1\n\t}\n\tSEGMENT={\n\t\tSEQ=1:2\n\t}\n}\n" |
1358 | ref "...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................x....................................................................................................................................................................x........................................................................................x...............................................................................................................................................................................................................x..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................." |
1359 | %) /*struct*/ |
1360 | |
1361 | %) /*ali_16s*/ |
1362 | |
1363 | %) /*structs*/ |
1364 | |
1365 | %) /*secedit*/ |
1366 | |
1367 | table_data %% (% |
1368 | %) /*table_data*/ |
1369 | |
1370 | configuration_data %% (% |
1371 | configuration %% (% |
1372 | name "some" |
1373 | top_area "\ASHELIX_NR\ASHELIX\ASECOLI" |
1374 | middle_area "\AGSAI-Maingroup\AFSAI:SAI's\ASAaaa\ASmarkerline\ASposvar_full_all\ASprimer_3\AE\AFSAI:default_group\ASPOS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY\AE\AE\AFMore Sequences\AE\ALNatMagad\ALMetMazei\ALMthBurto\ALMtsHunga\ALLacPonti\ALLacReute\ALPseFlave\ALCloTherm\ALCalSacch" |
1375 | %) /*configuration*/ |
1376 | |
1377 | configuration %% (% |
1378 | name "other" |
1379 | top_area "\ASHELIX_NR\ASHELIX\ASECOLI" |
1380 | middle_area "\AGSAI-Maingroup\AFSAI:SAI's\ASAaaa\ASmarkerline\ASposvar_full_all\ASprimer_3\AE\AFSAI:default_group\ASPOS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY\AE\AE\AFMore Sequences\AE\ALBctFragi\ALDsfDesul\ALSt0Isola\ALDslToluo\ALFrnPhilo\ALLacPonti\ALLacReute\ALPseFlave\ALCloTherm\ALCalSacch" |
1381 | %) /*configuration*/ |
1382 | |
1383 | configuration %% (% |
1384 | name "rest" |
1385 | top_area "\ASHELIX_NR\ASHELIX\ASECOLI" |
1386 | middle_area "\AGSAI-Maingroup\AFSAI:SAI's\ASAaaa\ASmarkerline\ASposvar_full_all\ASprimer_3\AE\AFSAI:default_group\ASPOS_VAR_BY_PARSIMONY\AE\AE\AFMore Sequences\AE\ALVibFurni\ALVibVulni\ALVibChole\ALHlmHalod\ALPseAerug\ALLegLytic\ALDchNodos\ALPelAcety\ALPelPropi\ALAnaMargi\ALCowRumin\ALAzoCauli\ALBraJapon\ALRhoMarin\ALChlPneum\ALChlTrach\ALPlaLimno\ALFusNecro\ALProModes\ALMycChlor\ALBifBifid\ALDicTherm\ALThnCellu\ALCloCorin\ALCloParap\ALCloPerfr\ALCloColla\ALCloSardi\ALCloTyrob\ALCloProte\ALCloBifer\ALCloGhoni\ALClrFervi\ALMooTherm\ALLacAcido\ALLacFruct\ALLacSanfr\ALStrSaliv\ALCarAlter\ALStaHaemo\ALStaHomin\ALStaAureu\ALBacGlobi\ALBacLiche\ALBacMetha\ALBacStear" |
1387 | %) /*configuration*/ |
1388 | |
1389 | %) /*configuration_data*/ |
1390 | |
1391 | tmp %% (% |
1392 | message %% (% |
1393 | pending %% (% |
1394 | %) /*pending*/ |
1395 | |
1396 | %) /*message*/ |
1397 | |
1398 | %) /*tmp*/ |
1399 | |