1 | <HTML><!--Generated from XML - XSLT-Stylesheet by Ralf Westram (ralf@arb-home.de) --><HEAD><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><META NAME="Author" CONTENT="ARB development"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="86400"><TITLE>ARB help: Unittest example helpfile</TITLE><style type="text/css"> |
2 | div { |
3 | margin-left:+10pt; |
4 | padding-top:3pt; |
5 | padding-bottom:3pt; |
6 | } |
7 | h3 { |
8 | font-weight:normal; |
9 | padding:0px; |
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11 | margin:0px; |
12 | } |
13 | </style></HEAD><BODY LEFTMARGIN="10" TEXT="black" BGCOLOR="white" LINK="blue" VLINK="green" ALINK="red"><TABLE width="95%"><TR><TD align="left" valign="top"><FORM method="GET" action="http://www.google.com/search" name="google"><A HREF="http://www.google.com"><IMG SRC="Logo_25wht.gif" width="75" height="32" border="0" ALT="Google" align="absmiddle"></A><INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="q"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="hl" value="en"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="as_sitesearch" value="help.arb-home.de"><INPUT TYPE="text" name="q2" size="31" maxlength="255"><INPUT type="submit" name="btnG" VALUE="Search help" onClick="google.q.value=google.q2.value;return true;"><INPUT type="submit" name="btnG" VALUE="Search site" onClick="google.as_sitesearch.value='arb-home.de';google.q.value=google.q2.value;return true;"></FORM></TD><TD valign="top" align="right"><FONT size="-1"><NOBR>More docs on the |
14 | <A href="http://rtfm.arb-home.de/">ARB website</A>.</NOBR><BR> |
15 | See also <A href="help_index.html">index</A> of helppages.<BR> |
16 | Last update on |
17 | 08. Sep 2021 |
18 | . |
19 | </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE border="0" width="98%" align="center"><TR bgcolor="#ccccff"> |
20 | <TD valign="top" width="50%">Main topics:<BR><UL><LI><A href="arb.html">ARB: a Short Introduction</A></LI><LI><A href="glossary.html">Glossary</A></LI></UL></TD> |
21 | <TD valign="top">Related topics:<BR><UL><LI><A href="aci.html">ARB Command Interpreter (ACI)</A></LI><LI><A href="srt.html">Search and Replace Tool (SRT)</A></LI></UL></TD> |
22 | </TR><TR><TD colspan="2"><H1>Unittest example helpfile</H1><UL><LI><A href="#OCCURRENCE">OCCURRENCE</A></LI><LI><A href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</A></LI><LI><A href="#CUSTOM____A_custom_section.">CUSTOM A custom section.</A></LI><LI><A href="#Wanted_fixes">Wanted fixes</A></LI><LI><A href="#FEATURE_TESTS">FEATURE TESTS</A></LI><LI><A href="#NESTED_LISTS">NESTED LISTS</A></LI><LI><A href="#NOTES">NOTES</A></LI><LI><A href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</A></LI><LI><A href="#WARNINGS">WARNINGS</A></LI><LI><A href="#BUGS">BUGS</A></LI></UL><A name="OCCURRENCE"></A><H2>OCCURRENCEÂ <A href="#OCCURRENCE">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
23 | <DIV><H3>nowhere</H3></DIV> |
24 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="DESCRIPTION"></A><H2>DESCRIPTIONÂ <A href="#DESCRIPTION">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
25 | <DIV><H3>This is the first paragraph of the description. It may be continued on the next line.</H3></DIV> |
26 | <DIV><H3>Another paragraph also belonging to description. It is followed by an enumeration on the same indentation level:</H3></DIV> |
27 | <OL><LI> |
28 | first enum |
29 | </LI><LI> |
30 | second enum which is continued on the next line. Now this is no longer misinterpreted as monospaced paragraph. |
31 | </LI><LI> |
32 | third enum |
33 | </LI></OL><BR> |
34 | <DIV><H3>Again a paragraph - a one liner followed by an item list. It is no longer misplaced now!</H3></DIV> |
35 | <UL><LI> |
36 | item 1 |
37 | </LI><LI> |
38 | item 2 |
39 | </LI><LI> |
40 | item 3 contains 2 lines |
41 | </LI></UL><BR> |
42 | </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="CUSTOM____A_custom_section."></A><H2>CUSTOM A custom section. <A href="#CUSTOM____A_custom_section."> </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
43 | <DIV><H3>Acts like DESCRIPTION, despite the SECTION line will be part of the headline. In DESCRIPTION it would be part of the first paragraph.</H3></DIV> |
44 | <DIV><H3>First i need to check proper support for different indentation levels.</H3><DIV> |
45 | This paragraph has to be indented one level deeper than the previous paragraph. |
46 | </DIV><DIV> |
47 | That paragraph should be on the same level. |
48 | <DIV> |
49 | Here is another one, even deeper. |
50 | </DIV> |
51 | <DIV> |
52 | Same, same. |
53 | </DIV> |
54 | </DIV><DIV> |
55 | Back one step. |
56 | <DIV> |
57 | One step down - ignoring deeper indentation in source. |
58 | </DIV> |
59 | <DIV> |
60 | Consecutive paragraphs are only placed on the same level if their indentation matches. |
61 | </DIV> |
62 | <DIV> |
63 | Using the indentation level used 4 paragraphs above, wont help here. |
64 | <DIV> |
65 | But the "wrong" indentation of the previous paragraph forces this paragraph to get indented one level deeper than the paragraphs before. |
66 | </DIV> |
67 | <DIV> |
68 | This does not step back. |
69 | </DIV> |
70 | <DIV> |
71 | same same. |
72 | </DIV> |
73 | </DIV> |
74 | </DIV></DIV> |
75 | <DIV><H3>Back to top (end of indentation tests).</H3></DIV> |
76 | </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="Wanted_fixes"></A><H2>Wanted fixes <A href="#Wanted_fixes"> </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
77 | <DIV><H3>Paragraphs containing multiple spaces will be treated as monospaced. This is done to support tabular information like the following:</H3><DIV> |
78 | <PRE><FONT color="navy" size="-1"> other |
79 | column column |
80 | row 1 2 |
81 | row2 - 3</FONT></PRE> |
82 | </DIV></DIV> |
83 | <DIV><H3>Problems occur if there are empty lines inside such a table, like here:</H3><DIV> |
84 | <PRE><FONT color="navy" size="-1"> other |
85 | column column</FONT></PRE> |
86 | </DIV><DIV> |
87 | <PRE><FONT color="navy" size="-1">row 1 2 |
88 | row2 - 3</FONT></PRE> |
89 | </DIV><DIV> |
90 | (should better be combined) |
91 | </DIV></DIV> |
92 | <DIV><H3>Here is an itemlist whose items are triggered by '*':</H3><UL><LI> |
93 | item1 continued on next line |
94 | </LI><LI> |
95 | item2 |
96 | </LI><LI> |
97 | item3 |
98 | </LI></UL><BR></DIV> |
99 | <DIV><H3>Itemlist containing paragraphs under some items</H3><UL><LI> |
100 | item 1 |
101 | </LI><LI> |
102 | item 2 |
103 | <DIV> |
104 | This is a short description of item 2. This description gets indented below the corresponding item. |
105 | </DIV> |
106 | </LI><LI> |
107 | item 3 |
108 | <DIV> |
109 | This is a shorter description of item 3. |
110 | </DIV> |
111 | </LI></UL><BR><DIV> |
112 | This is a paragraph which should be placed outside the itemlist. Currently this is misinterpreted as part of the itemlist. |
113 | </DIV></DIV> |
114 | <DIV><H3>And this paragraph should be back where we were before the itemlist began.</H3></DIV> |
115 | <DIV><H3>Enumeration also work if using letters instead of digits. You can use capital letters as in the following enum</H3></DIV> |
116 | <OL type="A"><LI> |
117 | first enum |
118 | </LI><LI> |
119 | 2nd enum |
120 | </LI><LI> |
121 | third enum |
122 | </LI><LI> |
123 | last enum |
124 | </LI></OL><BR> |
125 | <DIV><H3>or small letters like here:</H3><OL type="a"><LI> |
126 | first enum |
127 | </LI><LI> |
128 | 2nd enum |
129 | </LI><LI> |
130 | third enum |
131 | </LI><LI> |
132 | last enum |
133 | </LI></OL><BR></DIV> |
134 | <DIV><H3>Check some "illegal" itemlists:</H3><DIV> |
135 | ---------------------- |
136 | </DIV><DIV> |
137 | -noitem |
138 | </DIV><DIV> |
139 | <PRE><FONT color="navy" size="-1">- eithernoitem</FONT></PRE> |
140 | </DIV><DIV> |
141 | ********************** |
142 | </DIV><DIV> |
143 | *noitem |
144 | </DIV><DIV> |
145 | <PRE><FONT color="navy" size="-1">* eithernoitem</FONT></PRE> |
146 | </DIV></DIV> |
147 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="FEATURE_TESTS"></A><H2>FEATURE TESTSÂ <A href="#FEATURE_TESTS">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
148 | <DIV><H3>Here all existing helpfile features should be tested:</H3><UL><LI> |
149 | first testing an inlined link to another help file: <A href="srt.html">ÂŽSearch and Replace Tool (SRT)ÂŽ</A> |
150 | </LI><LI> |
151 | and a link to the arb homepage <A href="http://www.arb-home.de/">http://www.arb-home.de/</A> followed by text. |
152 | </LI><LI> |
153 | arb help also supports mail-links (like <A href="mailto:devel@arb-home.de?subject=Concerning%20helppage%20unittest.xml">devel@arb-home.de</A>). All 3 sorts of links should be clickable in the html version. |
154 | </LI></UL><BR></DIV> |
155 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="NESTED_LISTS"></A><H2>NESTED LISTSÂ <A href="#NESTED_LISTS">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
156 | <DIV><H3>text before enum</H3></DIV> |
157 | <OL><LI> |
158 | first enum |
159 | <DIV> |
160 | text below first enum |
161 | </DIV> |
162 | <UL><LI> |
163 | first item below first enum |
164 | </LI><LI> |
165 | second item below first enum |
166 | <OL><LI> |
167 | first subenum below second item |
168 | <UL><LI> |
169 | first item below first subenum |
170 | </LI><LI> |
171 | second item below first subenum |
172 | </LI></UL><BR> |
173 | </LI><LI> |
174 | second subenum below second item |
175 | <DIV> |
176 | text before subsubenum |
177 | </DIV> |
178 | <OL><LI> |
179 | first subsubenum below second subenum |
180 | </LI><LI> |
181 | second subsubenum below second subenum |
182 | </LI></OL><BR> |
183 | <DIV> |
184 | text behind subsubenum |
185 | </DIV> |
186 | </LI><LI> |
187 | third subenum below second item |
188 | </LI></OL><BR> |
189 | </LI><LI> |
190 | third item below first enum |
191 | </LI></UL><BR> |
192 | </LI><LI> |
193 | second enum |
194 | <DIV> |
195 | This text is not indented more than the second enum, but is nevertheless interpreted as sub-elements which belongs to the enum. |
196 | </DIV> |
197 | </LI><LI> |
198 | third enum |
199 | <DIV> |
200 | behind the last enum, text only becomes a son of the enum-entry if it is indented. |
201 | </DIV> |
202 | </LI></OL><BR> |
203 | <DIV><H3>text behind enum</H3></DIV> |
204 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="NOTES"></A><H2>NOTESÂ <A href="#NOTES">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
205 | <DIV><H3>Note that this test may help me.</H3></DIV> |
206 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="EXAMPLES"></A><H2>EXAMPLESÂ <A href="#EXAMPLES">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
207 | <DIV><H3>The whole file is just an example.</H3></DIV> |
208 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="WARNINGS"></A><H2>WARNINGSÂ <A href="#WARNINGS">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
209 | <DIV><H3>This text wont help you.</H3></DIV> |
210 | <DIV><H3>Even if i add more paragraphs here, it will not get more useful.</H3></DIV> |
211 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><A name="BUGS"></A><H2>BUGSÂ <A href="#BUGS">Â </A></H2><TABLE width="100%" border="0"><TR><TD align="right"><TABLE width="97%" border="0"><TR><TD> |
212 | <DIV><H3>will be detected by the unit test checking the files into which this file gets converted.</H3></DIV> |
213 | </TD></TR><TR><TD>Â </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML> |