source: trunk/UNIT_TESTER/run/impexp/conv.EMBL_2_GENBANK.expected

Last change on this file was 7046, checked in by westram, 14 years ago
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1LOCUS       AF375552;     310 bp    RNA             RNA       31-MAY-2001
2DEFINITION  Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain NCDO2118 tmRNA gene,
3            partial sequence.
4ACCESSION   AF375552;
5KEYWORDS    No information.
6SOURCE      Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
7  ORGANISM  Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
8REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 310)
9  AUTHORS   Schoenhuber,W., Le Bourhis,G., Tremblay,J., Amann,R. and
10            Kulakauskas,S.
11  JOURNAL   BMC Microbiol. 1(1), 20-20 (2001)
12  TITLE     Utilization of tmRNA sequences for bacterial identification
13  STANDARD  No information
14REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 310)
15  AUTHORS   Schoenhuber,W., Le Bourhis,G., Tremblay,J., Amann,R.I. and
16            Kulakauskas,S.
17  JOURNAL   Submitted (02-MAY-2001) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
18            Microbiology, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
19            Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy-en-Josas 78352, France
20  TITLE     No information
21  STANDARD  No information
22COMMENTS    Organism information
23              Culture collection: NCDO 2118 tmRNA gene
24            Sequence information (bases 1 to 310)
25              Corresponding GenBank entry: AF375552;
26            Please note: all these entries have been modified for test purposes.
27            *source: strain=NCDO2118 tmRNA gene, partial sequence;
28            *source: subspecies=lactis;
29BASE COUNT      91 a     59 c     74 g     86 t
31        1 cattgtcgcg catgaactgc aactgctgag ggatcaggat aatcatccgc agataaatat
32       61 aactgctaaa aataatacac aaacttacgc aatggcagcc taaacagcac catgcgtgcc
33      121 tgatttttgc tcactgatgg caatttgacg gcctaaactt ttagtcagat acgttgttgt
34      181 ggaggcttga cgcagcaaaa gagatttaaa gccccgcaaa atgtcgctgt ttgagactgg
35      241 ctttggcatt ttgttaaatt tgagaaagtc ctatggttgt agacgttgat gtagcaaggt
36      301 gtttggacag
38LOCUS       A1MVRNA2      281 bp    RNA             RNA       07-NOV-1985
39DEFINITION  Alfalfa mosaic virus (A1M4) RNA 2.
40ACCESSION   X01572; J02002; K02702;
41KEYWORDS    unidentified reading frame.
42SOURCE      Alfalfa mosaic virus
43  ORGANISM  Alfalfa mosaic virus
44REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 2593)
45  AUTHORS   Cornelissen,B.J., Brederode,F.T.M., Veeneman,G.H., van Boom,J.H.
46            and Bol,J.F.
47  JOURNAL   No information
48  TITLE     Complete nucleotide sequence of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 2
49  STANDARD  No information
50COMMENTS                Data kindly reviewed (30-JAN-1986) by J.F. Bol
51BASE COUNT      74 a     52 c     56 g     99 t
53        1 gtttttatct tttcgcgatt gaaaagataa gtttttcagt ttaatctttt caatatgttc
54       61 actcttttga gatgtctcgg attcggtgtt aatgaaccta ctaacacttc ctcatcagag
55      121 tatgttcccg agtattccgt tgaagagatt tccaacgaag tcgctgaact cgattcagtg
56      181 gatccattat tccaatgtta caaacatgtt tttgtatcat tgatgctcgt aagaaagatg
57      241 actcaagctg ccgaagactt cctcgagagt tttgggggag a
59LOCUS       ER781674_1    350 bp    RNA             RNA       25-OCT-2010
60DEFINITION  No information.
61ACCESSION   ER781674;
62KEYWORDS    No information.
63SOURCE      No information.
64  ORGANISM  No information.
66  AUTHORS   No information
67  JOURNAL   No information
68  TITLE     No information
69  STANDARD  No information
70COMMENTS    Organism information
71              Source of strain: This is the content of the special entry
72                    'Source of strain'
73              Former name: This is the content of the special entry 'Former
74                    name'
75              Alternate name: This is the content of the special entry
76                    'Alternate name'. It is quite long, since i need to test
77                    some special entry which occupies many lines and when i
78                    say many lines, i really mean at least five lines, so i
79                    could not stop writing before i came here.
80              Common name: This is the content of the special entry 'Common
81                    name'
82              Host organism: This is the content of the special entry 'Host
83                    organism'
84            Sequence information (bases 1 to 350)
85              RDP ID: This is the content of the special entry 'RDP ID'
86              Corresponding GenBank entry: ER781674;
87              Sequencing methods: This is the content of the special entry
88                    'Sequencing methods'
89              5' end complete: Yes
90              3' end complete: No
91            Organism and Sequence information have only been added for
92            test purposes. They are complete nonsense!
93BASE COUNT      51 a    109 c    124 g     66 t
95        1 tggcgccgta gatgcagcgc gactggcccg gcttctcggc gtcgaggtac tgcgccacgg
96       61 ccttggcgct ggccacgtcc gggcagacca cgatgctctt gcgtgagccg gcgacgtgga
97      121 cgatgccctt ggccagttcg atcatcgtct ggtcgttggt gatccgggcg gcgatctcgg
98      181 cgtcggaata gtccttctcg ccggcctcgt tctccgccac ggtcagcgtg gagaagtcga
99      241 tggagacgcg gacgaacgcc tgcttggcgg ggcagagcca taccgttggc catgcctcac
100      301 aggatgtcgc ggttgaaggc gaggccctgg aacaggttgg ccatcgccac
102LOCUS       AY704744_1    350 bp    RNA             RNA       25-OCT-2010
103DEFINITION  No information.
104ACCESSION   AY704744;
105KEYWORDS    No information.
106SOURCE      No information.
107  ORGANISM  No information.
109  AUTHORS   No information
110  JOURNAL   No information
111  TITLE     No information
112  STANDARD  No information
113COMMENTS    Sequence information (bases 1 to 350)
114              5' end complete: No
115              3' end complete: Yes
116            Next 2 lines are nonsense
117BASE COUNT     100 a     75 c     77 g     98 t
119        1 gcatcgatga agaacgcagc gaaatgcgat aagtaatgtg aattgcagaa ttcagtgaat
120       61 catcgaatct ttgaacgcac attgcgccca ttagtattct agtgggcatg cctgttcgag
121      121 cgtcatttca acccttaagc ttagcttagt attgggaatc tgcttaaccg cagctcctta
122      181 aatctagttg gcagagcaca gctgtactct gagcgtagta attcattatc tcgctttctg
123      241 aagacagtcg tacgatagcc acaaactttg catcttgcaa actttttaat ggttgacctc
124      301 ggatcaggta ggaatacccg ctgaacttaa gcatatcaat aagcggagga
126LOCUS       Y15714;      1546 bp    RNA             RNA       17-NOV-1998
127DEFINITION  Macrococcus bovicus 16S rRNA gene.
128ACCESSION   Y15714;
129KEYWORDS    16S ribosomal RNA; 16S rRNA gene.
130SOURCE      Macrococcus bovicus
131  ORGANISM  Macrococcus bovicus
133  AUTHORS   Kloos,W.E., Ballard,D.N., George,C.G., Webster,J.A., Hubner,R.J.,
134            Ludwig,W., Schleifer,K.H., Fiedler,F. and Schubert,K.
135  JOURNAL   Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 48, 859-877 (1998)
136  TITLE     Delimiting the genus Staphylococcus through description of
137            Macrococcus caseolyticus gen. nov., comb. nov. and the new species
138            Macrococcus equipercicus sp. nov., Macrococcus bovicus sp. nov.,
139            and Macrococcus carouselicus sp. nov.
140  STANDARD  No information
141REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1546)
142  AUTHORS   Ludwig,W.
143  JOURNAL   Submitted (26-NOV-1997) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases. W.
144            Ludwig, Lehrstuhl fuer Mikrobiologie, Technische Universitaet
145            Muenchen, Munich, FRG
146  TITLE     No information
147  STANDARD  No information
148BASE COUNT     401 a    353 c    470 g    320 t      2 others
150        1 agagtttgat nngggctcag gatgaacgct ggcggcgtgc ctaatacatg caagtcgagc
151       61 ggacagacga ggtgcttgca cctctgaagt cagcggcgga cgggtgagta acacgtgggt
152      121 aacctacctg taagactggg ataacttcgg gaaaccggag ctaataccgg ataatatttt
153      181 ccacctcatg gtggaatagt gaaagacggt tttgctgtca cttacagatg gacccgcggc
154      241 gcattagcta gttggtgagg taacggctca ccaaggcgac gatgcgtagc cgacctgaga
155      301 gggtgatcgg ccacactggg actgagacac ggcccagact cctacgggag gcagcagtag
156      361 ggaatcttcc gcaatggacg aaagtctgac ggagcaacgc cgcgtgagtg aagaaggtct
157      421 tcggatcgta aaactctgtt gtaagggaag aacaagtacg ttagtaactg aacgtacctt
158      481 gacggtacct taccagaaag ccacggctaa ctacgtgcca gcagccgcgg taatacgtag
159      541 gtggcaagcg ttatccggaa ttattgggcg taaagcgcgc gtaggcggtt tcttaagtct
160      601 gatgtgaaag cccccggctc aaccggggag ggtcattgga aactgggaga cttgagtgca
161      661 gaagaggaga gtggaattcc atgtgtagcg gtgaaatgcg cagagatatg gaggaacacc
162      721 agtggcgaag gcggctctct ggtctgtaac tgacgctgag gtgcgaaagc gtggggatca
163      781 aacaggatta gataccctgg tagtccacgc cgtaaacgat gagtgctaag tgttgggggg
164      841 tttccgcccc tcagtgctgc agctaacgca ttaagcactc cgcctgggga gtacggtcgc
165      901 aagactgaaa ctcaaaggaa ttgacgggga cccgcacaag cggtggagca tgtggtttaa
166      961 ttcgaagcaa cgcgaagaac cttaccaaat cttgacatcc tctgacaact ctggagacag
167     1021 agcgttcccc ttcgggggac agagtgacag gtggtgcatg gttgtcgtca gctcgtgtcg
168     1081 tgagatgttg ggttaagtcc cgcaacgagc gcaaccctta tctttagttg ccatcattca
169     1141 gttgggcact ctagagagac tgccggtgac aaaccggagg aaggtgggga tgacgtcaaa
170     1201 tcatcatgcc ccttatgatt tgggctacac acgtgctaca atggatggta caaagggcag
171     1261 caaaaccgcg aggtcaagca aatcccataa aaccattctc agttcggatt gtagtctgca
172     1321 actcgactac atgaagctgg aatcgctagt aatcgtagat cagcatgcta cggtgaatac
173     1381 gttcccgggt cttgtacaca ccgcccgtca caccacgaga gtttgtaaca cccgaagccg
174     1441 gtggagtaac ctttacagga gctagccgtc gaaggtggga cagatgattg gggtgaagtc
175     1501 gtaacaaggt agccgtatcg gaaggtgcgg ctggatcacc tccttt
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