source: trunk/UNIT_TESTER/run/impexp/conv.GENBANK_2_GCG.expected

Last change on this file was 7046, checked in by westram, 14 years ago
File size: 1.9 KB
1LOCUS       AF375552;     327 bp    RNA             RNA       31-MAY-2001
2DEFINITION  Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain NCDO2118 tmRNA gene,
3            partial sequence.
5KEYWORDS    No information.
6SOURCE      Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis.
7  ORGANISM  Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis.
8REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 310)
9  AUTHORS   Schoenhuber,W., Le Bourhis,G., Tremblay,J., Amann,R. and
10            Kulakauskas,S.
11  JOURNAL   BMC Microbiol. 1(1), 20-20 (2001)
12  TITLE     Utilization of tmRNA sequences for bacterial identification
13  STANDARD  No information
14REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 310)
15  AUTHORS   Schoenhuber,W., Le Bourhis,G., Tremblay,J., Amann,R.I. and
16            Kulakauskas,S.
17  JOURNAL   Submitted (02-MAY-2001) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
18            Microbiology, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
19            Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy-en-Josas 78352, France
20  TITLE     No information
21  STANDARD  No information
22COMMENTS    Organism information
23              Culture collection: NCDO 2118 tmRNA gene
24            Sequence information (bases 1 to 310)
25              Corresponding GenBank entry: AF375552;
26            Please note: all these entries have been modified for test purposes.
27            *source: strain=NCDO2118 tmRNA gene, partial sequence;
28            *source: subspecies=lactis;
29BASE COUNT      91 a     59 c     74 g     86 t
32AF375552;  Length: 310  October 25, 2010  12:13:24  Type: N  Check: 3578  ..
34       1  cattgtcgcg catgaactgc aactgctgag ggatcaggat aatcatccgc
36      51  agataaatat aactgctaaa aataatacac aaacttacgc aatggcagcc
38     101  taaacagcac catgcgtgcc tgatttttgc tcactgatgg caatttgacg
40     151  gcctaaactt ttagtcagat acgttgttgt ggaggcttga cgcagcaaaa
42     201  gagatttaaa gccccgcaaa atgtcgctgt ttgagactgg ctttggcatt
44     251  ttgttaaatt tgagaaagtc ctatggttgt agacgttgat gtagcaaggt
46     301  gtttggacag 
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