Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#804 replace using regular expressions refuses to replace "nothing" new devel defect critical
#227 AISC cant handle strings longer than 1024 new devel task major
#120 Treenames used as keys new devel enhancement normal
#560 add custom sort criteria to search&query new devel enhancement normal
#723 printing: directly print to pdf new devel enhancement normal arb7.x
#733 create SAI from filter definition window new devel enhancement normal wishlist
#739 import of MRE consensus tree from raxml imports bootstraps as group names new devel defect normal
#783 improve group search new devel enhancement normal
#422 neighbourjoining does copy the complete matrix new devel optimization minor
#677 Abort (via ESC) does not work correctly in multifurcation mode new devel defect minor
#713 Tweak shader functionality new devel activism minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.