Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#316 closed defect (fixed)

Concatenate Alignments crashes if <<none>> is selected

Reported by: aboeckma Owned by: devel
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Library (GUI) Version: gtkport
Keywords: Cc:


  • click Sequence → Concatenate Alignments
  • Select <<none>> on both sides
  • click the single right arrow in the middle ( the second one from the top)

Stack trace:

AW_selection_list_entry::get_displayed (this=(const AW_selection_list_entry *) 0x0)
AW_selection_list::get_selected_value (this=(const AW_selection_list *) 0x104271710)
AW_selection_list::default_is_selected (this=(const AW_selection_list *) 0x104271710)
AW_subset_selection::collect_subset_cb (this=(AW_subset_selection *) 0x104271c00, what=ACM_ADD)
collect_subset_cb (what=ACM_ADD, cl_subsel=4364639232)
AW_cb_struct::run_callback (this=(AW_cb_struct *) 0x104272760)
AW_window::click_handler (aw_cb_struct=(gpointer) 0x104272760)
_g_closure_invoke_va ()
g_signal_emit_valist ()
g_signal_emit ()
gtk_real_button_released ()
_g_closure_invoke_va ()
g_signal_emit_valist ()
g_signal_emit ()
gtk_button_button_release ()
_gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED ()
g_closure_invoke ()
signal_emit_unlocked_R ()
g_signal_emit_valist ()
g_signal_emit ()
gtk_widget_event_internal ()
gtk_propagate_event ()
gtk_main_do_event ()
gdk_event_dispatch ()
g_main_context_dispatch ()
g_main_context_iterate ()
g_main_loop_run ()
gtk_main ()
AW_root::main_loop (this=(AW_root *) 0x102b15660)
startup_gui (cl=(NtreeCommandLine &) @0x7fff5fbff9d8: {\n  <Noncopyable> = {<No data fields>}, \n  members of NtreeCommandLine: \n  _vptr$NtreeCommandLine = 0x1003b61b8, \n  arg_count = 0, \n  args = 0x7fff5fbffa80, \n  help_requested = false, \n  do_import = false, \n  macro_name = 0x0\n}, error=(ARB_ERROR &) @0x7fff5fbff9d0: {\n  error = {\n    object = 0x104009680\n  }\n})
ARB_main (argc=1, argv=(char **) 0x7fff5fbffa78)
main (argc=1, argv=(char **) 0x7fff5fbffa78)

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by aboeckma

The same happens for all other arrow buttons in that window

comment:2 follow-up: Changed 11 years ago by aboeckma

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

comment:3 in reply to: ↑ 2 Changed 11 years ago by westram

by [10107]

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