Opened 10 years ago

#605 new misbehavior

add ambiguous partials next to inner nodes

Reported by: westram Owned by: devel
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: ARB_PARSIMONY Version: SVN
Keywords: Cc:


When adding partial sequences, it often happens that multiple possible insert positions (PIP) are detected. This happens whenever the full-length sequences (considered for insertion) do not differ in the alignment region which is covered by the partial sequence.

Currently arb warns ("Insertion of '<name>' is ambiguous") and chooses the first ambiguous PIP.

Wanted behavior:

  • if all PIPs form one subtree ⇒ insert partial as brother of that subtree
  • if the PIPs spread all over the tree ⇒ reject insertion
  • if sth inbetween ⇒ ???

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