Opened 6 years ago

#794 new enhancement

Taxonomy compare via 'group duplicate search'

Reported by: westram Owned by: devel
Priority: normal Milestone: proposals
Component: ARB_NTREE Version: SVN
Keywords: Cc:


Group duplicate search (as implemented in "Search groups" module) could help to compare taxonomies defined by groups in two different topologies:

  • for all duplicate clusters containing exactly 2 groups from 2 different trees, a taxonomy mismatch penalty (XMP) could be calculated in the same way as done for "Move groups" (introduced with #780)
    • clusters with more than 2 hits cannot be compared due to ambiguous group names (e.g. meaningless for sth like 'uncultured')
  • XMP could be used
    • to sort results (for taxonomy curation)
    • to exclude results from duplicate search (delete and retransfer groups; related #791)

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