Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#758 new enhancement

Improve usability of tree-selection lists

Reported by: westram Owned by: devel
Priority: normal Milestone: wishlist
Component: ARB_NTREE Version: SVN
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by westram)

Access to trees in ARB is very primitive, esp. if one has stored many trees.


  • provide additional columns (between 'name' and 'comment')
    • content defined by ACI (details below)
    • (existing) size-column could be defined using ACI as well
  • allow to sort by custom columns (or by hardcoded name column)
    • Note: sorting automatically interferes with manually sorting trees (solution: provide 'manual order' as sort criteria; allow order-commands only when manual order is selected)
    • allow to change the order for display (selector in tree-admin)
      • use that order for all tree selection lists (update list when order changes)
    • allow to use current display order as new "manual order" (button in tree-admin)

Implementation details:

Plugin context specific ACI-commands (needs #756) to provide direct access to

  • name of used filter
  • resulting alignment columns (as proposed by #757)
  • name of tree-reconstruction tool
  • other custom (and probably tool-specific) information
    (e.g. used rate-distribution model stored with RAxML-trees)

The plugin-commands have to be smart enough to detect whether tree-information is present (and what kind of info). Trees generated via external commands AND by more recent arb-versions contain a parse-able format, e.g. something like PRG=RAxML FILTER=termini_5_3/gap_95_mar16 RATE= DIST=GTRGAMMA-25 ALGO=new rapid hill climbing.

  • check when this had been introduced into ARB
  • if possible, avoid to accept prior format (which might be similar to current!!!)

requires: #756
required by: #757

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by westram

  • Milestone set to proposals

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by westram

  • Milestone changed from proposals to wishlist

because required by #757

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by westram

  • Description modified (diff)
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