Opened 8 years ago

#732 new enhancement

simplify sequence export from GDE interface (treeing-tools)

Reported by: westram Owned by: westram
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: GDE Version: SVN
Keywords: Cc:



Treeing tools called via GDE basically perform 3 different actions:

  1. build a new tree
  2. calculate something with existing tree (e.g. tree-optimize/-evaluate)
  3. add extra species into existing tree

The sequences of the following species have to be exported in these cases:

  1. marked or all
  2. all species that are members of the tree
    user has to unmark all species + mark all species in tree
  3. same as 2. plus all extra species
    user has to mark only extra species + mark all species in tree

Wanted behavior:

  1. leave as is (=export marked or all)
  2. ignore species marks and always export species which are members of selected tree
  3. export marked plus members of selected tree

Providing that behavior has some implications:

  • tree selection has to become a global option (like marked/all- or alignment-selection)
  • marked/all-selection has to be expanded with two new options: treemembers, marked+treemembers
  • (de-)selecting a tree could toggle between
    • marked ↔ marked+treemembers
    • all ↔ treemembers

Some error cases could/should be checked by GDE interface:

  • no tree selected AND treemembers exported
  • overlap between marked and treemembers (only warn?)
  • …?

Related: #681

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